The Impact of Cross-Border M&A on Firm Productivity - Exploitation vs. Exploration
Yupu Lin1*
1 Jing He Limited, Oxford, OX2 7JJ, UK.
*Corresponding Author
Dr. Yupu Lin,
Jing He Limited, Oxford, OX2 7JJ, UK.
Received: September 27, 2022; Accepted: October 26, 2022; Published: November 24, 2022
Citation: Yupu Lin. The Impact of Cross-Border M&A on Firm Productivity - Exploitation vs. Exploration. Int J Financ Econ Trade. 2022;5(2):130-140.
Copyright: Yupu Lin©2022. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
This paper examines the causal relationship between cross-border M&A and firm’s productivity using a rich micro dataset
across the global market over the period 2002-2011. It extends the empirical evidence on the impact of cross-border M&A
on acquirer’s productivity and enriches the empirical evidence in the M&A literature on resource exploitation vs. exploration.
This paper finds that the increase in a target’s productivity only takes place in the integration between MNEs in the completed
cross-border M&A. However, it reports that the completion of a cross-border M&A decreases the post-acquisition productivity
level of acquirers compared with that of similar firms in takeover rumours. We furtherly conclude that there is a low firm
productivity in the short term in both market-seeking and strategic asset-seeking expansions.
3.A Look At Some Stylized Facts
4.Review Of Some Related Empirical Literature
5.The Method
6.The Results
7.Summary and Conclusion
Cross-Border M&A; Productivity; Exploitation; Exploration.
Productivity gaps between foreign-owned firms and domestic
firms have been widely observed and extensively investigated in
the international industrial organisation (IO) literature, and ample
empirical evidence on the effects of M&A on performance
from the aspect of productivity has been documented [33, 34,
45, 70]. Cross-border M&A implying an ownership change from
domestic to foreign owners offers an appropriate framework to
isolate effects of foreign ownership [8]. However, existing empirical
evidence on the causal link between international M&A
and firm’s productivity is inconclusive. While a number of studies
have found positive effects of cross-border M&A on firm’s
productivity [55], for the US; for the UK; [4], for Indonesia; [12],
other research has found that target firms do not gain any benefit
from foreign ownership [11, 45], for the UK; [5, 35].
Internalisation theory stresses that FDI depends on a firm’s ownership
advantages such as technology, organisational assets, and
brand names. Economists and policy makers incline to presume
that large endowments of intangible assets make foreign-owned
firms possess an advantage over domestic firms, because they can
compensate for a lack of local information and experience [26]
[27, 35, 38, 23, 65, 69]. The phenomenon of M&A therefore presents
an opportunity to exploit the extent to which such ownership
advantages are transferred into the acquired business, this
improving firm performance. Nevertheless, domestic production
activities of either acquirers or targets may be substituted by similar
investments abroad [73]. Such substitution will affect the productivity
of firms. Thus, this paper will examine the performance
on the exploitation of intangible advantages for acquirers through
the market-seeking M<A.
From another aspect, due to the complexity and diversity of new
high-technology products and processes, firms cannot merely
depend on their internal R&D to maintain competitiveness [67].
Some desired technological capabilities and knowledge are possessed
by other firms which are even located in different industries
and countries. Hence, it is increasingly important for firms
to exploit external technological opportunities and knowledge
sources so that they can complement the shortage of internal
R&D efforts [76, 77, 43, 19, 60, 53, 63]. Besides, it is argued that
obtaining the complementary assets and technology is one of objectives
of cross-border M&A [62]. Therefore, M&A are increasingly
regarded as a strategic instrument for obtaining the external
intangible resource,e.g. technological knowledge [78]. With these
external sources, incumbent firms could compensate for their
technological productivity or expiring patents [22, 47]. From the
home countries’ view, cross-border M&A enables the transfer of knowledge from abroad which may reinforce domestic technological
capabilities. However, from the host countries’ view, domestic
firms in knowledge-intensive industries may be protected
from foreign acquisitions by policy makers [73]. Thus, it is questioned
for acquirers to effectively explore the desired intangible
assets. This paper will assess the exploration of complementary
resources from targets through the strategic asset-seekingM&A.
This research extends the empirical evidence on the impact of
cross-border M&A on acquirer’s productivity and enriches the
empirical evidence in the M&A literature on resource exploitation
vs. exploration from a resource-based view. This research will
adopt the approach of [53] to generate the TFP for the firm’s
productivity measure. It also exploits the potential channel function
of M&A in shaping the post-acquisition productivity level.
The labour productivity will be employed as the alternative firm’s
productivity measure for the robustness check.
In firm performance studies, previous researchers use matching
approach to address the sample selection issue while we will use
the rumoured but abandoned M&A as a control group which is
a better way to address it. To our knowledge, it is the first time to
be used in the M&A performance study. Actually, what we compared
is the performance of between the real completed M&A
and potentially completed M&A, rather than that of between the
completed deals and the irrelevant firms in other events. Thus,
we report the different results from the previously positive ones
in some M&A research. Furthermore, existing empirical evidence
on the effects of cross-border M&A is mostly limited to target
firms, while little is known about the effects on the acquiring
firms. This research will assess the impacts of M&A from aspects
of both acquirers and targets.
