The Impact of Cross-border M&A Deals on Firm-level Profitability
Yupu Lin1*
1 Jing He Limited, Oxford, OX2 7JJ, UK.
2 Professor, Strategy and International Business Group, Warwick Business School, Warwick University, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK.
3 Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship Group, Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK.
4 Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship Group, Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK.
*Corresponding Author
Dr. Yupu Lin,
Jing He Limited, Oxford, OX2 7JJ, UK.
Received: September 27, 2022; Accepted: October 26, 2022; Published: November 16, 2022
Citation: Yupu Lin, Nigel L. Driffield, Yama Temouri, Matthew Olczak. The Impact of Cross-border M&A Deals on Firm-level Profitability. Int J Financ Econ Trade. 2022;5(1):119-129.
Copyright: Yupu Lin©2022. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
This paper exploits hitherto unused data to compare the returns to completed takeovers, with the returns generated by firms
that explored the possibility of merger but subsequently did not follow through. We find evidence that cross-border M&A
sare motivated by efficiency rather than resource seeking. We also find that firms involved in completed M&A shave a lower
level of profitability one year after the merger compared with those with uncompleted deals. Firms are less likely to obtain
both synergy and managerial disciplinary effects post-merger.
3.A Look At Some Stylized Facts
4.Review Of Some Related Empirical Literature
5.The Method
6.The Results
7.Summary and Conclusion
M&A; Profitability; Cross-border Investment; Rumours.
The large literature shows an inconclusive relationship between
cross-border M&A and firm’s profitability [10, 22, 23, 33]. Foreign
acquisitions can lower the extent of competition due to a
number reduction of firms in the host market, providing the acquirer
with strong monopoly power and abnormal returns [62].
Most positive findings about profitability are supported by using
cash flow measure [5, 8, 11, 18, 31, 38, 44, 58]. However, potential
gains may be offset by high costs, through coordination
problems, or unforeseen costs managing resources internationally
[24]. This leads to a decline in profitability after M&A especially
when examining other profitability measures such as ROE, ROA,
sales and profit margin [14, 21, 34, 50, 52, 53]5. Accordingly, the
findings concerning the effects of international takeover on profitability
varied [49].
A common problem in the M&A performance literature is to establish
the counterfactual position - what the performance of the
firms would had been had they not merged. The most common
approach to this is to employ an econometric approach that seeks
to control for the “sample selection problem” (that performance
may be related to the propensity to engage in M&A), see for example
[17, 32].
This paper offers an alternative to this using a unique takeover
rumour6 dataset to build an M&A likelihood model and assess
the post-M&A firm performance from a different perspective.
With comparing deals that went ahead with those explored but
subsequently abandoned in the period of 2002 to 2011, the paper
examines the impact of M&A on firm performance in terms of
profitability. Our analysis seeks to distinguish synergy effects and
disciplinary effects of M&A by differentiating the pre-acquisition
profitability of targets, and exam our findings in the context of
both acquirer and target firms. The standard way of approaching
this problem is to compare the profitability of M&A via comparing
pre- and post-acquisition operating performance.
The further contribution of this paper is developed from this type
of comparative group. We extend the existing empirical evidence
about rumoured deals in the context of cross-border M&A and
explore the likelihood of M&A from a deal perspective rather
than predicting a likely target. Previous research only focuses on
the factors which initiate M&A activity, while we identify what
factors determine an M&A deal carry out and complete finally.
Furthermore, we prove the difficulty in achieving synergy effect
for M&As by comparing the completed deals with uncompleted
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 reviews the theory on
the determinants of cross-border M&A. Section 3 summarises
the wide range of theories explaining post-merger performance
and derives a number of testable hypotheses. Section 4 outlines
our empirical methodology based on the use of rumoured data.
Section 5 describes the data and provides summary statistics. Section
6 presents and discusses our results. Finally, a brief conclusion
follows in section 7.
The Determinants Of Cross-Border M&A
Before turning to an examination of pre- and post-performance,
it is necessary first to consider the motives for mergers, and the
importance of these motives in explaining subsequent performance.
Previous empirical studies have exploited takeover likelihood
through predicting potential takeover targets [6, 58, 60].
Studies have identified the factors that influence the likelihood of
a takeover target [6, 20, 36, 55, 59]. The problem with estimating
the likelihood of a takeover is that whilst we observe takeovers
that are completed, there is a large unobserved number of others
that could have taken place but did not. The problem is therefore
obtaining a suitable comparative group. Previous literature has
solved this problem by defining non-target firms via propensity
matching score. In contrast, we compare the completed crossborder
M&As and those deals which are uncompleted in the end
after experiencing the takeover rumours.
The existing theoretical literature provides a guide to the firm-level
factors that we should consider when examining the determinants
of cross-border M&As. Firstly, high profitability in acquirers
is argued to impede the completion of cross border M&A due
to the potential managerial resistance from targets and acquirer’s
reluctance on risk exposure in potentially losing existing profitability
when acquiring a new firm [42]. Secondly, according to [41]
free cash flow (FCF) hypothesis, high liquidity will indulge acquirer’s
managements in managerial discretion, which causes wayward
selection on M&A deals [46]. Such deals may be less likely
to be completed in the end due to opposition by shareholders and
disapproval by boards.
