Effect Of Blended Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, And Boron With Potassium Fertilizer Application Rates On Yield And Yield Components Of Common Bean ( Phaseolus Vulgaris L. ) At Bakadawula Ari District, South Omo, Southern Ethiopia
Merineh Tamiru1, Dawit Dalga1, Mesfin Kassa1*
1 Department of Plant Sciences, Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia.
*Corresponding Author
Mesfin Kassa,
Department of Plant Science, College of Agriculture, Wolaita Sodo University, P. Box 138, Ethiopia.
E-mail: mesfine2004@gmail.com
Received: April 16, 2021; Accepted: May 07, 2021; Published: May 19, 2021
Citation: Merineh Tamiru, Dawit Dalga, Mesfin Kasa. Effect Of Blended Nitrogen, Phosporus, Sulfur And Boron Withpotassium Fertilizer Application Rates On Yield And Yield Components Of Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) At Bakadawula Ari District, South Omo, Southern Ethiopia. Int J Plant Sci Agric. 2021;04(03):145-155.
Copyright: Mesfin Kassa�2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is one of the most important pulse crop considered as source of food and income for smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. However,common bean production was constrained due to low soil fertility and poor crop management practices are the major constraints for common bean production in the study area. In order to improve productivity, to determine the effect of blended NPSB and K fertilizer application rates and to suggest economically feasible rates of blended NPSB and K fertilizer application were studied at Bakadawula District, Southern Ethiopia in 2019. The treatments were 4 levels of blended NPSB (0, 75, 150 and 225kg ha-1) and five levels of K fertilizer rates (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120kg ha-1) and laid out in a factorial arrangement in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Data on Phenological, growth, yield and yield components were collected and analyzed using SAS software. The result showed that the interaction effect of blended NPSB and K fertilizer application rates were significantly early for days to flowering (40 days), leaf area index (4.45), the highest pods per plant (35.87), seeds per pod (6.7) and grain yield (3444.2.4kg) obtained from 150 kg NPSB and 60kg K ha-1 application rates. The economic analysis indicated that the highest net return 37728 ETB ha-1 were obtained from blended NPSB 150kg ha-1 and 60kg K ha-1 with a marginal rate of return of 273.3%. Based on the results of this study, it could be concluded that a combination of blended NPSB 150kg ha-1 with 60kg K, ha-1 application rate to be superior for the production of common bean in the study area.
3.Materials and Methods
4.Results and Discussion
Blended Fertilizer; Common Bean; Grainyield; Production.
The Common bean is a major grain legume consumed worldwide
for its edible seeds and pods. It is a highly polymorphic warm-season,
herbaceous annual crop. The common bean crop regarded as
a �grain of hope�. It is an important component of subsistence
agriculture grown worldwide over an area of about 28.78 million
hectares with an annual production of 23.14 million tonnes [24]
and feeds about 300 million people in the tropics and 100 million
people in Africa alone. In terms of global pulse production, the
common bean alone with 23 million tonnes accounts for about
half of the total pulse production [23].
Common bean is a short season annual crop, which is under
production in both main and short (belg) growing seasons. It is
produced by over 4 million smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. In
the 2018/19 cropping season, the area covered by white and red
common bean was 88,302.71 and 200,334.52 hectares of land [9].
Thus, totally 288,637.23 hectare of land was covered by beans
with a total annual production of 4,883,201.7 quintals mainly
from three regions (Oromiya, SNNPS and Amhara) of the country
where Oromiya region alone covers (37.15%)of the total production
followed by SNNPS (31.9%) and Amhara Regional States
(26.23%) and the rest regions covered 4.72% [9].
The national average yields of white and red haricot bean was
17.08and 16.8 quintal ha-1 while the SNNP regional average yields
of white and red haricot bean 17.21 and 15.64 quintals ha-1 CSA
(2019) is by far below the average yield reported at research sites
(2.5 to 3.0tone ha-1) [26]. Common bean is largely produced in
the South Omozone, it covers annually about 14,203.25 hectares
and production of 187,624.93 quintals with an average yield of 13.21 quintal ha-1(South Omo zone Department of A&NRM
annual report, 2011). The low national, regional and zonal average
yield might be attributed to a combination of several production
constraints. Among others, poor soil fertility management
and low nutrient availability associated with low pH of the soils
are among the tops. The farmers in Bakadawula District primarily
cultivated the common bean in association with other crops
as a secondary intercrop (especially intercrop with maize) and its
management is often not directly to the crop but to that of the
primary intercrop.
Nitrogen is the most important essential nutrient in plant nutrition.
Phosphorus plays an important role in energy storage and
transfer in crop plants. Although P is essential for photosynthesis
and other physico-chemical processes in the plant, it is deficient in
most agricultural soils or where fixation limits its availability [22].
Potassium is required for various biochemical and physiological
processes that are responsible for plant growth and development.