This paper is organized as follows: section 2 reviews previous
theoretical literature and empirical evidence. Section 3 provides a
description of the data and empirical model. Results of the empirical
analysis and discussion are presented in section 4. Section
5 concludes.
Theoretical Back Ground
MNE vs. Non-MNE
The performance gap identified by foreign M&A (rather than foreign
ownership in general) has received much attention. It is necessary
to assess the effect of pre- and post-foreign M&A on firm
performance. According to [44], it is suggested by studies that the
international M&A are found to be affected by the pre-acquisition
performance of firms, such as productivity, return on assets/
shares, managerial performance, and growth potential, as well as
industry-specific characteristics. With respect to the pre-M&A
productivity of the domestic target, foreign acquirers could select
two alternative types of targets which are unproductive firms and
productive firms. Furthermore, [61] indicate that foreign targets
are acquired by either the higher or the lower productive firms.
Firms benefit from the synergy/restructuring effect by exploiting
the firm-specific assets and networks of new parents or subsidiary
firms, thus achieve additional efficiency gains [9]. This proposition
also echoes (3) internalisation theory which states an inputs
transfer following a takeover such as technology, organisational
assets, and brand names would expect an increase in the volume
and/or value of outputs. Therefore, the ownership advantage
possessed by MNEs will improve target’s productive efficiency in
takeovers. Hypothesis 1 is deduced as follows:
Hypothesis 1: There is a positive relationship between MNE and
the target’s post-M&A productivity level in the completed crossborder
Completed M<A vs. Uncompleted M<A
In above cases, there would be a selection bias when assessing the
post-acquisition impact of foreign M&A, if one simply compares
the time-profile of acquired and non-acquired firms. The selection
bias occurred refers that the improvement of firm’s productivity
may be explained not only by the impact of cross-border
M&A but also by the initial high productivity level of firm per se.
In other words, if the multinational firm has a high productivity
level prior to the takeovers, its high productivity may continue
rather than be influenced by takeovers. We will use the rumoured
but uncompleted M&A to control the selectivity bias.
When foreign firms acquire those targets with a low productivity,
foreign acquirers intend to replace the poor management through
overtaking inefficient managers who desire to maximise their own
achievements rather than company profits. Then, surviving firms
are expected to achieve ahigher post-acquisition performance
[48]. In contrast, other disparate literature such as the corporate
efficiency hypothesis suggests that cross-border deals are usually
accompanied by a higher risk of failure [13, 46]. The reason for
increased risk of failure in cross-border M&A predominantly results
from the information asymmetries between acquirers and
targets. The large cultural distance and institutional differences
bring firms with the information asymmetries which leads to high
transaction costs [25]. Furthermore, the geographical distance
makes it difficult to monitor [24] and transmit tacit knowledge
From other aspects, the asymmetry due to lack of political influence
and knowledge networks will increase the difficulty in organisational
integration and may mislead the takeover decisions
[44]. Therefore, caused by these factors, including the resource
shortage due to the difficulty of coordination over distance,
a higher return might be expected by acquirers in cross-border
M&A in order to compensate for the high costs and risk during
these transactions. In general, because of information asymmetry,
[39] find that the cross-border M&A are on average much larger
than domestic deals. Moreover, foreign operations are suggested
to experience higher costs compared with domestic firms from
the transaction cost literature. These may bring a negative relationship
between cross-border M&A and firm’s productivity in
spite of the good intention to improve firm performance. Thus,
hypothesis 2 is generated as follows:
Hypothesis 2: The acquirer’s post-M&A productivity level decreases after
the cross-border M&A is completed, compared with that in the similar uncompleted
Resource Exploitation
Built into the IO literature, the operational efficiency theory asserts
that highly productive firms will be inclined to change ownership
leading to improved post-acquisition productivity [31].
Drawing on this theory, [16] argue that the foreign acquirer can achieve monopoly power through overtaking the domestic monopolist
in order to reduce capacity and avoid a price war between
the acquired target and itself.
Although it is suggested that some multinational firms show
higher productivity than domestic-owned firms [36], it does not
mean that foreign ownership per se leads to higher productivity.
[45] argue that, to the extent that foreign investors acquire
the best performing firms, the productivity advantage might not
be associated with foreign ownership per se. [71] explains that
foreign multinationals may also influence the market structure
and the extent of competition in the host country. The industrial
organization (IO) literature casts further complex lights on the
impacts of M&A on firm’s productivity in the longer-run. On the
one hand, the concentration of market power leads to a decline
in competition [15]. Less competition pressure provides firms
with less incentive to improve their productivity, which potentially
lowers the long-run productivity growth in that industry. On
the other hand, the application of technological or organisational
knowledge, economies of scale, or the remediation of managerial
slack leads to long-run productivity gains. In the short-run, however,
it is expected that the high short-run costs of reorganisation
results in a negative impact of takeovers on firm’s productivity.
This impact of reorganisation is expected to be larger after crossborder
deals because of higher adaptation costs. Similarly, longrun
productivity changes after foreign M&A are potentially more
pronounced due to the larger scope for knowledge spill-over and
adverse competition [71].
