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Mikio Moriyasu, Gulf Fisheries Centre, Canada
"SciDoc provides fastest barrier free publication process as an Open Access Publication in wide range of subjects and disciplines by ensuring accelerated world-wide distribution of high quality scientific publications to the entire scientific community."
Mohamed Ibrahim Salman, Mansoura University, Egypt
"It was a great experience for me to publish with SciDoc Publishers. The entire procedure of submitting, reviewing and accepting the paper were quick and I never had any problems of getting in touch with either the editor or the publishing staff regarding the progress of publishing. They were very helpful and provide immediate response and feed back."
Ajeet Kumar, Clarkson University, USA
"International Journal of Nano Studies & Technology (IJNST) is a pioneer of open access journal. It provides updated information about the rapidly growing areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. I am extremely impressed by the prompt processing and speed of publication. The entire process from submission till publication is easy and quick. The quality of the published articles is very educational to the entire scientific community around the globe. The reviewers provided excellent suggestions that greatly increased the quality of the paper. I feel honored of being associated with this journal. I highly recommend publication in International Journal of Nano Studies & Technology (IJNST)"."
Shirley Telles, Patanjali Research Foundation, India
"Medical Biotechnology is a vast and rapidly growing field. I consider it an honor to be part of the editorial team of the International Journal of Medical Biotechnology. The journal continues to grow in scope and outreach. With a new calendar year we look forward to novel and innovative manuscripts. I know that IJMBG has a lot to offer academically and will do my best to contribute to it."
Rajeev Singhai, Asian Cancer Research Institute and Apex Hospitals, India
"SciDoc provides fastest barrier free publication process as an Open Access Publication in wide range of subjects and disciplines by ensuring accelerated world-wide distribution of high quality scientific publications to the entire scientific community. I will recommend it as another good outlet for scientific and medical research that allows wide dissemination of results."A. Papagianni, Hippokration General Hospital, Greece
"I believe that two issues are important for both journal's success and spreading of science: short review time and rapid reply to authors and as low as possible publication cost. Moreover, I think that authors of an accepted article should be encouraged to submit their research again.I have already recommended SciDoc to my colleagues and I am looking forward to our collaboration."