Potassium takes part in protein synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism,
and enzyme activation [60]. Sulfur plays a vital role in chlorophyll
formation [52] and a constituent of a number of organic
compounds [46]. Boron is an essential element for better utilization
of macro-nutrients by plants and thereby greater translocation
of photo-assimilates from source to sink during the growth
period [4]. Many different authors reported NPKSB nutrients
requirements for common bean growth and yield [44, 55, 61, 19].
A few farmers in the study area have been using a uniform blanket
application of only 100 kg DAP ha-1 (18 kg N and 46 kg P2O5 ha-1)
for common bean to increase crop yields and this did not consider
soil fertility status and crop requirement. This emphasizes
the importance of developing an alternative means to meet the
demand of nutrients in plants by using blended NPSB and K that
contains S, B and K in addition to the commonly used N and P
fertilizers. However, no studies have been done on the response
of common bean to the rates of blended NPSB and K fertilizer
application. Thus, the present study was carried out with the following
? To evaluate the effect of blended NPSB and K fertilizer application
rates on yield and yield components of common beans
? To suggest economically feasible rates of blended NPSB and K
fertilizer in BakadawulaDistrict,Southern Ethiopia.
Material and Methods
Field experiment was conducted in the main growing season
(Meher), 2019/20, in Kaysa Kebele of Bakadawula District,
South Omo zone, Southern Ethiopia, which is 725 km southwest
of Addis Ababa. It is geographically located at an altitude of
1443 meters above sea level in between 0360 40.259� N latitude
and 050 38.332� E longitudes. It receives mean annual rainfall
of 950mm and maximum and minimum temperatureswere35�c,
15�C, respectively. In 2019, the area received a monthly minimum
of 14.2mm and a maximum 252 mm mean rainfall, and 18.70c
and 15.30c maximum and minimum temperature, respectively.
The experimental site soil is sandy soil, and soil pH5.27.
Treatments and Experimental Design
The treatment consisted of a factorial combination of four levels
of Blended NPSB (0, 75, 150, 225Kg ha-1) and five levels of K
(0, 30, 60, 90, 120kg K ha-1) fertilizer and one released common
bean varieties (Awassa Dume) as test crop. Treatments were laid
out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) in factorial
arrangement and replicated three times. Each plot sized of a
single plot was 2.4mx2m (4.8m2) and consisting six rows of which
one row on both sides of each plot and 30cm on both ends of
each row served as a border to avoid edge effects. The four central
rows were used for data collection. Thus, the net plot size was
1.6m x 1.4m (2.24 m2) and the total net area used for this study
was 288 m2.
Experimental Procedure and Management of the Crop
The experimental site measuring 60 m by 15m was cleared and
oxen ploughed to a depth of about 25-30 cm. It was cleared
from all unwanted materials and layout was taken against soil
fertility gradient and slope. The field layout was prepared, divided
into block, and again each block divided into plots. After the
randomization of treatment was done, the proposed inter-intra
row spacing prepared. The blocks were separated by a 1m wide
open space, whereas the plots within a block were separated by a
0.5 m wide space and inter and Intra row space is 40Cm and 10cm,
respectively, each of which accommodated 120 plants within
plots. Sowing was done on 2 September, 2019 at Kaysakebele of
Bakadawula District farmers� field site. One seed was planted in
each hole with a depth of 4 cm. The entire Blended NPSB and
KCl fertilizer were used as a source of mineral nutrients and full
doses which varied depending on treatments were drilled in rows
just before sowing. All recommended crop management practices
such as weeding, hoeing, etc., were done uniformly for all
treatments. Common bean from the net plot area was harvested
and threshed manually when 90% of the leaves and pods turned
yellow and dried under the sun for 5 days before threshing.
Soil Sampling and Analysis
The representative soil sample was taken using an auger at top
0-20 cm depth in a zigzag pattern from different places of the
experimental field before planting (Table 1). The collected soil
samples were composited to one sample and air-dried ground
and sieved using a 2 mm sieve. The collected soil sample was
analyzed at Areka Agricultural Research Center soil laboratory
to determine the soil�s physical and chemical properties. Soil pH
was determined at 1:2.5 soils to water ratio using a glass electrode
attached to pH digital meter [59]. The soil texture was carried out
using the hydrometer method [43]. Total nitrogen was determined
by using the Kjeldahl method [28]. Available phosphorus was
determined by Olsen�s method using extraction with sodium
bicarbonate [42]. Available potassium was determined by Morgan
solution extraction. Organic carbon and organic matter (OM) was
determined. Available sulfur was measured using a turbid metric
method [19]. Available boron was determined by Dilute HCL
methods. The Cation exchange capacity (CEC) was determined
by using the 1N ammonium acetate (NH4-AOc) method as
described by Cottenie (1980) [11].