Since the modern internalisation and transaction cost theory [17,
30] is presented, [18] further indicates that the premier among
proprietary assets of multinational enterprises is the firm-specific
knowledge embodied in new products, processes and proprietary
technology. Caves implies that the industries with high R&D and
advertising intensities are the places where multinationals usually
gather. The investing multinationals are usually argued to provide
the domestic firms with their advantageous intangible assets such
as innovativeness, technological and managerial knowledge, brand
name capital and organisational capabilities [29, 57, 51]. However,
it is problematic to mobilise the technological knowledge and
brand name recognition/reputation across markets. Especially,
licensing brand name will share an intangible asset (reputation)
at the risk of horizontal externalities. Similarly, some multinationals
own competitive advantage such as superior organisational
routines and practices which are uneasily mobilised between
markets due to their intangibility [7]. Thus, it is assumed that the
productivity improvement of acquired firms may not be reflected
immediately after takeovers. This may suggest a low post-M&A
productivity level for both acquirer and target firms. Accordingly,
hypothesis 3 is developed as follows:
Hypothesis 3: The completion of cross-border M&A makes the acquirer’s
post-M&A productivity level lower in cases of market-seeking motives, compared
with the similar takeover rumour.
Resource Exploration
In addition to the traditionally known arguments, other concepts
also are developed from a resource-based view in recent research,
for instance the complementarities in assets between the acquirer
and target [62]. The resource-based approaches assume that
firms own heterogeneous factors which comprise the intangible
resources, and these strategic resources possess the feature of
immobility. The strategic composition of idiosyncratic resources
such as knowledge, competences and capabilities eventually determine
the competitiveness of a firm [6, 64, 37]. A competitive
advantage is generated from the immobile, non-substitutable and
imperfectly imitable strategic resources [56, 3, 64, 75]. In fact, the
differences in performance across firms from the same industry
can be interpreted by these different resources [75]. Moreover,[6]
implies that the competitive advantages would be strengthened
through obtaining the underlying resource. Accordingly, these features
of strategic resources allow M&A to be a premier strategy in
outsourcing. M&A can maintain the whole batch of knowledge,
competences and capabilities under integrated management [59].
Thus, the heterogeneous resource endowment and the superiority
of certain resource bundles make a firm perform differently
from other firms within the same industry, and they explain the
intra-industrial M&A activity and their success. The heterogeneity
of resource endowment between acquirers and targets can be
reallocated and adjusted via takeovers, which should explain the
difference in post-M&A productivity level.
The productivity of investing firms can be influenced by crossborder
M&A via a variety of channels, for instance the innovation
activities. First, acquisitions may directly relocate innovation
activities in order to improve productivity. Second, acquisitions
may indirectly change productivity through affecting other determinants
of productivity such as a firm size, market share, competition,
technological opportunities, external knowledge sources,
market demand, and financial factors [20, 42]. As the competition
in technology mainly occurs in the international market, the technological
relatedness between acquirer and target is important
in the cross-border M&A [32]. Furthermore, it is suggested that
technology shocks drive the assets to be reallocated to more productive
firms via M&A in recent theoretical and empirical contributions
[49]. Acquiring the main competitors is an attractive way
to eliminate competition in the product markets [50] or technology
markets [40]. However, the elimination of the competition in
technology markets due to takeovers may provide less incentive
for firms to increase innovation activities which lead to a potential
decrease in productivity after takeovers [15].
A recent attempt to link intangible assets to productivity improvement
has been conducted by [66]. Their findings significantly
prove that firms with a higher proportion of intangible assets are
more likely to be highly productive. Acquirers can explore the
production capabilities or intangible assets by acquiring target
firms with these resources [49]. The dissemination of knowledge
within the combined entity [68] or reallocation of technology to
more efficient uses [49] will generate productivity gains after an
acquisition. The synergetic effect stemming from M&A might
increase the efficiency of innovation activities which might improve
productivity of firms. However, intangible assets include
a wide range of contents and are more difficult to measure than
R&D expenditure or innovation capabilities of firms. The various
elements of intangible assets are also found to contribute to
productivity in different ways [66]. Additionally, the firms may
not gain productivity improvement after takeovers if the intangible
resources such as knowledge, technology, and managerial
capability are not explored effectively [73]. For example, due to
the intangibility of tacit knowledge, it is difficult to transmit such
knowledge as managerial skills or manufacturing technique from
target firms [14]. Accordingly, it is inconclusive in evaluating the impacts of intangible assets on firm’s productivity, especially
when such M&A are driven by a strategic-asset seeking motive.
Thus, hypothesis 4 is listed as follows:
Hypothesis 4: The completion of cross-border M&A makes the acquirer’s
post-M&A productivity level lower in cases of strategic asset seeking motives,
compared with the similar takeover rumour.
Data and Methodology
firms are observed for a shorter
period of time, making the panel unbalanced. Regarding productivity
analysis, Orbis offers the opportunity to measure TFP due
to the availability of total fixed assets which is commonly used
to proxy capital in the production function. The combination of
both datasets allows us to investigate the effects of cross-border
M&A on the short-run performance of target or acquirer firms
respectively in different industries.