The existing literature introduces motives of cross board M&A
from the resource based view (RBV) which states that the competitive
advantage of a firm lies primarily in a bundle of valuable
intangible assets [2, 16, 64].The complimentary intangible assets
possessed by targets may therefore attract acquirers to attempt
takeovers [54]. However, according to transaction costs theory,
these deals may not ultimately be completed due to lack of consensus
between both targets and acquirers on the value of assets
and transaction price [19]. Given these obstructive factors, it is
interesting to investigate their effect on performance of M&A in
terms of firm’s profitability.
Explanations for Post-acquisition Performance
The Impact of MNEs on Post-M&A Profitability
Our first contribution is to discuss the difference between M&As
involving MNEs, and those involving purely domestic firms,
whether they are cross border or not. Theoretically, we expect
there to be a significant difference, though typically the literature
explores either only international M&A, or foreign takeovers,
without considering whether this involves pre-existing multinationals.
The existence of multinational firms is typically founded
on the basis of ownership advantages, which facilitates successful
internationalisation [35]. The essential argument here concerns
the likely impacts on a host country firm of foreign takeover.
This suggests that the international M&A are found to be affected
by the pre-acquisition performance of firms. Some literature
finds that foreign acquirers choose more profitable domestic
targets [27], for Korea in the post-liberalization period [45], for
the US;[28], for Japanese manufacturing sector; [11], for the US
with emerging markets investors). It is necessary to distinguish
whether the improvement of post-acquisition profitability results
from the effect of takeovers or other reasons such as firm growth
per se. For example,[5] argue that the growth in profitability is
more significant for buying unprofitable targets than buying profitable
ones. Given such evidence, most research adopts the difference-
in-difference matching approach to control the potential
selectivity bias[11, 29]. However, this literature pre-supposes that
the foreign firm possesses the necessary ownership advantages,
which in turn are transferred through knowledge transfer or other
mechanisms into the acquired firm, thus improving its performance.
However, as we discuss above, there are many motives for
FDI, and also for foreign acquisition, including access to markets,
resources or technology, all of which can be independent of ownership
advantages. Our first hypothesis concerns the importance
of pre-existing multi-nationality.
Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are generally found to show
superior performance than their domestic counterparts. This performance
advantage stems from MNE theory which defines that
MNEs are endowed with specific comparative advantages such
as a superior production technology or organizational superiority
[10, 25, 9]. As also, foreign MNEs often bring domestic targets
with their ownership advantages such as higher capital intensity,
which results in a rise in post-M&A profit margins via growth in
(labour) productivity [4]. Therefore, the argument could bring the
first hypothesis.
H1 Ownership advantage is a key driver of performance in international
Post-M&A Profitability of Acquirers in International Takeovers
Our second hypothesis concerns the potential for success of international
M&A in the absence of pre-existing multinationality.
From a theoretical perspective, the traditional international business
and finance literature suggests that the global diversification
of business and increased market power of the MNEs stemming
from M&A will increase profitability [26]. Alternatively, the rumour of a merger may be enough to discipline underperforming
firms7 since this acts as a threat to the management of targeted
firm, which can stimulate managerial performance [39, 56]. Regardless
of the source of gains, these results offer supports for
the potency of takeover rumour and thus for the beneficial effect
of the market for corporate control.
The literature also provides a number of possible explanations
for why the firm’s profitability may decline following a completed
acquisition. Firstly, the complexity of M&A operation could
make the profitability decline during the implementation of actual
acquisition [50]. Secondly, the benefit of tax burden curtailment
attracts the foreign owners often to be willing to accept lower
profit margins [4]. Thirdly, overpaying for complementary assets
will compress the acquirer’s profit margin because a high level of
complementarities in assets between acquirers and targets will increase
the acquisition price when thet arget’s assets become more
strategically valuable for acquirers [37, 47, 63].
H2 In the absence of any pre-existing multi-nationality, cross border MA
perform worse than if the two firms had not merged together.
The Difficulty in Realising Synergy Effect on Post-acquisition
There is a synergy effect if the combined value of the new venture
created by M&A exceeds the sum of the values of the individual
firms. Thus, profitable firms are more likely to be acquired
due to the benefit of a further synergistic improvement in the
firm performance [45]. If these effects are realised then postmerger
performance can be improved [11]. In the literature on
multinational firms, technological knowledge, brand name capital
and organisational capabilities are frequently listed as advanced
intangible assets through which synergy effects can arise [28].
Following [25] internalisation theory of multinational expansion,
firms are endowed with firm-level specific advantages (FSA) [40],
such as a superior production technology or organisational superiority,
can then result in improved post-merger performance [48].
The possession of intangible assets may facilitate firms to achieve
the superior earning ability [9, 10]. If these profitable firms are
acquired as the targets, they may benefit from the positive synergy
effects together with their acquirers. However, there are a number
of reasons why perceived synergy effects may not be realised.