Data Collection and Measurement
Phonological data and growth parameter: Days to 50%
flowering (No): Number of days from the date of sowing to the date on which at least 50% of the plants have at least one flower
was counted as a whole plant baseand the number of days to 50%
flowering used for statistical analysis.
Days to 90% physiological maturity (No): The number of days
from planting to the period when 90% Physiological maturity was
recorded as a whole plot base and the number of days to 90%
Physiological maturity used for statistical analysis.
Plant height (cm): At physiological maturity, the plant height
was measured by a ruler from 5 randomly selected plants from the
base of the plant to the top of the apex.
The Number of main branches per plant (No): At physiological
maturity, main branches emerge directly from the main stem of
5 randomly selected plants were counted for statistical analysis.
Leaf area index (cm2): LAI was calculated as the ratio of total
leaf area to ground the area occupied by the plant. In determining
LAI, all leaves on five randomly selected plants were measured
by leaf area meter at 50% flowering and their leaf areas were
recorded and values of leaf area were divided with ground area
Number of effective nodules (No): Bulked roots of 5 randomly
taken plants were carefully exposed at flowering and uprooted
for nodulation study. Roots were carefully washed under gently
flowing tap water on a screen and nodules were separated and
counted. The effectiveness of the nodules was checked by cutting
cross-section of the nodule for color judgment as a percentage
of the pink to the dark red color being effective and the cream
(white) ineffective.
Yield and yield components: Five plants from internal rows
were selected randomly and the data was collected.
Numbers of pod per plants (No): This was recorded from a
count of 5 randomly sampled plants per plot at harvest stageto
calculate the mean number of pods per plant.
The Number of seeds per pod (No): This wasrecorded from a
count of 5 randomly sampled plants per plot at harvesting time.
100-seed weight(g):Itwas determined by weighing 100 randomly
selected dry seeds from the harvested net plot using a sensitive
balance. The weight wasadjusted to 10% seed moisture content.
Grain yield (kg ha-1): This was recorded from each net plot area.
The grain moisture content was determined for each treatment
and adjusted to 10% moisture content and converted into a
hectare base for statistical analysis.
Total above-ground dry biomass (Kg ha-1): The total aboveground
dry biomass was measured from 5 randomly selected
plants cutting the whole above-ground biomass and dried with
the sun for 6 days weighing using sensitive balance and the dry
biomass per plant was then multiplied by the total number of
plants per net plot and converted into kg ha-1.
Harvest index (%) was calculated the proportion of grain yield
kilogram per hector to above-ground dry biomass yield.
Harvest index (%) = (Grainyield (Kg))/(Biomassyield (Kg))�100
Agronomic efficiency (kg/kg): It was measuredthe economic
production per unit of nutrient applied and estimated as:
Agronomic efficiency (kg/kg) =(Gf-Gu)/QA, Gf is the grain in
the fertilized plot (kg), GU is the grain yield in the unfertilized
plot (kg), QA is the quantity of nutrient applied [15].
Economic Analysis: To consolidate the statistical analysis of
the agronomic data, an economic analysis was done for each
treatment. For the economic evaluation, cost and return, and
benefit: to cost ratio was calculated according to the procedure
given by CIMMYT (1988) [10]. Cost for NPSB and KCl fertilizer
was used variable cost for partial budget analysis. Price fluctuation
during the production season was considered. The marginal rate
of return, which refers to net income obtained by incurring a
unit cost of fertilizer, was calculated by dividing the net increase in yield of common bean due to the application of each rate to
the total cost of NPSB and K fertilizer applied at each rate. This
enabled to identify the optimum rate of NPSB and K fertilizer for
common bean production [10].
Total revenue (TR) (ETB ha-1): It was computed by multiplying
field/farm gate price that farmers receive for the crop when they
sell it as adjusted yield. TR = AGY � field/farm gate price for the
crop (12 ETB kg-1).
Total variable cost (TVC) (ETB ha-1): It was calculated by
summing up the costs that vary, including the cost of NPSB
and KCl (27.00 ETB kg-1) fertilizers at the time of planting
(August 26, 2020) and according to Bakadawula District, farm
daily payment of labor cost for application of NPSB and K (two
person�s ha-1, each 100 ETB day-1). The costs of other inputs
and production practices such as labor cost for land preparation,
planting, weeding, harvesting, and threshing were considered the
same for all treatments or plots.
Net benefit (NB) (ETB ha-1): Was calculated by subtracting
the total variable costs (TVC) from total revenue (TR) for each
treatment. NB = TR � TVC.
Dominance analysis: Was carried out by first listing all the
treatments in their order of increasing costs that vary (TVC) and
their net benefits (NB) are then put aside. Any treatment that has
higher TVC but net benefits that are less than or equal to the
preceding treatment (with lower TVC but higher net benefits) is
dominated treatment (marked as �D�).