This research divides the sample collected into two subsamples
based on the difference of intangible assets volume prior to crossborder
M&A between acquirer and targets. The two subsamples
comprise the deals that acquirers own more intangible assets than
targets and the deals that acquirers own less intangible assets than
targets. The purpose of this separation is to examine the effects
of market seeking M&A and strategic-assetseeking M&A respectively.
The deals with high intangible assets of acquirers are categorised
to the market seeking M&A, while the deals with low
intangible assets of acquirers are categorised to the strategic asset
seeking M&A. Table 1lists the distribution of cross-border M&A
status in the deals with product market driven expansion and
complementary resource driven expansion. In table 1, there are
18,091 international deals in the former type expansions, which
account for 91.9 per cent of all types of expansion. Furthermore,
most cross-border M&A are rumoured and completed, which accounts
for 90.38 per cent of all international deals.
Measuring Productivity
The main productivity measure is TFP, since changes in TFP
directly reflect the efficiency gains following acquisitions due to
the diffusion of technological or organisational knowledge and
economies of scale. Given the advantage of the LP approach in
controlling for the simultaneity between firm’s choice of input
levels and unobserved productivity shocks. Therefore, this research
follows approach of [54] to construct TFP.
With adopting the LP approach, The Cobb-Douglas production
function has been reformed as follows:
yit = β0 + βllit + βkkit + ωit + εit ≡ βllit + φt (kit, mit) + εit (1)
where φt ≡ φt (kit, mit) = β0 + βkkit + ωit (kit, mit) is an unknown
function of capital and intermediate inputs. φt is a strictly increase
in the productivity shock ωt, so that it can be inverted and one can
write ωit = ωt (kit, mit) for some function ωt. Levinsohn and Petrin
(2003) [54] approximate φt (kit, mit) by a third order polynomial
in k and m, 3 3
j s
j s js it it δ k m = Σ Σ and obtain the estimate of βl and φt via
OLS. Follow the first stage of the estimation procedure above,
the second stage defines the elasticity of capital βl as the solution
tomin *
* 2
1 ( )
i t it it k it it y l k β β β ω
∧ −
Σ Σ − − − , where it ω
is a nonparametric approximation
E [ωit | ωit-1]. All of the estimators in the two stages
make it vary to calculate the covariance matrix of the parameters,
so the bootstrapping procedure is applied to estimate standard errors.
Once obtaining consistent estimates, the log of productivity
can be expressed as it it 0 1 it k it ω y β β l β k
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
= − − − .
The computation of TFP requires information on output, physical
capital, labour, and the corresponding inputs’ elasticity. The
author measures output as firm’s economic value added. Capital
and labour are measured as total assets and the number of employees,
respectively. The author also includes intermediate inputs,
measured by the material cost, which is included as an instrument
to control the unobservable technology shock in the estimation
procedure of [54]. The quality of the results depends crucially on
the construction of a detailed and unbiased productivity measure.
Thus, this research also uses the labour productivity to check for
the robustness of the main results.
TFP and Labour Productivity
By comparing TFP with labour productivity, [71] indicate that
TFP reflects firm efficiency gains due to the diffusion of technological
or organisational knowledge and economies of scale, with
less focus on the transmission channels. Labour productivity, in
contrast, is a broader measure that captures these TFP effects as
well as changes in the firm's capital-labour ratio. The increase in
labour productivity due to foreign ownership can result from an
increase in the capital-labour ratio, i.e. capital deepening, instead of the theoretically suggested TFP effects, i.e. technological or organisational
knowledge diffusion. Therefore, [71] concludes that
TFP is the more appropriate measure to identify the causal impact
of foreign acquisitions on firm performance.
Method and Variables
This research will examine the effects of cross-border M&A on
acquirer firm’s productivity. The baseline model in this research
takes the following form:
TFPit+1 = α0 + α1Completed_MAit + α2Xit-1 +α3MAtypeit + vt +
vj + εi (2)
where TFP it+1 is the value in one year after the M&A deal completed
or rumoured. Sometimes, the firm’s financial information
is incomplete during the year of M&A announcement or completion
because an M&A event may occur in the middle of the firm’s
financial year. This ensures that the firm’s financial information is
complete for a whole financial year. Particularly, in terms of the
rumoured but uncompleted deals, the TFPit+1 refers to the productivity
level of potential acquirer whoever was involved in the
uncompleted international M<A.
The Completed_MAit is a binary variable, capturing the crossborder
M&A’s status, which takes value 1 if the M&A’s status
of testing firm is rumoured and completed, and takes value 0 if
its M&A’s status is rumoured but uncompleted. Testing if this
dummy is statistically significant in affecting TFP level will show
us evidence for the role of completion of M&A deals, controlling
for other factors and firm unobserved heterogeneity. The
main interest of this research is whether a firm’s productivity is
influenced after the completion of an M&A deal compared with
the abandoned potential deal which is the deal only experiencing
the takeover rumour. The vector Xit-1 captures a set of control
variables that have been found in the literature to be important in
explaining firm’s productivity level in general. According to [10],
the pre-acquisition characteristics could affect performance in the
future, so pre-performance is linked to explanations of possible
productivity gains after an M&A activity. These variables include
following firm characteristics observed in the pre-acquisition period:
firm size, the intangible resource, and characteristic variables
to capture financial leverage and liquidity. Firm size is measured
by firm’s total fixed assets. The financial leverage and liquidity are
measured by the firm’s gearing ratio and cash flow respectively.
