Association between Gingival Recession and Malpositioned Teeth - A Retrospective Cohort Study
J Sarvesh Kumar1, N D Jayakumar2*, Murugaiyan Arun3
1 Saveetha Dental College And Hospitals, Saveetha Institute Of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai,600050, India.
2 Dean of Faculty , Professor Head of Department, Department of Periodontics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute Of Medical And Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai, India.
3 Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute Of Medical And Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai, India.
*Corresponding Author
N D Jayakumar,
Dean of Faculty , Professor Head of Department, Department of Periodontics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute Of Medical And Technical Sciences,
Saveetha University, Chennai, India.
Received: July 15, 2019; Accepted: August 08, 2019; Published: August 15, 2019
Citation: J Sarvesh Kumar, N D Jayakumar, Murugaiyan Arun. Association between Gingival Recession and Malpositioned Teeth - A Retrospective Cohort Study. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2019;S8:02:0010:51-55. doi:
Copyright: N D Jayakumar© 2019. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Gingival recession is displacement of the soft tissue margin apically leading to root surface exposure. Malposition is the abnormal
location of the tooth in the dental arch. In malpositioned teeth, occlusal factors like routine occlusal trauma caused by crowding
of lower anterior teeth and the close proximity of the roots to the marginal bone are said to influence gingival recession. The aim
of the study was to identify the relationship between gingival recession and malpositioned teeth. The study was a retrospective
cross sectional study. The case details of the patients who reported to Saveetha Dental College during the period of June 2019
to March 2020 were included in the study. The patients with malpositioned teeth were identified and the gingival recession was
evaluated in these patients. From the present study, among patients with malpositioned teeth the prevalence of gingival recession
was found to be 22%, class I gingival recession was seen 59.09 %, class II gingival recession was seen 22.73% and class III gingival
recession was seen 18.18% among patients with malpositioned teeth. The present study concludes that among the patients with
malpositioned teeth, the class I gingival recession was seen more in the 21 to 30 years age group, class II and class III gingival
recession was seen more in the 51 to 60 years age group. The malpositioned teeth most commonly seen with gingival recession
was the mandibular anterior teeth.
3.Materials and Methods
Gingival Recession; Malpositioned Teeth; Correlation.
Gingival recession is displacement of the soft tissue margin
apically leading to root surface exposure. A variety of etiological
factors are thought to cause recession of the gingiva, which
are improper oral hygiene habits [1], tooth malposition [2], high
muscle attachments and frenal pull [3], bone dehiscences [4], and
iatrogenic factors related to various restorative and periodontal
procedures [5]. Gingival recession develops due to anatomical and
pathological factors. The prevalence of recession is dependent on
the age and characteristic of the population because it usually presents
in individuals with periodontal disease or those who practise
improper oral hygiene methods [6]. Gingival recession is said to
commonly result in periodontitis [7].
Periodontitis is a multifactorial disease, with the primary etiological
agent being plaque microflora. Research has also shown that
periodontal microflora is similar to that found in atheromatous
plaques [8]. Cytokines play an important role in the pathogenesis
and progression of periodontitis and the levels of TNF ,endothelins,
IL-21 and varies in chronic and aggressive periodontitis [9-
12]. Periodontal disease can be a risk factor for cardiac disease
and COPD [8, 11, 13, 14] and it is important to manage periodontal
disease effectively and treat osseous defects for implant
treatment15. Platelet rich fibrin and growth factors offer advantage
over other forms of treatment [16, 17]. Researchers have attempted
various regenerative methods [16-19] like PRF, growth
factors and stem cells to salvage the destruction of periodontal
tissues in chronic as well as aggressive forms of periodontitis [20].
The treatment modalities for chronic periodontitis and aggressive
periodontitis though basically remain the same, antimicrobial therapy has provided added advantage in treating aggressive periodontitis
cases [21]. Herbs have been used as antimicrobial agents
in treating periodontal disease. Effectiveness of various herbal
mouthwashes have been tested in different periodontal diseases
Malposition is the abnormal location of the tooth in the dental
arch. Out of the several pathologies that affect the oral cavity,
malocclusion is the third most important problem in the world
population. Abnormal tooth positions may already be present
in the deciduous dentition. Therefore, dental care professionals,
such as pediatric dentists and orthodontists, should act preventively
to ensure correct tooth positioning and to avoid or reduce
malocclusion that may perpetuate in the mixed and permanent
dentitions [12, 18, 23].