Firstly, it is problematic in transferring technological knowledge
and brand name recognition or reputation across foreign firms
[10]. For example, the restructuration of target assets frequently
damage its capabilities, which leads to a deteriorated post-acquisition
performance (Capron, 1999). Secondly, the licensing of
brand name exposes a danger of negative externalities due to
sharing intangible assets(e.g. reputation and distribution channels)
and simultaneously cultivating of potential rivals [30]. Thirdly, the
difficulty in transferring some competitive intangible advantage
such as superior organisational routines and practices makes the
success rate of international M&A integration lower [3, 7]. The
high costs on training and executing such organisational routines
and practices reduce the firm’s profit margin after M&A. Furthermore,
some inadaptability is revealed when applying certain
intangible advantages in the different countries especially under
a distant culture context [8]. These all result in a reduced postmerger
H3 The difficulty in assimilating intangible assets and generating synergy
leads to a worse completed M&A performance when FSA is driven by intangible
Rumoured M&A Deals as A Comparative Group
In the pre- versus post-M&A performance approach, there is usually
a selection bias. The focus of concern is whether an acquired
firm would have had a lower firm’s profitability, if it had not been
acquired by other foreign firms. This is so called unobservable
counterfactual situation. It is hard to assess the imponderable
counterfactual situations of firm’s profitability where M&A is inexistent.
Specifically, the post-acquisition firm performance may
be a feature of observable firm’s characteristics, related to either
pre-acquisition performance or the prospects for future growth
[5]. Thus, the performance of the non-acquirers or non-targets
does not offer a good estimate of the counterfactual case in nonexperimental
Given the evidence generally found that foreign firms buy profitable
targets, most recent studies have addressed the selectivity
bias by adopting a difference-in-difference approach in conjunction
with propensity score matching techniques [29, 51].However,
one potential concern with propensity matching estimation is that
the control group of non-target population generated by matching
approach just provides the suspected targets. These suspected
targets are plausible but fallacious cases because they only have
certain similar range of observable characteristics with the actual
target firms. They are even irrelevant firms who are never selected
into the consideration of the M&A. In other words, when considering
whether firms conduct takeover, the control group selected
from the non-targets population with matching technique is either
the firm which satisfies the conditions of M&A but is not acquired
or other irrelevant firm. Whether a target is acquired or not
might subject to other factors which do not necessarily determine
M&A. Thus, the matching approach in the previous literature can
only identify the factors which differentiate whether a firm is the
target or not in the research of M&A.
The use of takeover rumour data overcomes the aforementioned
limitation of propensity matching techniques. In terms of takeover
rumour data, the existing literature primarily explores the effects
of takeover rumours date and announcement date on predicting
likely targets in M&A activities [13, 61]. Alternatively, they
assess the effect of takeover rumours on the shareholder wealth
[1, 15, 43, 65]. Although not all of takeover rumours end in an
actual acquisition [15], the takeover rumours provide a potential
pool of M&A deals with a linkage between potential acquirers
and targets. Not only the data from rumoured deals provides
comparable sense in identifying the similarity of in range of
completed deals characteristics, but also they are ever potential
involving firms who just did not complete the deals due to some
reasons. Whether or not the cross-border M&A is completed
comprises a comparison between the actual international takeover
and the situation had the takeover not taken place after experiencing
takeover rumours. As a potential but abandoned international M&A, rumoured deals naturally provide a feature of counterfactual
population, which can overcome the potential selective bias.
Therefore, this control group will facilitate to test what factors
may influence the completion of M&A and how the M&A affects
firm’s profitability.
Data and Method
Data Source and Data Description
This research has utilized two large databases provided by Bureau
van Dijk8 which are Zephyr and Orbis. Zephyr contains widely
domestic and cross-border M&A deals. Orbis contains comprehensive
and rich firm-level information. Both databases are provided
by Bureau van Dijk, a leading electronic publisher of annual
account information on private and public firms. The cross-border
M&A deals are selected to compose a large dataset spanning
the period 2002-2011. The firm information of both targets and
acquirers has been incorporated into the dataset of cross-border
M&A deals. According to the definition in Zephyr, the research
selects the M&A deal with the criteria at least £1 million or equivalent
in deal value or at least 2 percent of a stake acquisition.
Furthermore, this research also uses a dataset of GDP growth
rate for each country which is extracted from the International
Country Risk Guide (ICRG) historical database. This is a wide selection
of data from specific tables as published monthly in International
Country Risk Guide from 1984 until the present, including
all countries or their predecessors monitored by ICRG. These
data include Political, Economic, Financial and Composite Risk
Ratings, which are sets of data with the risk components used to
calculate each rating and other sets with the actual monthly data
variable used to calculate either the Economic Risk Rating or the
Financial Risk Rating, as recorded contemporaneously for every
country monitored by ICRG in each particular month.
Following [24], horizontal, vertical and conglomerate M&A are
defined with 2 digit NACE industry code. The distribution of
population which includes 19,685 cross-border M&A deals is listed
in table 1. Conglomerate M&A9 account for a large proportion
of total cross-border M&A deals. There are 1,044 rumoured conglomerate
deals and 11,095 completed conglomerate deals. The
second largest number of M&A type is horizontal M&A which is
consist of 798 rumoured deals and 6,155 completed deals. Vertical
M&A is consist of 52 rumoured deals and 541 completed
From table 2, during this decade, there are 11,280 acquirers and
19,685 targets in total from 164 countries across the world. The
US is the biggest cross-border M&A home country which conducts
2,418 international M&A attempts and accounts for 21.44%
of total international deals. As for the target side, the UK becomes
the biggest cross-border M&A host country which receives
2,798 bids and accounts for 14.21% of total international deals.