It is suggested that some firm characteristics can also accumulate
from the preceding period due to the effect of firm’s productivity
such as technological advantage or cash holdings, etc. Similarly,
there is simultaneity between M&A activities and firm’s productivity.
Hence, there is potential endogeneity in the estimation
model. However, the predetermined variable is usually employed
to diminish the potential endogenous problem. Therefore, the
firm’s productivity level is led by one year for the dependent variable
in the estimation model. Additionally, the baseline investigation
uses pooled static models in which all explanatory variables,
except for Completed_MA and MA type, are lagged by one year
to diminish the potential endogeneity and correct heteroskedastic
standard errors by clustering at the individual firm level.
Another control variable is MA typeit. It stands for the type of
M&A which includes vertical, horizontal and conglomerate M&A.
Finally, the error term is made up of a time-specific component
(vt), a two-digit industry-specific component (vj), and an idiosyncratic
error term εi.
This research also looks at the subsample of deals with acquirers
having more intangible assets than targets and deals with targets
having more intangible assets than acquirers. This separation will
answer the effect of M&A event on firms’ productivity in the
deals where an acquirer firm’s advantage in intangible resources
e.g. advanced technology can compensate for its disadvantage in
information asymmetry and in the deals where a target firm’s intangible
resource is the main aim of M&A. This baseline model is
equal to allow for intercept heterogeneity. The estimation corrects
heteroskedastic standard errors first by clustering at the individual
firm level in the baseline least squares estimation, and then by
using labour productivity as a robustness check. The labour productivity
is defined as total revenue per employee. The working
assumption is that a good measure of TFP should exhibit a reasonable
high correlation with labour productivity.
Conditional on effects of M&A completions on the productivity
level, the research further search for potential channels through
which completion of M&A may shape post-acquisition TFP. To
this end, we modify equation 3 by allowing parameter heterogeneity
in M&A completions:
TFPit+1 = β0 + β1Completed_MAit + β2Xit-1 + β3Xit-1* Completed_
MAit +β4MAtypeit + vt + vj + εi (3)
By interacting Completed_MAit with firm characteristics, equation
(3) examines the TFP effects due to completion of M&A
indirectly through various firm characteristics differences.
The similar estimation will be also conducted for labour productivity.
In order to assess whether there is a difference in ownership advantage
between MNEs and non-MNEs, this research will also
estimate the impact of firm MNE status on target’s post-M&A
productivity level by modelling four groups of completed crossborder
M&A deals. They are four types of deals with MNE acquirer,
non-MNE acquirer, MNE target and non-MNE target respectively.
The specifications are constructed as follows:
TFPit+1 = β0 + β1T_mne + β2Xit-1 +β3MAtypeit + vt + vj+ εi (4)
TFPit+1 = β0 + β1A_mne + β2Xit-1 +β3MAtypeit + vt + vj+ εi (5)
T_mne stands for the target’s MNE status dummy, while A_mne
stands for the acquirer’s MNE status dummy. Value of 1 denotes
MNE firm and value of 0 denotes non-MNE firm. Other variables
keep the same. The four types of deals are constructed by
dividing A_mne = 1 or 0 in the equation (4) and T_mne = 1 or 0
in the equation (5).
Results and Discussion
The Impact of MNE Status on Target’s Productivity
The impact of MNE status on a target’s post-acquisition productivity
is reported in table 2. All these models include the pre-
M&A target’s characteristics such as cash flow, corporate financial leverage, intangible assets and firm size. Four models also include
the target MNE status dummy and acquirer MNE status dummy
respectively. The year and industry dummies are controlled in all
the four models.
In model (1), when the acquirer is an MNE in the international
M&A, target’s MNE status shows a significant and positive sign.
This means MNE target’s TFP level will be improved when it is
acquired by another MNE firm. The MNE status in model (2),
(3) and (4) is not found significant. It is not found the significant
evidence for the transfer of ownership advantage from MNEs to
non-MNEs in the international takeovers.
The significant and negative coefficients of the target’s gearing
ratio in columns (1), (3) and (4) suggest that a high level of the
target’s leverage will reduce its TFP level when it is acquired by an
MNE and no matter whether it is an MNE. This can be explained
that a high debt burden forces the firm to reduce its spending
on technological innovation, which is not beneficial to the TFP
improvement. In terms of the target’s cash flow, the significant
and positive coefficients in columns (1), (2) and (4) imply that the
large cash holdings of targets improve their TFP levels no matter
whether they are acquired by MNEs or when they are non-MNEs
per se. This could be explained that the large cash holdings enable
targets to increase expenditure on R&D, which results in the TFP
improvement. In addition, the target’s size measure reports a significant
and positive sign for all columns in table 2. This suggests
that large firms incline to have high TFP levels no matter whether
they are MNEs. This echoes the results for MNE status.
Effects of Cross-border M&A on Acquirer’s TFP
The sample information for the model of M&A’s impact on acquirer’s
post-acquisition TFP is summarised in the table below.