Early diagnosis of any type of malocclusion provides information
to direct treatment and, therefore, prevent periodontal diseases
[24]. Orthodontic treatments, as part of periodontal rehabilitation
programs, may bring benefits, such as the improvement of access
for dental hygiene, adequate competency of lips and reestablishment
of occlusal balance [25]. However Malocclusion alone does
not directly result in periodontal disease, several studies on types
of malocclusion, as well as of isolated malpositioned teeth and its
effect on clinically healthy periodontal tissues, showed that most
individuals had deficient oral hygiene and consequent accumulation
of bacterial plaque, which may cause, in some cases, gingival
inflammation, the most common periodontal problem [26]. Studies
have also revealed the importance of oral hygiene instructions
and referral to orthodontic treatment as preventive measures.
When the periodontium has already been affected, its response
is different and, in addition to the physiological response to the
accumulation of bacterial plaque [11, 17, 27].
All types of tooth malposition, such as diastemas, crowding, rotated
teeth, incisor proclination and mandibular molar tipping,
may result in early tooth loss due to the formation of periodontal
pockets on the mesial surface of the tooth involved, because
the bone crest tends to follow the cementoenamel junction [10,
16, 28]. Tooth malpositions, high muscle attachment, frenal pull,
calculus and iatrogenic factors related to restorative, periodontal
treatment procedures and incisor inclination and orthodontic
treatments have been associated with gingival tissue recession [9,
13, 29]. previous studies suggest that malocclusions and malpositioned
teeth were significant factors in the etiology of periodontal
disease like gingival recession [15, 19, 30].
Baker et al., [31] in his study stated that malocclusion is a major
etiological agent in the pathogenesis of gingival recession. In
malpositioned teeth, occlusal factors like routine occlusal trauma
caused by crowding of lower anterior teeth, thrusting of mandible
anteriorly on occluding because of posterior interdigitation
are also sought to be causes of gingival recession [8, 14, 22, 32].
The amount of gingival recession was classified by many authors
based on the involvement of the soft tissue and its relationship
with the mucogingival junction by sullivan and atkins [33], miller’s
classified gingival recession as shallow narrow and shallow deep,
which is difficult to employ in epidemiological studies, so in the
present study the amount of gingival recession was calculated by
measuring the amount of gingival recession from the cementoenamel
junction using a periodontal probe based on Nagappa and
Mukta's classification of gingival recession [34], which stated that Class I – Apical shift in the crest of marginal gingiva 1–2 mm
from CEJ, Class II - Apical shift in the crest of marginal gingiva
>2 mm <3 mm from CEJ and Class III - Apical shift in the crest
of marginal gingiva ≥3 mm from CEJ
The present study is conducted to identify the relationship between
gingival recession and malpositioned teeth. The objectives
of the present study were (i) to identify the prevalence of gingival
recession among patients with malpositioned teeth (ii) to identify
the amount of gingival recession among various age groups.
Materials and Methods
The study setting was that it was done under university setting,
the pros of the study was data retrieval and ethnicity and the cons
were that the study was not performed under different geographical
locations. The study approval was by the institutional ethical
board (SIHEC/2020/DIASDATA/0619-0320) of saveetha dental
college and hospital. The participants included in the study
were there who visited saveetha dental college and hospital during
the period of June 2019 to March 2020 and had malposition of
teeth. The data was collected by evaluating the retrospective data
of patients who visited the institution. The patients with malpositioned
teeth were selected and the gingival recession was evaluated
among various age groups, the data collected was cross verified
for errors and the data was entered in Microsoft MS Excel sheet
and it was imported to IBM SPSS version 20 and the data analysis
was done by descriptive statistics and the results were tabulated.
Result and Discussion
From the present study among patients with malpositioned teeth
the prevalence of gingival recession was found to be 22%, class
I gingival recession was seen 59.09 %, class II gingival recession
was seen 22.73% and class III gingival recession was seen 18.18%
among patients with malpositioned teeth.
From table 1 and figure 1 we can infer that among patients with
malpositioned teeth the gingival recession was seen maximum in
the 21 to 30 years age group which was 36.6% class I, and 9.09%
both class II and class III. The amount of gingival recession was
not statistically significant when compared between various age
groups in patients with malpositionedteeth (P value - 0.773) Pires, [35] in a similar study stated that the presence of gingival
recession in the anterior lingual mandibular region of a young
population was associated with age. Younes, [36] stated that
Incidence of gingival recession in the mandibular central incisor
region was examined in a sample of 1336 male and female Saudi
school children aged between 10 and 15 years and the amount of
gingival recession was found in 9.88%.