The majority of involving firms is located in the North American
area and West European area. Other acquirers and targets mainly
come from OECD countries, Enlarged EU area, East Asian area
and Oceania area. Generally, it shows that the developed countries
consist of main outward and inward FDI countries. Whereas,
less developed countries primarily import capital from more
developed countries. Most of cross-border M&A activities take
place in North American and Western European countries.
In order to detect the synergetic and disciplinary effects, this study
will investigate the post-M&A performance by differentiating the
deals between acquiring high and low profit targets. The bench
mark of pre-M&A target profitability level is set to be the average
value (4.99%) of target’s profit margin in the one year prior to the
takeovers. Therefore, this study will divide the main sample into
two subsamples based on the bench mark of pre-M&A target
profitability level, which are high pre-profit target subsample and
low pre-profit target subsample. Table 3 below will show the distributions
of frequency and percentage about cross-border M&A
status in the deals across the pre-M&A target subsamples. From
table 3, 9.62% (1,894) of international deals are rumoured but
uncompleted, 90.38% (17,791) of them are rumoured and completed
finally. Most international deals were rumoured and then
followed with completion. More specifically, in the deals with high
profit or low profit targets, both completed international M&A
(87.44% and 87.40%) also overwhelm the uncompleted ones (12.56% and 12.60%) in numbers of deals. Whilst, the number
of deals with high profit targets (4,157) are slightly less than those
with low profit firms (4,341), which are account for 21.12% and
22.05% respectively. Similarly, the numbers of high profit targeted
international M&A (27.56% and 20.43%) are slightly less than
that of low profit targeted ones (28.88% and 21.33%) respectively
in terms of both uncompleted deals and completed ones.
Many measures, such as cash flow, net income, sales, return on
assets or equity, EPS, firm liquidity and profit margins, are used
to assess the firm’s profitability, particularly in the examination of
operating gains of takeovers by accounting studies. Nevertheless,
it is doubtful that the profitability of post-M&A could be reflected
truly underlain by cash flows because the increase in cash flow
may not result from the improvement of profit sometimes [12].
It could result from the disposal of some unwanted assets within
the company or written off on the previous non-receivable credit.
The firm’s information was picked to proxy a number of attributes
or dimensions of economic performance, financial position
and deal status, including: profitability, cash flow, corporate financial
leverage, intangible asset, firm size, multinational status and
completion of M&A. In this research, gearing ratio is used to
measure corporate financial leverage. The profitability is measured
by profit margin. Total assets of firms are employed to
measure firm size. In this research, several control variables will
be used such as cross-border M&A type, GDP growth for host
country, year and industry. The descriptions for all variables are
listed in table 4 below.
Modelling the Likelihood of M&A
In order to identify the determinants of cross-border M&A, a
probit model will be employed because there are two parts of observations
in the dependent variable. This research will construct
takeover rumour and actual takeover into the dependent variable,
which is different from using probability of target as a dependent
variable in previous literature. Thus, an M&A likelihood model
will be developed to explore the determinants of completed deals,
using a vector of firm-level factors for both the target and acquiring
firm. The estimation models will be examined with using
below equations. The equation includes all independent variables
and control variables. They are listed as follow:
y(1/0)it = β0 + β1Tit + β2Ait + β3Listedit + β4GDPit + β5MAtypeit + vt + vc+ εit (1)
where y1(1/0)it is a binary variable, capturing the M&A’s status in
the year of takeover rumour or completion, which takes value 1
if the M&A’s status of testing firm is completed, and takes value 0
if its M&A’s status is rumoured. The vector Tit and Ait respectively
capture a set of target’s and acquirer’s characteristics such as profit
margin, cash flow, gearing ratio, intangible asset and total asset.
These variables are also observed in the acquisition event period
(t) to capture acquirer’s profitability, liquidity, corporate financial
leverage, intangible resource and firm size. Finally, the error term
is made up of a time-specific component (vt), an encoded 2-digit
country-specific component (vc), and an idiosyncratic error term
Modelling Post-acquisition Profitability
This research applies the dataset with pooling cross-section firms
within time period. The baseline model is used for assessing impacts
of cross-border M&A on acquirer’s profitability, takes the
following form:
APMit +1 = β0 + β1MAit + β2APMit-1 + β3Yit-1 +β4MAtypeit + vt + vj + εit (2)
Where APM it+1 refer to the profit margin of acquirers one year
after cross-border M&A being completed or rumoured. This ensures
that the firm’s financial information is complete for a whole
financial year. For acquirer’s profitability, the model uses all variables from acquirer side information. The key variable is MAit
which refers to the dummy of cross-border M&A completions
or not. It is a binary variable, capturing the M&A’s status, which
takes value 1 if the M&A’s status of testing firm is rumoured and
completed, and takes value 0 if its M&A’s status is rumoured but
uncompleted. Testing if this dummy is statistically significant in
affecting firm’s profitability will show the evidence for the role of
cross-border M&A completions, controlling for other factors and
firm unobserved heterogeneity. The main interest of this research
is whether firm’s profitability will be influenced after the completion
of a cross-border M&A deal comparing with the rumoured
but uncompleted deal.
