Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics (IJFS)
International Journal of Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics (IJFS) ISSN:2326-3350 is an international peer reviewed journal publishing papers in applied Nutrition, Food science and Dietetics.
IJFS publishes scientific articles to provide its members and the larger scientific community with scientific information that is important and of current interest. This is done in accordance with the highest standards of professional ethics. Under the editorial guidance of a team of experts, the journal aims to deliver a wide range of solutions and provide latest developments in Food science, Nutrition and Dietetics.
IJFS publishes original research, latest developments, review papers, scientific data, editorials from leading scientists and scholars around the world including but, not limited to the following fields:
Environmental Impact on Processing Quality of Wheat Grain - Review Article
Melaku Tafese Awulachew*
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