Statistical Data Analysis
Data was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) according
to the SAS version 9.0 for factorial treatment and interpretations
were made [45]. Significant differences between treatment means
were separated with LSD test at 5% probability level.
Results and Discussion
Phenological Parameters of Common Bean
Days to 50% flowering: The statistical data analysis of variance
(ANOVA) showed that the interaction effect of blended NPSB
and K fertilizer application rate was highly significant (P<0.001)
for the number of days to 50% flowering (Table 2). Early days
to flowering (40 days) was recorded with the application of
blended fertilizer with 150 kg NPSB + 60 kg K ha-1, followed
by 75 kg NPSB + 60 kg K ha-1. On the other hand, the longest
days to flowering (53.67 days) was recorded with the application
of blended fertilizer with rates of 225 kg NPSB + 120 kg K ha-1
rate (Table 2).
The result obtained from the present study revealed that days to 50% flowering were delayed with an increase of application rate
of blended NPSB fertilizer which might be due to the delaying
effect of nitrogen obtained from blended NPSB fertilizer. This
was perhaps because the amount of N in the blended NPSB was
relatively increased, as N was known to extend vegetative growth
and enhance the photosynthetic activity of plants.This might be
due to the fact that excessive supply of N promotes luxuriant and
succulent vegetative growth, dominating the reproductive phase.
The result is in line with the findings of Tewari and Singh (2000)
[58] who reported that common bean crop supplied with nitrogen
(160 kg N ha-1) required significantly more number of days to
reach the growth stage of 50% flowering as compared to 40 and
80 kg N ha-1. This result is corroborated by that of Sharmaa et
al. (2013) [48] who reported that higher levels of N, P, K, and S
fertilizer significantly delayed days to 50% flowering and noted
higher doses of fertilizer, particularly N, prolonged the growth
period and resulted in delayed flowering. On the other hand, the
decrease in days to flowering with the optimum level of blended
fertilizer might be attributed to P and S levels that are known to
enhance flowering, fruiting, and maturity. This is in line with the
results of Abebe and Mekonnen (2019) [2] reported presence of
sulfur in NPSB to induce early flowering in haricot bean.
Days to 90% physiological maturity: The statistical data
analysis result showed that the interaction effects of NPSB and
K application rate had a highly significant (P<0.001) effect on
days to 90% physiological maturity (Table2). The maximum
(85.67) days to reach 90% physiological maturity was recorded
from blended NPSB fertilizer rate of 150 kg ha-1 with 120 kg K
ha-1 whereas the minimum (68 days) was recorded from blended
NPSB fertilizer 75 kg ha-1 with K 60kg ha-1 application rates (Table
2). The possible reason for this might be linked with the increased
availability of nutrients due to NPSB and K fertilization and the
combined effects of N, P, S, B, and K, which in turn might have
hastened the days to physiological maturity.
The result showed that an increase in blended NPKSB and K
application rate was delayed the number of days required to
reach physiological maturity. These suggested that the integrated
actions of each nutrient in blended fertilizer increment reduced
the gap on days to physiological maturity. This result is in
agreement with the findings of who conducted experiments on
common bean varieties under different N, P, K and S levels and
reported that high levels of N, P, K and S fertilizer significantly
delayed on phenological traits and doses of fertilizer, particularly
N, prolonged the growth period and resulted in delayed flowering
and physiological maturity [47]. Similarly, Assefaet al. (2017) [6]
reported that the delaying effect of combined application of N
and P fertilizer rate in common bean.
On the other hand, the decrease in days to reach physiological
maturity with the blended fertilizer might be attributed to the
impact of positive interaction of B, K in the blended fertilizer,
which agrees with the finding of (2020) who reported positive
relations between B, K and N fertilizers for hastening crop
Growth Parameters of Common bean
Plant height: The statistical data analysis result showed that a
highly significant (P< 0.001) interaction effect of NPSB and K
application rate on the plant height, while, the main effect of blended NPSB was highly significant (P< 0.01). However, the K
application was not significant on the plant height of the common
bean (Table 3).
The tallest plant height (147.83 cm) was recorded when 150kg
NPSB ha-1combined with a 30kg K ha-1 fertilizer application rate
while the shortest plant height (109.53 cm) was recorded from the
nil application of blended NPSB and K fertilizer (Table 3).The
current result showed increase in plant height in response to the
increasing blended NPSB and K application rate might be due to
the maximum vegetative growth of the plants under higher N, P, S
and B availability. This is in line with Tange et al. (2001) [57] who
suggested that a significant increase in plant height observed by
stimulating the effect of NPSB on the growth and development
of plants. In conformity with the present result, Moniruzzamanet
al. (2008) [38] found that plant height was significantly increased
up to 160 kg N ha-1. Also the application of phosphorus at the
highest level (120 kg P2O5 ha-1) increased plant height.