APMit-1 refers to the profit margin of targets and acquirers one
year before M&A being completed or rumoured. If a firm is ever
in a profitable position, it is likely that it possesses firm specificity
that is related to the factors of high profitability, and hence may
help the firm become profitable again in the future. This lagged
profit margin variable in the model captures the firm’s profitability
situation prior to the M&A. It makes the estimation become
a dynamic model controlling for the past position of firm’s earning
ability. Furthermore, Yit-1 are the vectors of acquirer’s characteristics
respectively in terms of leverage, liquidity, intangible
resources and size measure. Sometimes, the firm’s financial information
is incomplete during the year of M&A announcement
or completion because the M&A event may occur in the middle
of the firm’s financial year. Thus, all variables in these vectors are
lagged by one year in order to obtain the firm’s complete information
for a whole financial year. The control variable is MA typeit.
It stands for the type of M&A which includes vertical, horizontal
and conglomerate M&A. Finally, the error term is made up of a
time-specific component (vt), a 2-digit industry-specific component
(vj), and an idiosyncratic error term εit. These terms control
for year and industry respectively.
Conditional on effects of M&A completions on the post-M&A
profitability level, the research further searches for the potential
moderating roles of M&A completions dummy on other explanatory
variables in shaping the firm’s profitability level. To this end,
equation 4 is modified by allowing parameter heterogeneity in M&A completion:
APMit+1 = β0 + β1MAit + β2APMit-1 + β3Yit-1+ β4APMit-1*MAit + β5Yit-1*MAit +β6MAtypeit + vt + vj + εit (4)
By interacting MAit with firm characteristics, equation 4 examines
the profitability effects due to completion of M&A indirectly
through various firm characteristics differences. This research
also looks at the subsample of deals with acquirers having high
profit targets and deals with acquirers having low profit targets.
This separation will answer the effect of M&A event on firms’
profitability in the deals where an acquirer firm wishes to acquire
a profitable target for synergetic gains and in the deals where an
acquirer firm wishes to acquire an unprofitable target for the discipline
of bad management.
In order to assess whether there is a difference in ownership advantage
between MNEs and non-MNEs, this research will also
estimate the impact of firm MNE status on target’s post-M&A
profitability level by modelling four groups of completed crossborder
M&A deals. They are four types of deals with MNE acquirer,
non-MNE acquirer, MNE target and non-MNE target respectively.
The specifications are constructed as follow:
TPMit+1 = β0 + β1T_mne + β2TPMit-1 + β3Xit-1 +β4MAtypeit + vt + vj + εit (5)
TPMit+1 = β0 + β1A_mne + β2TPMit-1 + β3Xit-1 +β4MAtypeit + vt + vj + εit (6)
T_mne stands for the target’s MNE status dummy, while A_mne
stands for the acquirer’s MNE status dummy. Value of 1 denotes
MNE firm and value of 0 denotes non-MNE firm. Other variables
keep the same. The four types of deals are constructed by
dividing A_mne = 1 or 0 in equation 5 and T_mne = 1 or 0 in
equation 6.
Descriptive Statistics for Determinants of Cross-border
The sample information for the probit model with using the relative
firm size variable is summarised in table 5. All variables show
positive mean value in the sample of 4,149 cross border M&A
and some of them have negative values for specific observations.
Results for Determinants of Cross-border M&A
The parameter estimates of the probit M&A likelihood models
and the associated marginal effects for independent variables are
presented in table 6. Model 1 uses the absolute value of acquirer
and target’s size measures, while Model 2 employs the logarithm
of relative size measure between acquirer and target. The control
variables control acquirer’s listed status, target’s listed status, GDP
growth for each host country, M&A types, year and country.
In model 1, the coefficient sign of variable target’s intangible asset
is significant and negative. This implies that the target with low
level of intangible assets will increase the likelihood of cross-border
M&A completions. It can be explained that the competitive
advantage based on a complex technology will reduce the likelihood
of cross-border M&A completions due to the high transfer
cost. Additionally, high proportion of intangible assets, to some
extent, brings in an overvalued firm’s value. Therefore, targets
sometimes ask for higher takeover prices resulting in the deals not
being completed. The coefficient sign of target’s total asset is consistent
with previous literature, which means that a smaller firm
will increase the chance of a cross-border M&A being completed.
Besides, smaller firms may be more likely to be chosen as targets.
Moreover, the finding for other significant variables of the acquirer
shows that the acquiring firm with high profitability and sufficient
cash flow will reduce the chance of a cross-border M&A
completion after experiencing a takeover rumour. Although high
cash flow is argued to increase the possibility of potential M&A
deals because managers can afford to buy more firms, it doesn’t
mean all of them become completed ones. The high amount of
free cash flow gives managers more discretionary power and encourages
management hubris. This results in the deals not easy to
be completed successfully because acquirers carelessly choose the
investment projects. This finding is different from the previous
literature which argues that the more cash flow the more M&A.