Table 1. Shows gingival recession in different age groups among patients with malpositioned teeth, Chi square test 0.773, p value > 0.05 - not statistically significant.
Figure 1. Shows gingival recession in different age groups among patients with malpositioned teeth ( X axis shows age groups, Y axis shows percentage of patients. Chi square test, p value 0.773 ( > 0.05 ) there was no statistically significant association between gingival recession and age groups, the class I ( blue ) gingival recession was seen maximum among 21 to 30 years age group.
From table 2 and figure 2 we can infer that the amount of gingival recession was maximum among males(63.64%) compared to females(36.36%). The gingival recession was not statistically significant when compared between males and females in patients with malpositioned teeth ( P value - 0.156 ). Abu alhaija, [24]similar study stated that there was no association between irregularity of teeth and periodontal diseases in presence of good oral hygiene. Estela, [26] in a similar study stated that the malposition of teeth is associated 67.8% with gingival recession.
Table 2. Shows gingival recession recorded in males and females among patients with malpositioned teeth. Chi square test 0.156, p value > 0.05 - not statistically significant.
Figure 2. Shows gingival recession recorded in males and females among patients with malpositioned teeth ( X axis shows gingival recession and Y axis shows percentage of patients, Chi square test, p value 0.156 ( > 0.05 ) there is no statistically significant association between gingival recession and gender, the class I gingival recession was seen commonly among males( blue ) and females( red ) with malpositioned teeth.
From table 3 and Figure 3 we can infer that the gingival recession was maximum in the mandibular anterior teeth (40.91%) among males (22.73%) and females (18.18%), this may be due to the reason that malocclusion seen in the mandibular anteriors are usually either crossbite or edge to edge bite cases due to which excessive occlusal force is transferred to those teeth in malocclusion leading to pathological periodontal changes like gingival recession, Mazurova, [37] in a similar study stated that gingival recession was commonly seen in the mandibular anteriors (19.3%) and was due to the reason that the bone covering the labial aspect of mandibular anteriors are thin and the proclination of the incisors may facilitate formation of dehiscences of alveolar bone leading to gingival recession. Hossam A. Eid, [38] in a similar study stated that gingival recession was seen in mandibular teeth with crowding 21.2%.
Table 3. Shows gingival recession recorded in various teeth among patients with malpositioned teeth, Chi square test 0.127, p value > 0.05 - not statistically significant.
Figure 3. Shows gingival recession and teeth involvement among patients with malpositioned teeth ( X axis shows teeth involved and Y axis shows percentage of patients, Chi square test, p value 0.127 ( > 0.05 ) there is no statistically significant association between gingival recession and teeth involvement, the gingival recession was seen commonly in mandibular anteriors among both males( blue ) and females (red) with malpositioned teeth.
From present study we can infer that 22% of patients that had malpositioned teeth had some type of gingival recession in several degrees of severity. Shoba, [39] reported that Overall prevalence of malocclusion was 89.9% among the south Indian population. So malpositioning should not be overlooked at the phase of early detection of dental problems, dental care professionals should make therapeutic decisions as early as in the first visit of the patient if not the malposition may result in periodontal problems like gingival recession.
Clinical periodontal health is essential for the success of any type of orthodontic treatment in the same way that orthodontic correction should not result in damage to periodontal tissues. Therefore, dental care professionals should combine their efforts and act according to a predetermined treatment plan for each patient. Although the main etiological factor of periodontal disease is the bacterial plaque, other factors are usually associated and may lead to changes in host responses. Of these factors, malpositioned teeth is a predisposing factor because oral hygiene becomes more difficult and bacterial plaque is retained and accumulates and, therefore, proliferates and leads to pathological periodontal changes like gingival recession [26].
The findings from the present study adds on to the consensus with previous similar studies and the limitation of the present study was conducted among patients visiting a dental hospital only and cannot be generalized to the whole population, Further studies can be done in future among a larger population.
The present study concludes that among the patients with malpositioned
teeth, the class I gingival recession was seen more in the
21 to 30 years age group, class II and class III gingival recession
was seen more in the 51 to 60 years age group. The malpositioned
teeth most commonly seen with gingival recession was the mandibular
anterior teeth.
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