The increase in plant height might also be ascribed to better root
formation due to sulfur, which in turn activated higher absorption
of N, P, K, and S from the soil and improved metabolic activity
inside the plant. Furthermore, maximum vegetative growth of the
plants under higher N, P and S nutrient availability reported by
Shumi (2018) [51].
Number of main branches per plant: The analysis of variance
result showed very highly significantly (P< 0.001) interaction
effect of blended NPSB and K rate on the number of main
branches per plant of common bean (Table 3). Among blended
NPSB and K fertilizer application rates, blended NPSB 150kg
ha-1 and 60kg K ha-1 showed a maximum number of main
branches (4.13) while the minimum (2.167) number of the
main branches was recorded from 0kg NPSB and 31 kg K ha-1
application rates (Table 3). The significant increase in a number
of main branches in response to the increased rates of NPSB and
K application might be ascribed to the increased availability of
those nutrients in the soil for uptake by plant roots, which might
have sufficiently enhanced vegetative growth through increasing
cell division and elongation. The increase in a number of main
branches per plant in response to the increasing rates of blended
NPSB and K application rate indicates higher vegetative growth
of the plants under higher N, P, S, Band K availability. In line with
this result, Shubhashree (2007) [49] who reported a significantly
higher number of branches per plant of common bean with 75
kg P2O5 ha-1 over the control. In conformity with this result,
Moniruzzamanet al. (2008) [38] reported that the number of
branches per plant increased significantly with the increase of N
up to120 kg ha-1 on common bean.
Number of effective nodules: The statistical data analysis result
showed that interaction of blended NPSB with K application
rates had very highly significant (P<0.001) effect on the effective
number of nodules per plant (Table 3). Significantly maximum
mean number of effective nodules per plant (64.33) was recorded
from the application of blended NPSB75 kg ha-1 with 30 kg K
ha-1 while the minimum number of effective nodules (18) was
recorded from blended NPSB 0kg ha-1 with 60 kg ha-1 K followed
by control (Table 3).
The highest number of effective nodules per plant might be
due to the effective utilization of added nutrients in the field.
Moreover, the role of phosphorus in blended fertilizer increased
the number and size of the nodule and the amount of nitrogen
assimilated per unit of nodules. In agreement with this result,
Bashir et al. (2011) [7] who reported that phosphorus plays a
vital role in increasing plant tip and root growth, decreasing the
time needed for developing nodules to become effective for the
benefit to the host legume. Similarly, Elkocaet al. (2007) [17] also
reported that high P fertilizer application is very important on
nodule formation in legumes.
Leaf area index (LAI): The analysis of variance a result showed
that leaf area index of the common bean wassignificantly (P<
0.05) affected due to interaction effect of blended NPSB with K
fertilizer application rate on the leaf area index of the common
bean (Table 3).
Leaf area index (LAI) is one of the major characteristics influencing
dry matter production and grain yield, which was significantly
influenced by blended NPSB and K fertilizer application rates.
Between the blended NPSB and K application rates, significantly
higher LAI (4.45) was recorded form blended NPSB fertilizer rate
at 150kg ha-1 and 60kg K ha-1 while lower LAI (2.5) was recorded
from control (Table 3).
The increase in LAI might be due to the improved leaf expansion
in crop plants following increasing in NPSB and K rates, or the
application of NPSB and K was contributed to higher leaf size
to capture light for photosynthesis. Leaf area index (LAI) of
common bean increased significantly due to the increased levels
of blended NPSB which can be attributed to the role of nitrogen
in the blended NPSB fertilizer that promoted vegetative growth.
Similarly, Ali et al. (2013) [4] reported that nitrogen fertilizer
application had significantly affected leaf area index (LAI). The
significant increase in LAI due to NPSB and K application might
be attributed to availability, uptake and combined effects of the
applied nutrients which might have enhanced cell division and
cell enlargement thereby increasing LAI of common bean. This
is in line with the finding of Moniruzzaman et al. (2008) [38] who
reported higher LAI due to combined action of N, P, K, S, Zn
and B application.
Yield and Yield Components of Common Bean
Numbers of pods per plant: The number of pods per plant
is an important yield contributing parameter to the final grain
yield of common bean. The analysis of variance revealed that
interaction effects of blended NPSB with K fertilizer application
rates had highly significant (P< 0.001) effect on the number of
pods per plant (Table 4). Application of blended NPSB fertilizer
150kg ha-1 with K 60 kg ha-1 produced significantly the highest
number of pods per plant (35.87) while the lowest number of
pods per plant (19.73) was obtained from control (Table 4).