In addition, the result about the profitability from the acquirer
side is also different from previous literature which argues that the
acquirer with high profitability will be more likely to initiate the
takeovers. The finding could be explained that acquirers with high
earning ability will cautiously choose targets to acquire or merge.
They prefer to maintain their existing superiority in profitability
and try to avoid the risk of losing profit when acquiring a new
firm. Besides, the large integration cost makes acquirers unprofitable
to some extent. Thus, high profitability reduces the chance
of an M&A deal completion.
As for the control variables, the coefficient of target listed status
is negative and statistically significant in model 1, and the listed
status of acquirer and target firms has a significant and negative
sign in model 2. This indicates that the unlisted firms in the sample
will increase the likelihood of cross-border M&A completions.
In terms of listed status, the listed firm is usually a large
corporation in market value and is under surveillance by the stock
exchange regulators. Large firms are not easily integrated and usually
involve complicated transaction procedures. Moreover, the
listed firm is usually required to disclose more M&A proposal
information than unlisted ones. This requirement of financial disclosure
in the stock exchange institutes reduces the discretionary
power of managers to attempt all possible M&A projects. Thus,
listed firms are not easy to complete an M&A deal due to sophisticated
integration progress and strict surveillance by regulators.
Together with considering the control of country variable, the
variable of GDP growth shows a significant and positive sign.
This means that the healthy economic environment and good
market opportunity in the host country will encourage the completion
of cross-border M&A. The firm’s listed status variables and the control for the host country interfere with the significance
of a firm’s intangible resource, profitability and GDP growth in
affecting the completion of cross-border M&A after experiencing
takeover rumours.
As for the control variable of cross-border M&A type, the coefficient
of horizontal M&A is negative with significance. It means
that horizontal international M&A deals are less likely to be completed
compared with vertical international M&A. Horizontal
M&A are usually consistent with diversification of corporate
strategy under certain relatedness of corporate operation in order
to seek for risk diversification and economy of scope. Furthermore,
horizontal M&A is often involved in acquiring the firms
with similar or homogeneous products. This provides the acquirer
firm with new product markets or enlarged economy of scale,
but this also makes the duplicated investments and resources redundant.
Therefore, firms may more carefully consider horizontal
takeovers. Especially, in consideration of the high cost due to job
cut in the workforce and repeated construction, this kind of international
M&A has less chance to be completed eventually.
In model 2, the relative size measure exhibits high significance
and is consistent with the positive expected sign. The result shows
that relative size of acquirer and target has more influential power
than their absolute sizes in explaining the completion of a rumoured
cross-border M&A deal. It suggests that the larger the
extent of relative difference between acquirer and target is, the
more likely the cross-border M&A deal will be completed. In other
words, large firms usually acquire small ones. Based on the diagnostics
of AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) and BIC (Bayesian
Information Criterion), the relative firm size model has better
explanatory power for the likelihood of international takeover
completion. Actually, table 6 shows that only small firms increase
the likelihood of M&A completions. However, there is no unique
criterion to define a small firm. Compared with the absolute firm
size measure, the relative firm size provides the comparability between
acquirers and targets. It can facilitate researchers easily to
identify effects of small firms or large firms.
Apart from these above differences, the coefficients of all other
variables in model 2 are consistent with those in model 1. Generally,
those efficiency variables show significant and negative results
and are associated with rumoured but not completed deals. This
may suggest a bias in the previous results, in which the firms are
strongly more likely to consider these efficiency factors in considering
international M&A attempts. However, these factors appear
to be unrelated to the completion of M&A, the evidence from
this research also suggests that strategic resources impede completion
of takeovers rather than motivate them. Therefore, overall
results suggest that the cross-border M&A activity is oriented by
efficiency seeking rather than technological sourcing.
Effects of Cross-border M&A on Firm’s Profitability
The sample information for the M&A’s impact on acquirer’s postacquisition
profitability is summarised in table 7.
Table 8 report the effects of cross-border M&A and use the
cross-border M&A completions dummy interacted with key acquirer’s
characteristics. In column (1), the key variable M&A completions
dummy shows significant and negative coefficients. This
suggests that the completion of M&A will reduce the acquirer’s
post-M&A profitability level compared within the abandoned
takeover rumours, which is consistent with hypothesis 2. Furthermore,
controlling for other factors, column (3) confirms that
acquirers cannot achieve high profitability level after cross-border M&A completing in the short term, even though they acquire
profitable targets. The uncertainty and information asymmetry in
overseas markets weaken the acquirer’s ability of exploiting target’s
previous profitability in the actual M&A.
In columns from (1) to (6)of table 8, the variable of acquirer’s
pre-acquisition profitability shows positive and significant coefficients.
This implies that the acquirer’s post-acquisition profit level
extends from its pre-acquisition profitability levels after takeovers.
More specifically, in columns (3) and (4), acquirers will benefit
from their previous earning abilities and achieve the high postacquisition
profitability when they acquire more profitable targets.