From this table, all variables show positive mean values in the
sample of 2,436 cross-border M&A.
Table 4 reports the effects of cross-border M&A on acquirer’s
productivity measured by TFP over the examined period,
2002-2011. In order to examine possible TFP change channels
through which a completion of an M&A may influence firm’s
productivity,thisresearch interacts the M&A completions dummy with key firm characteristics. Thus, two sets of static model estimation
results are discussed below, which are a baseline model
and a model with interaction terms. By calculating the difference
of intangible assets between target and acquirer firms, the samples
are also split into two subsamples that capture the deal where
an acquirer with high technology and managerial advantage acquires
other targets and the deal that a target with complementary
resource is acquired by other acquirers. The year and industry
effects are controlled for both baseline model and interaction
Across model specifications, the key variable Complete_M&A
shows significant and negative coefficients in column (1) and (2)
of table 4. This suggests that the completion of cross-border
M&A will reduce the acquirer’s TFP level comparing with the
abandoned takeover rumours. Furthermore, controlling for other
factors, columns (3) and (4) confirm significant and negative relationship
between their TFP level and the completion of crossborder
M&A for the deals with high acquirer’s intangible assets.
This implies that acquirer cannot achieve the high TFP level after
completing cross-border M&A in the short term. This can be explained
that the high technology and managerial skills of acquirers
fail to exert their advantage in diversifying the international
investment risk in overseas markets due to being unfamiliar with
local information.
In column (1) and (2) of table 4, the significant and positive signs
of acquirer’s cash flow demonstrate that the high liquidity of a
firm can improve their productivity in international takeovers.
This is consistent with the previous findings thatless financial
restrictions facilitate innovation development and hence boost
higher productivity. Columns (3), (4) and (6) suggest that cash
flow shows positive impact on its TFP no matter that acquirer
has high or low intangible assets. This can be explained that more
cash holding could boost higher acquirer’s productivity together
with its intangible resources. Moreover, the financial advantage
in liquidity can compensate for the disadvantage in lack of technological
resource. Thus, acquirer can achieve TFP improvement
from high liquidity.
In terms of acquirer’s intangible assets in cross-border M&A, columns
(1) and (2) of table 4show thattheacquirer’s TFP improvement
can benefit from its technology or managerial advantage
and the completion of international M&A will reinforce this
effect. Column (3) also verifies this positive effect in the deals
of product market-oriented expansion. However, from column
(6), if an acquirer has no advantage in intangible resource, it will
fail to reallocate target’s complementary resource well and damage
acquirer’s productivity level itself. The completion of M&A
will make that situation worse in the deals of complementary
resource-oriented expansion. This can be explained by [1, 74]
that the acquirer takes time to digest or establish intangible assets,
especially when it involves aspects such as research and development,
brand development, good-will and other expenses with a
long-term effect. In general, the above findings are supported by
the theoretical model of [61]. They suggest that the scope for
productivity spill-over from the acquirer to the target firm is most
pronounced if the acquirer operates in a technology-intensive industry,
while productivity spill-over might even be negative if it
operates in a marketing-intensive industry.
The total assets measure the size of a firm and provide significant
positive signs for acquirers in cross-border M&A. This means that
big multinational firms are more likely to havehigh productivity
levels. From columns (3) and (4) in table 4, firm size is positively
related to acquirer’s TFP level in the deals with intangible advantage
oriented expansions, and the completion of M&A will reinforce
the positive effect of big multinational firm’s high technological
and managerial advantage on acquirer’s TFP level. One
reason might be that, those more efficient or productive multinational
firms are able to overcome the entry barriers to enter
foreign markets and to be competitive in the host markets [58].
By contrast, columns (5) and (6) show that large size of a firm will
help increase the acquirer’s TFP level in the expansions by seeking
strategic assets, but the completion of M&A will impair this
positive effect of large firm size in the takeovers where acquirers
have a disadvantage in intangible assets. Therefore, although large
multinational firms can penetrate into the host market to explore
the strategic assets, their dependences on the strategic assets make
the acquirers passive in their operations and the integration of
intangible assets may be difficult, which leads to the decrease in
acquirer’s post-acquisition TFP level.
Effects of Cross-border M&A on Acquirer’s Labour Productivity
The sample information for the model of M&A’s impact on acquirer’s
post-acquisition labour productivity is summarised in the table below. From this table, all variables show positive mean value
in the sample of 3,285 cross-border M&A.
The acquirer’s labour productivity has been tested and reported
in table 6. It considers the effect of cross-border M&A and uses
the cross-border M&A completions dummy to interact with key
firm characteristics. Similarly, two sets of static model estimation
results and two subsamples estimations are discussed below. The
year and industry effects are also controlled for both baseline
model and interaction model.
Across the specifications in table 6, the variable Completed_MA
shows significant and negative coefficients for acquirers in the
cross-border M&A. This means that the completion of M&A
makes acquirer’s labour productivity low comparedwiththe abandoned
takeover rumours. This finding supports the aforementioned
negative relationship between cross-border M&A and acquirer’s
TFP level. Columns (3) and (4) show that acquirer cannot
achieve the high labour productivity level after completing international
M&A in the deals with market-seeking intention. This
means that the acquirers with advantages in technology and managerial
capabilities have not performed well after the completion
of M&A. According to the learning curve, [74] also argues that
firm needs to take a longer time to accumulate knowledge, experience
and the capability to obtain productivity improvements.
