Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for SciDoc Journals

Presentation of manuscripts should be consistent with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to SciDoc Journals. Your manuscript should be double-spaced throughout.

Article type
Word limit*
Figures and tables
Original research
Yes, 250 words
Review and series articles
Yes, 250 words
Research letters
Short Communication
Yes, 200 words
Case Report
Yes, 200 words
*This doesn’t include abstract, tables, figures, their legends and references


Cover Letter: All submissions should be accompanied by a 500 word or less cover letter briefly stating the significance of the research, agreement of authors for publication, number of figures and tables, supporting manuscripts and supplementary information.

Also, include current telephone and fax numbers, as well as postal and E-mail address of corresponding author to maintain communication.

It requires specific statements to be included for Conflict of Interest.

Article Title: Article title limited to 25 words

Author Details:

Author Name 1 “* for corresponding author”
Author Name 2
Author Name 3
City, Postcode, Country
City, Postcode, Country
City, Postcode, Country


SciDoc Journals provide the rapid monthly publication of articles in all areas related to STM (Science, Technology & Medicine). We welcome the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of scientific excellence and dissemination. Papers will be published approximately one month after acceptance.

Author must follow these instructions while preparing/modifying the article. All articles must be according to PMC guidelines for proper indexing in PubMed. When preparing your paper for publication, we strongly advise that you pay particular attention to your research methods, key results and language. Given that the manuscript must be written in English, if English is not your mother tongue we recommend that you have your paper proofread to ensure its accuracy and improve the language quality.


Keyword 1; Keyword 2; Keyword 3; Keyword 4; Keyword 5.
The major keywords that highlight the significance of the study and emphasize the study need to be mentioned. Abbreviations can be listed as keywords, in such a case they should be written in Upper Case. (3-10 keywords)


The introduction should include the introductory part of the methods, methodologies, innovative thoughts, and any techniques that would be used in the manuscript. It should clearly state the purpose/objective of the research work/study. A brief introduction about any part of the manuscript will help the readers, to find the information about manuscript accordingly.


Methods and materials used in the manuscript and the statements that support the selection of that exclusive method.

Main text may include the following subdivisions to complete the entire manuscript content. The following subdivisions change according to the article type

4.1 Sub Heading1
4.2 Sub Heading 2

All figures must be aligned Centered and quality/format should be as PMC. Figures should follow certain image specifications to index the manuscript with PubMed. Please find the specifications:
Supported figure formats are: JPEG, PNG, and Tiff.

A suitable title and short explanation should be provided in figure legends. Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals and cited in the text. Good quality (minimum 92 DPI) image should be provided.

Figures should be numbered and should be provided with clear legend which helps us in inserting the figures in an article accordingly (Figure 1).

{Figure legends should be typed in numerical order on a separate sheet.}

TABLE 1: LEGEND: This is Table 1.
Column A
Column B
Column C
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Value 4
Value 5
Value 6

All tables must be aligned Centered. Authors can provide the data either in word document or in excel document and author can make use of multiple tables for submission. Tables should be uploaded at the end of the document after the “References section”. The column and row’s border has to be visible. Tables should contain specific numbers and labels and legends as of figures and should be mentioned in the manuscript text which aids readers to understand the content accordingly.


The main findings of the study should be linked with the purpose of the study. The data from the other part of the manuscript like Introduction/Results section should not be repeated in detail. Points to be discussed according to the assumptions made and conclusions concluded and discussion should support the manuscript in all the ways to have a high rate in finding the article.


Acknowledgement helps us in finding the quality of the article where work supported by many organizations would be rated high. Authors need to provide the funding details and the grant numbers (if any). They might acknowledge their supported work. Should also include a Conflict of Interest (in not mentioned in the cover letter).


The references should be numbered and appear in the order they appear in the text. When referring to a reference in the text of the document, put the number of the reference in square brackets. Eg: [1] or [1,5-7,28].References are numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first cited in the text.

• The author name should be represented as: the first name should be represented as an initial after the last name.
For example: Micheal Simpson should be written as Simpson M.