This confirms the synergetic effect. Furthermore, the significant
and positive coefficients for the previous level of acquirer’s profit
margin in columns (5) and (6) suggest that the previous acquirer’s
profitability is positively related to its post-M&A profitability in
the deals which have low profit targets. Therefore, there is no firm
evidence to prove the effect of managerial discipline. In column
(3), there is a significant and negative coefficient of gearing ratio
for acquirers. This means that the acquirer who has previous high
financial risk will reduce its profitability after takeovers when it
acquires a profitable target. It can be explained that a firm is less
likely to achieve high profit itself in the acquisition with excessive
debt financing. This leads to large interest payments and operating
From columns (1) and (3) of table 8, the coefficients of acquirer’s
intangible assets show significant and negative sign in both all
cross-border M&A sample and the high profit targets subsample.
The evidence demonstrates that an acquirer with a high volume
of intangible asset will make itself less profitable after M&A. This
can be explained by the fact that the transfers of technological
and managerial advantages from acquirers to overseas targets will
increase the operational costs for acquirers. For example, it takes
time to train the employees in newly acquired firms, or establish
brand reputation in the host country. Du, et al. (2014) argue that
some advantages of acquirer’s intangible resources are unable to
exert properly in the short term after takeovers because such advantages
as research and development brand reputation may be
damaged due to the M&A process. Even if the acquirer purchases
a high profit target, the synergy effect may not be explicit in the
short run. It needs time to restore these advantages and generate
synergistic gains. Additionally, acquirers sometimes write off the
value of certain intangible assets during the integration after the
takeovers. This will decrease the book value of acquirer’s total
assets, which creates a better book profit in terms of return on
assets (ROA) or return on capital employed (ROCE) in their financial
reports. However, this research employs profit margin to
measure firm’s profitability. Firm’s profit margin is calculated by
profit before tax over operating revenue. Thus, there is no significant
influence on acquirer’s profit margin if it writes off intangible
In table 8, columns (5) and (6) show that horizontal M&A has
a positive impact on acquirer’s post-acquisition profit margin in
cross-border deals if a firm acquires a low profit target. This
means acquirers can purchase unprofitable targets at a low transaction
cost in order to explore overseas markets. The host markets in the same industry provide the acquirer with enlargements
in economy of scale and scope of product. The fast increase in
sales with a slow increase in costs results in the acquirer’s high
profitability level after takeovers.
The Impact of MNE Status on Target’s Profitability
The impact of MNE status on target’s post-acquisition profitability
is reported in table 9. All these models include the pre-M&A
target’s characteristics such as profitability, cash flow, corporate
financial leverage, intangible assets and firm size. Four models
also include the target MNE status dummy and acquirer MNE
status dummy respectively. The year and industry dummies are
controlled in all the four models.
In model (1) of table 9, when the acquirer is an MNE in the
international M&A, target’s MNE status shows a significant and
positive sign. This means MNE target’s profit margin will be improved
when it is acquired by another MNE firm. The significant
and positive sign of acquirer’s MNE status in model (3) suggests
the same argument to model (1). The MNE status in models (2)
and (4) is not found to be significant. This means that only the
cross-border M&A between multinational corporations can bring
target firms with an improvement in profitability. No significant
evidence is found for the ownership advantage transfer from
MNEs to non-MNEs in international takeovers. It can be interpreted
that the synergy effect can only be created in the integration
between MNEs.
The coefficients in columns from (1) to (4) of table 9 show significant
and positive signs. This means that the target’s pre-M&A
profitability is positively related to its post-M&A profitability regardless
of firm’s MNE status. The significant and negative coefficient
of the target’s gearing ratio in column (1) suggests that a
high level of the target’s leverage will reduce its profitability if
it is acquired by an MNE. This can be explained that the sales
generated are used to pay off the debt of targets, which leads to
a low profitability in the balance sheets. In terms of the target’s
cash flow, the significant and negative coefficients in columns (1)
and (3) imply that the large cash holdings of targets reduce their
profitability either when they are acquired by MNEs or when they
are MNEs per se. This could be caused by a wayward expenditure
of the target’s management on the large cash holdings.
In model (2) of table 9, horizontal M&A shows a significant and
negative sign. This suggests that when a non-MNE firm acquires
another overseas MNE target firm within the same industry, the
acquired MNE target cannot achieve high post-acquisition profitability
level. It can be explained by a substitution effect on domestic
exporting activity. The horizontal cross-border M&A replaces
exporting activities of targets, which reduces the domestic
production of acquired targets. Targets lose their advantage in
the scale economy of production and accordingly compress their
profit. Apart from these differences, the coefficient signs of other
variables remain unchanged.
This research assesses the impacts of cross-border M&A on targets’
and acquirers’ performance in terms of profitability by employing
the firm’s information and M&A status in the period of
2002-2011. Before examining the performance of takeovers, we
developed a takeover likelihood model to identify the determinants
of M&A completion. Many studies have developed statistical
models to either predict takeover targets or investigate the
influence factors of M&A. The factors are identified due to their
influence on M&A activity such as firm size, profitability, liquidity,
corporate financial leverage level, and intangible assets from the
firm level. In spite of the mixed empirical evidence of these factors,
previous research only focuses on the factors which initiate
M&A activity. Nevertheless, it is unanswered that what factors
determine an M&A deal carry out and complete finally.