Although [52] conclude that there are substantial positive impacts
of product innovation on productivity, [41] argues that the impact
of innovation process is more ambiguous because, for instance,
most innovations are process-related in the service sector.
From column (6) of table 6, the coefficient of interaction term
between the acquirer’s intangible assets and completion of international
M&A is significant and negative. It means that the high
intangible assets could not facilitate the acquirer to achieve high
post-acquisition labour productivity with the channel of international
M&A completions in the complementary resource-oriented
expansion. This could result from the difficulty in acclimatisation
of the target’s complementary resource in the new parent firms in
the short term after the takeovers.
In column (1) of table 6, the variable acquirer’s total assetsgives a
significant and positive sign in cross-border M&A, which suggests
that the bigger the acquirer is, the higher its labour productivity
level is in overseas takeovers. This finding confirms the effect of
firm size on the acquirer’s productivity in TFP measure. This can
be easily explained that the large total asset means a high amount
of firm’s capital stock invested. This increases the ratio of capital
over labour, which leads to high level of acquirer’s labour productivity.
Especially, the positive coefficients in columns (5) and
(6) with respect to the total asset show that bigger multinational
firms incline to achieve higher labour productivity levels in the
complementary resources-oriented deals. It can be explained that
the ability and skill of bigger acquirer firms are more mature than
smaller firms in integrating the complementary resources acquired
from the targets. They can allocate and apply the assets effectively
to enlarge the total output volume, which improves their labour
productivity levels after cross-border M&A.
Comparison in Goodness of Fit for Labour Productivity and
TFP Models
The LR test is performed by estimating the log likelihoods of
two models and comparing the fit of one model to the fit of the
other. This research has used the LR test to compare differences
among nested models. The diagnostics used by LR chi-squared
and adjusted R-squared show whether the baseline models are nested in the interaction models. However, when considering
which model can explain better the impact of cross-border M&A
completion on firm’s productivity between the models with using
TFP and those with using labour productivity, LR chi-squared
and adjusted R-squared are unable to show the comparison of
model fit because these two models are not nested each other.
This research uses the AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) and
the BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion) to test model fit andcompare
the goodness-of-fit for the both above models. The AIC
is a measure of the relative quality of statistical models for a given
set of data [2]. Hence, AIC provides a means for model selection.
The BIC is closely related to theAIC.In statistics, the BIC is
a criterion for model selection among a finite set of models; the
model with the lowest BIC is preferred [72]. When fitting models,
it is possible to increase the likelihood by adding parameters, but
doing so may result in over-fitting. Both BIC and AIC resolve this
problem by introducing a penalty term for the number of parameters
in the model; the penalty term is larger in BIC than in AIC
[1]. Therefore, both BIC and AIC statistics should be considered
more carefully in the selection of specification.
Table 7 reports measures of model fit for effects of crossborderM&
A on acquirer’s labour productivity and TFP. The results
from likelihood ratio test from above several sections have
indicated the more appropriate model from comparisons of corresponding
baseline and interaction models. This section compares
labour productivity baseline models (1 and 3) with TFP
baseline models (2 and 4) for targets within the whole sample of
international M&A and the subsample of high acquirer’s intangible
assets respectively. This section continues to compare labour
productivity interaction model (5) with TFP interaction model (6)
for targets within the subsample of high acquirer’s intangible assets.
By using the same numbers of observations within the three
samples, table 5.12 shows three positive values (309.436, 264.18
and 53.247) of BIC’ difference between labour productivity and
TFP models respectively. These results provide strong supports
for the acquirer’s TFP models for the three samples.
Generally, the TFP model shows a better fit for both targets and
acquirers based on the diagnostic analysis for goodness of model
fit. Furthermore, TFP models show more significant variables
compared with labour productivity models. There is no clear evidence
to argue that the impact of foreign M&A depends on the
different measure of firm’s productivity according to the results
of regressions. Nevertheless, TFP, as the result of diffusion in
technological or organisational knowledge and economies of
scale, can be the more direct measure to identify the causal impact
of international acquisitions on firm’s productivity performance.
This paper examines the causal relationship between cross-border
M&A and firm’s productivity using a rich micro dataset across the
global market over the period 2002-2011. The effects of crossborder
M&A and firm-level characteristics on firm’s productivity
are assessed from the aspects of target side and acquirer side
respectively. This research also employs two kinds of firm’s efficiency
measure, i.e. TFP and labour productivity, to compare
the influence of choosing different productivity measures. The
rumoured but uncompleted M&A are used as a control group
to compose the dummy of M&A completions together with rumoured
and completed deals. By using an M&A deal-level variable,
the comparison of the impact on firm’s productivity between
the completed M&A and rumoured but abandoned M&A contributes
to the above debate and the literature on the performance
of cross-border M&A.