The increase in number of pods per plant with the application
of blended NPSB and K fertilizer rates might possibly be due
to adequate availability of N, P, S, B and K which might have
facilitated the production of primary branches and plant height
which might in turn have contributed for the production of
the higher number of total pods. This highest number of pods
recorded at the rates of 150 kg ha-1 blended NPSB fertilizer and 60kg K ha-1. This might be attributed to the fact that the
presence of N, P and S in blended NPSB fertilizers enhanced the
establishment of beans, promote the formation of nodes, canopy
development and pod setting. In conformity with this result,
Necat and Dursan (2017) [40] found that the effect of different
doses of P and S interaction on pods per plant ranges from (11.0)
control plots, while the highest number of pods per plant (30.9)
was obtained from P and S 80 x 90 kg ha-1. Daset al. (2016) [12] in
Chickpea, increasing the application of P and S fertilizers also had
a significant effect on a total number of pods per plant.
Number of seeds per pod: The statistical data analysis of
variance result showed that the interaction effects of NPSB
with K fertilizer application rates had highly significant (P<0.05)
effect on the number of seeds per pod (Table 4). Application
of blended NPSB fertilizer 150kg ha-1 with K 60 kg ha-1 resulted
in significantly the highest number of seeds per pod (6.7) while
the lowest number of seeds per pod was obtained from control
(3.4) (Table 4). The result showed that the highest number of
seeds per pod might be due to the fact that N is an integral
part of chlorophyll and play a vital role in photosynthesis and
carbohydrate production. On the other hand, the increment of
seeds per pod with increasing NPSB and K fertilizer application
up to optimum level might be an adequate supply of nutrients in
NPSB and K fertilizer for nodule formation, protein synthesis,
fruiting and seed formation. The result of the current study is
in agreement with the finding of Shubhashree (2007) [49]; and
Meseret and Amin (2014) [36] who reported that the number of
seeds per pod of common bean was increased significantly with
increased levels of P (92 kg P2O5 ha-1). Similarly, Habtamuet al.
(2017) [27] reported the highest number of seeds per pod with
the application of 46 kg ha-1 of P2O5 and 41 kg ha-1 of N. [1]
Hundred seed weight: The Statistical data analysis result
showed that the interaction effects of blended NPSB and K
fertilizer application rates had very highly significantly (P< 0.001)
effect on hundred seed weight of common bean (Table 4).The
highest hundred seed weight (27.96g) was recorded at 225kg of
NPSB ha-1with 30kg K ha-1 application rate followed by (27.3g)
which was recorded at 150kg NPSB with 60kg K ha-1 application
rate, while the lowest hundred seed weight (21.53g) was recorded
from control which was not fertilized (Table 4). Theincrement
of hundred seed weight might indicatethat suggesting effective
utilization of nutrients in the field. This might be because
nutrient use efficiency by crop was enhanced at the optimum level
of NPSB since grain weight indicates the amount of resource
utilized during critical growth periods.
This indicates theoptimum supply of P presencein blended NPSB
thatincreased the formation of seed. Similarly, Khan et al. (2017)
[30] observed a significant effect of levels of phosphorus on
seed weight where maximum seed weight was recorded from 45
kg P2O5 ha-1 followed by 30 kg P2O5 ha-1 whereas, the lowest
due to 0 kg P2O5 ha-1. Abdulkadir et al. (2014) who reported
that phosphorous fertilized crop when compared with the
control produced more pods per plant which were better filled with heavier seeds and this translated to higher grain yield. In
conformity with this result, Ogutuet al. (2012) [41] indicated that
increasing N rate from 0 kg ha-1to 50 kg ha-1 increased 1000 seed
weight from 301.19 g to 311.63 g.
The increased yield under sulfur application might be ascribed
to increased pods per plant and grains pod along with heavier
grains. Nebret and Nigussie (2017) [39] reported that increasing
sulfur rate from 0 kg ha-1 to 20 kg ha-1 increased 100 seed weight
from 35.7 g to 36.8 g. Therefore, significant improvement in
yield obtained under sulfur fertilization seems to result from the
increased concentration of sulfur in various parts of cluster bean
that helped to maintain the critical balance of other essential
nutrients in the plant and resulted in increased metabolic processes
in plants [48].
Total above ground dry biomass: The above-ground dry
biomass yield highly significantly (P<0.001) affected by the
interaction effects of NPSB with K fertilizer application rates. The
result showed that the application of blended NPSB fertilizer at
225kg ha-1 with 90kg K ha-1 recorded the highest aboveground dry
biomass yield (11878kg) while the lowest (5007kg) above-ground
dry biomass yield was recorded from the application of blended
NPSB 0kg ha-1 with 120kg K ha-1 (Table 4). This difference might
be due to the effective utilization of nutrients in the production of
above-ground dry biomass yield among the fertilizer application.
On the other hand, the increment in above-ground dry biomass
yield with the application of blended NPSB and K fertilizer might
be due to the adequate supply of N, P, S, Band K could have
resulted increased the number of branches per plant, and leaf
area which in turn might have increased photosynthetic area and
number of pods per plant thereby dry matter accumulation. It
agrees with to the result of Shumi (2018) [51] who indicated that
the highest above-ground dry biomass yield was recorded due to
the application of the highest rate of blended NPS fertilizer for
variety Angar.