This study employs the rumoured but uncompleted and completed
cross-border M&A deals to create a binary probit model which
finds a better way to address the sample selection issue. The use
of rumoured deals identify the deals which satisfy the conditions
of M&A but do not exist in the end. We stimulate the counterfactual situation and provide a better control group because the rumoured
data provides the similarity in range of actual completed
deals characteristics. Thus, we exploited the likelihood of M&A
from a deal perspective rather than predicting a likely target.
Due to the different focal point on M&A likelihood, this paper
finds some results which are different from the previous literature.
Traditionally, it is believed that the large amount of target’s intangible
asset (RBV), sufficient acquirer’s liquidity (FCF hypothesis),
and high acquirer’s profitability (efficiency theory) will increase
M&A activity. However, in this research, the acquirer’s liquidity, its
profitability and target’s intangible asset are found as an obstruction
to the completion of cross-border M&A. This research also
found that acquirer’s cash flow and its profitability, target’s intangible
asset and absolute size measure, the relative size of acquirer
over target, the listed status of both involving firms and GDP
growth for the host country are important determinants of international
takeover completion. Overall finding suggests that the
cross-border M&A is the efficiency seeking activity rather than
resource seeking one. Therefore, cross-border M&A deals are impeded
by the potential managerial resistance, managerial discretion
and high transaction costs in integration or the unachievable
consensus between both firms on the transaction price.
The impacts of cross-border M&A are exploited from the aspects
of both the target side and acquirer side respectively. Generally,
we find that the firm’s profitability level reduces once cross-border
M&A is completed for acquirers.The takeover rumour can be
regarded as a type of threat to replace the incumbent management,
which motivates the incumbent management to improve
their firm’s profitability. However, when the rumoured deals are
completed, firms may not make high profit due to considerable
costs of transaction and integration. Therefore, completed deals
are found to have a low firm’s profitability level compared with
rumoured but uncompleted deals.
Firms with different earning ability levels are acquired in cross
border M&A. Therefore, we investigate the firm’s post-M&A
profitability level with two subsamples of previously high and low
profit targets to test the synergetic effect and managerial disciplinary
effect respectively. Some firms acquire profitable targets
because managers think the profitability of acquired firms will
contribute to the financial performance for both firms. Especially,
we find that the lower an acquirer firm’s profitability, the higher
the likelihood that a cross border M&A is completed. Unprofitable
acquirers wish to improve their financial positions through
acquiring profitable targets, which is consistent with the motive
of synergy effect. However, high earning ability of profitable
target firms is root in their competitive advantages. Uncertainty
across countries due to high market risk increases the probability
of failure in transferring the advantages about the high earning
ability across markets. Thus, in spite of a good intention to
achieve synergy gains, it is less likely to obtain a high profitability
level due to the difficulty in integration of competitive advantages.
Furthermore, we find that only when MNE firms acquire
MNE targets via takeovers, target’s profitability is improved. It is
concluded that the synergy effect can only be created in the integration
between MNEs. However, there is no significant evidence
to show a transfer of the MNE’s ownership advantages.
In contrast, other firms acquire unprofitable targets because managers
believe in their ability of improving target’s financial performance.
Based on the motive of managerial disciplinary effect
with developed from the market for corporate control, firms tend
to acquire unprofitable targets to replace the poor management.
However, we find that profitable acquirers do not indiscreetly
overtake unprofitable targets in order to avoid losing their existing
earning advantages. Furthermore, we find that such type
of takeovers generates the lower firm’s profitability once deals
are completed. It is explained that some competitive advantages
such as superior organisational routine cannot be easily adopted
by targets. Besides, some international M&A are just conducted
because discretional managers waywardly choose targets for expansion.
This will increase the likelihood of failure during the
M&A integration. More specially, comparing with vertical M&A,
horizontal deals will be less likely to complete in the overseas market
in consideration of the job cut and duplicated construction.
However, acquirers are expected to increase post-M&A profitability
level when acquiring a foreign target with low profit in the
same industry.
It is summarised that the abuse of managerial power from agency
problem, the incautiousness of managements and high level of
intangible assets in target firms will impede the completion of
international M&A. Furthermore, the managerial discretion and
the potential high transaction costs are concluded to have negative
impacts on performance of cross border M&A. Therefore,
although there are various motives to initiate cross border M&A,
they are less likely to complete in the end due to the aforementioned
reasons. Furthermore, with such reasons, the completed
cross border M&A result in the negative effects on firm performance
compared with the rumoured but uncompleted deals.
There are also some limitations and implications for future research.
First, there are ample profitability studies in the literature
which report a positive or negative impact of M&A on ex-post
profitability. Nevertheless, it is required to be cautious when
drawing inferences from this body of research evidence. The accounting
profit has inherent defect in measuring post-M&A performance
improvement, particularly under the scenario where
M&A can prompt market power. It is argued to be somehow
problematic by using accounting data. For instance, the corporate
management teams might manipulate or varnish accounting
profits. Second, this research has not assessed other measures for
firm’s profitability, for example, ROCE, ROC and so on. These
measures perhaps will generate different results.
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