The literature on firm’s productivity after M&A wrestles with the
unresolved debate, concerning whether M&A will improve firm
performance. The effects of cross-border M&A are assessed for
acquirer firms. From the view of acquirers, those firms who possess
certain intangible advantages would like to attempt to expand
their product markets via international takeovers. However,
those firms who lack some intangible advantages would like to
obtain the strategic assets from acquired firms via international
takeovers. Based on these two points, cross-border M&A are motivated
by market seeking or strategic assets seeking incentives.
This paper separates cross-border M&A into two subsamples,
which include deals with high acquirer’s intangible assets relative
to the target’s assets and deals with low acquirer’s intangible assets
relative to the target’s respectively. The analysis is conducted with
the two subsamples to test the impact of cross-border M&A on
firm’s post-acquisition productivity. The first subsample is used to
examine whether the intangible advantages successfully transfers
from acquirer to target in the product market-driven expansion.
The second subsample is used to examine whether acquirers effectively
exploresthe target’s intangible assets in the strategic assetsdriven
Furthermore, this paper investigates the impacts of cross-border M&A on firm performance by using the determinants of crossborder
M&A completions. Previous literature conducts such
performance analysis by employing the characteristics of a likely
target firm. However, the determinants of M&A completions can
identify a firm in M&A, while the determinants of a likely target
do not necessarily determine the completion of M&A. This is
because other potential uncertain factors,e.g. the regulatory factor
will affect M&A, but they do not influence whether a firm
is chosen as a likely target. Therefore, the factors from previous
research may be biased. The determinants of M&A completions
should have different impacts on the firm performance compared
with the characteristics of a likely target.
This paper tests the multinational status of firms on target’s productivity
to isolate firm’s ownership advantages on its performance.
The result shows that the increase in a target’s productivity
only takes place in the integration between MNEs in the completed
cross-border M&A. Compared with small domestic firms,
large MNEs have more advantages especially in finance to get
access to the advanced technology or resource across the world.
Such updated technology or intangible capability enables MNEs
to achieve high productivity. However, this paperreports that the
completion of a cross-border M&A decreases the post-acquisition
productivity level of acquirers compared with the productivity
of similar firms in takeover rumours. The information asymmetry
across markets causes the difficulty in integration between
targets and acquirers. This results in high transaction costs and
accordingly low firm’s productivity. Thispapercompares two kinds
of firm’s efficiency measure, i.e. TFP and labour productivity. Its
objective is to answer whether the performance of takeovers will
depend on different productivity measures. The results about
TFP measure reports are more significant coefficients than those
about labour productivity measure. It is found that the increase in
a firm’s labour productivity is mainly caused by capital deepening
rather than diffusion in technological or organisational knowledge
and economies of scale. Therefore, TFP is regarded as more appropriate
measure for a firm’s productivity.
In particular, with the market seeking motive, this paper proves
that the completion of international takeovers will reduce the
productivity for acquirers in terms of TFP level and labour productivity
level. The foreign acquirers tend to expand their markets
abroad based on their firm-specific advantages or successful
operational experience. However, some intangible assets such
as advanced technology and brand name are not easy to transfer
successfully. For example, the adaptation of technology in the
host country will affect the knowledge transfer. Are there enough
skilled workers in the job markets or are the standards of their
skills enough to satisfy the requirement of using the new technology?
Another example is the success of introducing a brand
into thehost country which depends on the reputation of such
a brand or its investing firm. The perceptions of customers on
the brand will gradually constitute the brand or firm reputation.
Therefore, Cross-border M&A are attempted with a potentially
good intention in market expansion, but the difficulty in transfer
of intangible advantages will lead to a low firm’s productivity
when takeovers are completed.
Apart from seeking markets, certain strategic assets including intangible
resources are also important for firms because they can
be used to formulate the firm’s competitive advantages. This is
especially true when strategic assets from outsides of firms show
resource complementarities with firm’s own assets; most firms
will attempt all channels to obtain such assets including takeovers.
Hence, the strategic asset seeking becomes another motive to support
takeovers. However, the evidence from this paper shows that
the completion of international takeovers will reduce the target’s
labour productivity level in strategic assets seeking M&A. It is
explained that M&A leads to the low competition in markets. This
offers less incentive for firms to improve organisational innovation
and internal efficiency, and accordingly leads to a low firm’s
labour productivity. Besides this, the ineffective reallocation of
acquired complementary intangible resources decreases the target’s
productivity level after completing international M&A in the
short term. The above results suggest that neither of these two
motives behind cross-border M&A could make firm’s productivitylevel
improve in the short term.
As for the effects of a firm’s characteristics, a firm’s high leverage
level has been found to have a negative effect on its post-M&A
efficiency. High leverage level means that firms have to make large
amounts of payment due to the high proportion of debt. The
limited disposable capital can be used in innovation to improve
firm’s productivity. Nevertheless, the results of this paper show
that firm’s high liquidity, high level of intangible asset and large
size will improve its post-M&A efficiency. These factors provide
firms themselves with sufficient capital, advantages in technology
or brand, and the possibility of access to available resources.
They facilitate firms to improve their productivity in the short
term. Furthermore, horizontal international M&A shows positive
target’s labour productivity. It is explained that the expansion into
the same industry often leads to substitution of domestic production
in the host country. This will reduce the workforce in target
firms and bringacapital deepening effect which increases firm’s
labour productivity.
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