• Once the author names is provided, indicate the year in the form of brackets.
For example: Lu X, Al-Qadiri HM, Lin M, Rasco BA (2011)

• The title of an article, shall precede after the year.
For example:: Lu X, Al-Qadiri HM, Lin M, Rasco BA (2011) Application of mid-infrared and Raman spectroscopy to the study of bacteria.

• After the title is provided, the journal name will be represented as journal short name.
For example: Lu X, Al-Qadiri HM, Lin M, Rasco BA (2011) Application of mid-infrared and Raman spectroscopy to the study of bacteria. Food Bioprocess Technol

• The volume number along with the issue number should be provided after the journal short name.
For example: Lu X, Al-Qadiri HM, Lin M, Rasco BA (2011) Application of mid-infrared and Raman spectroscopy to the study of bacteria. Food Bioprocess Technol 4(6)

• The final step involved is providing the first and the last page of the article, after the volume number.
For example: Lu X, Al-Qadiri HM, Lin M, Rasco BA (2011) Application of mid-infrared and Raman spectroscopy to the study of bacteria. Food Bioprocess Technol 4(6): 919-935.

Authors are requested to provide at least one online link to each reference (preferably PubMed).

Journals/Published Papers

1. Laemmli UK (1970) Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4. Nature 227: 680-685.
2. Brusic V, Rudy G, Honeyman G, Hammer J, Harrison L (1998) Prediction of MHC class II- binding peptides using an evolutionary algorithm and artificial neural network. Bioinformatics 14: 121-130.
3. Doroshenko V, Airich L, Vitushkina M, Kolokolova A, Livshits V, et al. (2007) YddG from Escherichia coli promotes export of aromatic amino acids. FEMS Microbiol Lett 275: 312-318.
4. Carreras E, Turner S, Frank MB, Knowlton N, Osban J, Centola M, et al. Estrogen receptor signaling promotes dendritic cell differentiation by expression of the transcription factor IRF4. Blood. 2010; 115(2): 238-46. DOI: 10.1021/ac544342.

Note: Please list the first five authors and then add “et al.” if there are more additional authors.


The author(s) should be followed by the paper title, the publication title, the cited date and then the web page.

EX: Electronic Journal Articles Entrez Programming, Utilities, Dec 2010:


Author name (year) Title of book. (Edition number), publishing company, Location of publishing company.

1. Baggot JD (1999) Principles of drug disposition in domestic animals: The basis of Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology. (1stedn), W.B. Saunders company, Philadelphia, London, Toronto.
2. Zhang Z (2006) Bioinformatics tools for differential analysis of proteomics expression profiling data from clinical samples. Taylor & Francis CRC Press.
3. Schor AM. Adolescent pregnancy. 2nd Ed. Wiecz RR, editor. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2001.


1. Hofmann T (1999) The Cluster-Abstraction Model: unsupervised learning of topic hierarchies from text data. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
2. Christensen S, Oppacher F. An analysis of Koza’s computational effort statistic for genetic programming. In: Foster JA, Lutton E, Miller J, Ryan C, Tettamanzi AG, editors. Genetic programming. EuroGP 2002: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Genetic Programming; 2002 Apr 3-5; Kinsdale, Ireland. Berlin: Springer; 2002. p. 182-91.


Figure 1: Legend of the figure1
Figure 2: Legend of the figure 2
Table 1: Legend of the table 1
Table 2: Legend of the table 2


SciDoc is an Open Access publisher on the way to be the world leader in the provision of STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) Open Access content. SciDoc Publishers (SDP) publish high-quality, independently peer-reviewed research and reviews of the scientific and clinical research communities. SciDoc Publishers have an open access journal publishing papers of high quality in all areas of Cancer, Pharmacy, Nanotechnology related fields, especially novel concepts, new methods, new regimens, new therapeutic agents, and alternative approaches for early detection and intervention of diseases.

All the authors are encouraged to read the recomendations at
 Download here (Manuscript Preparation Document)

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