Furthermore, the increment in the aboveground dry biomass
yield due to the role of P and N in blended NPSB might be that
phosphorus is essential in most metabolic processes that happen
above the ground. The result of the current study is concurrent
with the findings of Amanullahet al. (2016) [5] who reported that
P levels had a significant impact on biomass yield of mung bean
under dry land condition. The outcomes of the present study
confirm the finding of Abebe (2009) [2], Nebret and Nigussie
(2017) [39] who reported that the combined applications of NP
fertilizer, high nitrogen rate, and increase in P2O5 application
resulted in enhanced dry biomass production. Similarly, Lake
and Jemaludin (2018) [32] who indicated the increases in total
biomass with increasing in blended NPSZnB application rates up
to optimum rate of blended fertilizers.
Grain yield: The statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) result
showed that grain yield was very highly significantly (P< 0.001)
affected due to interaction effects of blended NPSB and K
fertilizer application rates and the main effect was also very highly
significantly (P<0.001) on grain yield of common bean (Table 4).
The highest grain yield was recorded when the two factors
interacted with each other. As a result, the interaction of 150kg
NPSB ha-1 along with 60kg K ha-1 gave the maximum grain yield
(3444.2 kg ha-1). On the other hand, the minimum grain yield
(1365kg ha-1) was obtained from control (Table 4). The highest
grain yield obtained from the application of blended NPSB and
K fertilizer rate might be due to the effective utilization of macro
and micronutrients application. Applications of the high rate
of NPSB blended fertilizer increased common bean yields by
52.2% over the control whereas, blended NPSB with K fertilizer
application improved yield by 60.3% over the control. Similarly,
the present result is in line with the findings of Abebe and
Mekonnen (2019) [2] who reported that applications of the high
rate of NPKSB blended fertilizer increased common bean yields
by 34% over the control. Additionally, incorporation of K, S and
B improved yield by 19.2% over the former NP fertilization. The
increase in grain yield with NPSB with K fertilizer application
might be related to the higher number of pods per plant, number
of seeds per pod and 100-grains weight. Furthermore, Rahman et
al. (2014) [44] who reported that maximum grain yield in common
bean due to the combine application of NPK.
Harvest index (HI %): The statistical data analysis result
showed thata very highly significantly (P< 0.001) affected due to
interaction effect of blended NPSB with K rate on the harvest
index of common bean (Table 4). Among application rates,
the highest harvest index (43.4%) was recorded from blended
NPSB 150kg ha-1 with 0kg K ha-1 while the lowest harvest index
(24.49%) was recorded from 225kg NPSB kg ha-1 with 90kg K
ha-1 application rates (Table 4). This might be due to the effective
utilization of nutrients. The result of this study is in agreement
with Fageria (2009) [20] who reported significant improvement
in harvest index due to nitrogen application up to 50 kg ha-1.
Similarly, Masresha and Kibebew (2017) [35] reportedthat the
highest mean HI of soybean from application of 46 kg P2O5 ha-
1, which resulted in a 19.1% increase over the control.
Agronomic efficiency: Agronomic efficiency is the amount of
additional yield produced for each additional amount of fertilizer
applied [54]. The agronomic efficiency of blended NPSB and K
fertilizer application rates decreased with increasing NPSB and
K rate and then increased with a decreasing trend for NPSB and
K rates. The highest agronomic efficiency (19.56kg/kg-1) was
recorded from 75kg NPSB ha-1 with a 30kg K ha-1 rate followed by
blended NPSB 75kg ha-1 and 0kg K ha-1 rate with mean agronomic
efficiency of (18.98kg/kg) (Table 4). On the other hand, the
lowest agronomic efficiencies (4.53kg/kg-1) and (4.74 kg/kg-1)
were recorded from the application of blended NPSB 0kg ha-1
and 120kg K ha-1application rate and NPSB 225kg with 120kg
K ha-1, respectively (Table 5). The declining trend of agronomic
efficiency could be related to the reaching of NPSB and K supply
to the optimum level or limitation of yield potential of bean.
Fisseha (2011) and Yayis (2012) [25] reported that the agronomic
use efficiency (AUE) of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers
showed an increasing trend for both fertilizers. The agronomic
efficiency of applied phosphorous exhibited a decreasing trend
for increasing rates of phosphorous application levels. Similar
findings on the agronomic efficiency of phosphorous were also
reported by [37].
Economic Analysis: Based on a partial budget analysis procedure
described by CIMMYT (1988) [10], considering all variable costs
and all benefits (grain yield) [56]. Variable cost includes the cost
of fertilizer during the experimental period the fertilizer cost of
blended NPSB and KCl,in which the price of NPSB was 14ETB kg-1, KCl was 13ETB kg-1 and the average price of common bean
grain at the local market was 12ETB kg-1.
