Chronic Diseases & Therapy (IJCDT)
International Journal of Chronic Diseases & Therapy (IJCDT) ISSN 2572-7613 is a comprehensive, peer-review journal devoted to Chronic Diseases & Therapy. IJCDT, published by SciDoc is an Open Access journal that includes high quality papers, which cover all major areas of Chronic Diseases & Therapy. SciDoc with its Open Access publication model spreads all the day-to-day development and research to readers around the world.
IJCDT retain its interest in evolutionary research as an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of Chronic Diseases & Therapy. It provides a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Chronic Diseases & Therapy.
IJCDT publishes original research, latest developments, review papers, scientific data, editorials from leading scientists and scholars around the world including but, not limited to the following fields:
Acceptability and Detection of High-Risk Human Papilloma Virus using Self-Collected Sampling forCervical Cancer Screening among HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Women in Tanzania- Research Article
Kandali Samwel1*, Julius Mwaiselage1, Redempta Mbatia2, Madalyn Nones3, Pendo Bukori2, Francis Nyakubene2, Benedicta Masanja2, Richard F. MacLehose3,
Keith J. Horvath4, Shalini Kulasingam3
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