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Narayan S. Hosmane, Northern Illinois University, USA.
"I have full faith that the SciDoc Publishers will ensure that the reputation of IJBCMB will be enhanced by making it the highest cited and top-ranked journal in the near future. I wish the entire team of SciDoc Publishers a great success in journal publishing!"Read MoreAndrew Sarkin, University of California, USA.
"The publication process with SciDoc was among the fastest and easiest that I have experienced. I will submit to SciDoc journals again and would recommend it as another good outlet for scientific research that allows wide dissemination of results."Farid Menaa, Bionanomics Ltda, Brazil.
"I am very happy to be an editorial board member of the fast-growing International Journal of Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics (IJFS). This privilege allows me to keep updated about the most recent breakthrough discoveries and contribute better in the field. I am also grateful to my colleagues, IJFS reviewers and editors, for the tremendous efforts and seriousness to peer-review and process quality manuscripts, which is Open-Access, and in a relatively short time period.For sure, IJFS deserves important recognition worldwide."
Mukesh Kumar, Pacific Center for Emerging Infectious Disease Research, USA.
"The publication process with SciDoc is among the fastest and easiest. I will recommend it as another good outlet for scientific research that allows wide dissemination of results"
Xianquan Zhan, Central South University, China.
International Journal of Chronic Diseases & Therapy (IJCDT) is an excellent, comprehensive, academic platform and carrier to record, communicate, and discuss high-quality original researches, reviews, opinions, hypotheses, and research-highlights in the field of a wide-spectrum chronic disease from basic research to clinical practice. I recommend this new journal to all potential readers who are interested in and work in the field of chronic diseases."
Stephen Paul Gatt, University of New South Wales, Australia.
"The International Journal of Anesthesiology & Research (IJAR) endeavours to provide a service which was previously unfilled by standard journals. Acceptance of study results, which are peer reviewed, are handled rapidly and efficiently. This is unlike the situation for submission to other journals and publishers where the process may take many weeks - sometimes running to over 50 weeks. SciDoc has proved to be a friendly and easy way to handle submissions and to publish our studies. The journal continues to gather momentum. I recommend it to you"