The net benefit was computed due to different application rates of
blended NPSB and K fertilizer and interaction of blended NPSB
with K fertilizer [50, 53]. The economic analysis revealed that the
highest net benefit of (37728 Birr ha-1) with the marginal rate
(MRR) of 273.3 % was obtained from the treatment combination
of 150kg NPSB ha-1 with 60kg K ha-1 application rates whereas the
lowest net benefit (16380 Birr ha-1) was obtained from 0 kg NPSB
with 0kg K ha-1 application rates (control) (Table 6). According
to CIMMYT (1988) [10], the minimum acceptable marginal rate
of return (MRR %) should be between 50 and 100%. Therefore,
production of common bean with the application of 150 kg NPSB
ha-1 with 60kg K ha-1 fertilizer application rate for farmers with
higher net return ascompared to 0kg ha-1 NPSB with 0kg K ha-1
application rates and blended NPSB 150kg with 60kg K ha-1 can
be recommended for the study area (Table 6). Besides, the results
of the economic analysis showed that the combined application
of 150kg NPSB ha-1 and 60kg K ha-1 were economically an
alternative dose to common bean (Awassa Dume). In agreement
to this finding, Shumiet al. (2018) [51] reported that the economic
analysis revealed that highest net benefit (34167.56 Birr ha-1) was
obtained from the application of 150 kg ha-1 NPS while the lowest
net benefit (19228.69 Birr ha-1) was obtained from nil application
on common bean (3; 8).
Table 1. Selected Physical and Chemical Properties of the Experimental Site soil before planting during 2019 Cropping Season at Bakadawula District.
Table 2. Phenological data of common bean as affected by interaction effect of blended NPSB and K fertilizer application rates during 2019 cropping season at Bakadawula District.
Table 3. Growth parameter of common bean as affected by interaction effect of blended NPSB and K fertilizer application rates during 2019 cropping season at Bakadawula District.
Table 4. Yield and yield components of common bean as affected by interaction effect of blended NPSB and K fertilizer application rates during 2019 cropping season at Bakadawula District.
Table 5. Agronomic efficiency of common bean as affected by interaction effect of blended NPSB and K fertilizer application rates during 2019 cropping season at Bakadawula District.
Table 6. Summary of partial budget analysis of effect of blended NPSB and K fertilizer application rate on common bean during 2019 cropping season at Bakadawula District.
Common bean is one of the most important grain legumes,
considered as the source of food and foreign exchange earnings
for smallholder farmers in different parts of Ethiopia. However,
the production and productivity is low mainly associated with
low soil fertility, inappropriate management practices, and lack of
balanced fertilizer application are among the major constraints for
common bean production in the study area. The use of blended
fertilizer application that combines with proper agronomic
practices is one of the most important ways to increase common
bean yield. Therefore, this field experiment was conducted
for determining the effect of blended NPSB and K fertilizer
application rates on yield and yield components and to suggest
economically feasible rates of blended NPSB and K fertilizer
for common bean production at Bakadawula District, Southern
Ethiopia [13, 16].
The results of the study revealed that almost all of the common
bean parameters were significantly affected by the blended NPSB
and K fertilizer application rates [18, 21]. The interaction effects
of NPSB and K fertilizer rates significantly affected on days to
50% flowering, number of the main branch, leaf area index,
number of pods per plant, number of seed per pod and grain
yield were recorded from the application of blended NPSB 150kg
and 60kg K ha-1. On the other hand, the smallest plant height, leaf
area index, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod
hundred seed weigh, grain yield and harvest index were recorded
from the control treatment. Significantly the highest number of
effective nodule and agronomic efficiency were recorded from the
application of blended NPSB 75kg and 30kg K ha-1rates. Early
days to reach 90% physiological maturity were recorded from
the application of blended NPSB 75kg and 60kg K ha-1 rates.
On the other hand, late days to reach 90% physiological maturity
and maximum days to reach 50% flowering were recorded from
the application of blended NPSB 150kg with 120kg K ha-1 and
blended NPSB 225kg with 120kg K ha-1 rates (29; 31).
The partial budget analysis also showed the highest net returns
(37728 ETBha-1) at acombination of blended NPSB 150kg ha-1
with a K rate of 60 kg ha-1 with a marginal rate of return273.3%.
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the
use of blended NPSB 150kg ha-1 with 60kg K ha-1 application
rates could be recommended to enhance the productivity of
common bean in the experimental area [33, 34]. However,
additional research is needed to be evaluated and reconfirmed in
different agro-ecology and season in order to reach a conclusive
We acknowledge the staff members of Department of Plant
Science, WolaitaSodo University and Hawassa Research Center
of Soil Laboratory, for providing us with the necessary support
to conduct this study.
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