Pediatric Dental Practice and Precautions Applied During The Covid-19 Lock-Down Period and Their Consequences On Pediatric Oral Health-A Web-Based Surveya Web-Based Survey On Covid-19 Lock-Down Period
Gehan Gaber Allam1*, Dina Hamdy Amin2
1 Associate professor of Pediatric Dentistry & Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dentistry Ain Shams University.
2 Lecturer of Pediatric Dentistry & Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dentistry Ain Shams University.
*Corresponding Author
Gehan Gaber Allam,
Associate professor of Pediatric Dentistry & Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dentistry Ain Shams University.
Tel: 002/01223793534
Received: April 24, 2021; Accepted: May 10, 2021; Published: May 20, 2021
Citation: Gehan Gaber Allam, Dina Hamdy Amin. Pediatric Dental Practice and Precautions Applied During The Covid-19 Lock-Down Period and Their Consequences On Pediatric
Oral Health-A Web-Based Surveya Web-Based Survey On Covid-19 Lock-Down Period. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;08(05):2507-2515. doi:
Copyright: Gehan Gaber Allam©2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Objectives: To evaluate the pediatric dental practices and precautions taken during the period of COVID-19 outbreak and
how could the decrease in oral health services lead to increase disk of oral problems such as the spread of dental caries, occlusal
discrepancies and in appropriate antibiotic prescription in children.
Materials and Methods: A web-based survey was conducted to pediatric dental specialists in Egypt. An online questionnaire
was used to collect data and a message explaining the purpose of the study was sent to all participants.
Results: 33.3% of respondents suspended their dental practice during this period, 41.1% performed only emergency treatment
and 25.6% provided their regular preventive and therapeutic services. The estimated percentage of patients at high risk
of caries from March to June was 2.4%, 2.8% and 3.52% respectively. Regarding occlusal discrepancies it increased from 1.
88% in March to 2.6% in July. Antibiotic prescription increased from 2.85% in March to 4.85% in July. There was a significant
difference between the type of speciality and the percentage of participants not practicing dentistry.
Conclusion: Decreased dental practice and preventive services of paediatric dentists during the COVID-19 lock-down period
estimated increase in caries risk, antibiotic prescription, and occlusal discrepancies in children. Good degrees of awareness of
the COVID-19 precautions and infection-control measures among the pediatric dental practitioners in Egypt.
3.Materials and Methods
Covid-19; Questionnaire; Pediatric Dental Practice; Pediatric Oral Health; Precautions.
The world is now facing a global pandemic health crisis, which
the etiologic factor is coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) [1]. On Jan.
31, 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 crisis as a “Public Health
Emergency of International Concern.”
COVID-19 is transmitted through direct or indirect contact,
mainly through respiratory droplets and splatter from contaminated
saliva or blood [2, 3] Routine dental procedures are always
accompanied by generating aerosols, which have been associated
with the transmission of acute respiratory infections [4]. As the
standard protective measures in daily clinical work are not effective
enough to protect against the spread of COVID-19, especially
when patients are in the incubation period, the dental professionals
are in potentially high-risk situation.
Also, dental clinics are more prone to have potentially contaminated
surfaces such as dental chairs, their handles, the spittoon,
and dental instruments which are possible routes of transmission.
Although the mentioned pathways of transmission are common
while dealing with any dental patient, pediatric dentists are
even more susceptible to infection due to the use of removable space maintainers, auxiliary elements in fixed orthodontic therapies,
such as the use of intermaxillary elastic bands, stainless steel
crowns and pliers that increase the risks of contamination if handling
is not carried out with extra precautions [5].
Moreover, pediatric dentists are facing another obstacle related to
the child’s difficulty to use personal protective equipment during
dental visits. Last but not least the increase of infection risks can
also be entailed by the direct contact with the paediatric patient
guardiansas evidence supports that SARSCoV-2 is transmitted
through air during the normal talking [5, 6].
That’s why the pandemic has deeply affected the delivery of dental
services and specially for the pediatric patients. Dental procedures
during the lock down periodhave been restricted to emergency
care only in almost all dental offices across the world [7].
These restrictions for the delivery of dental and preventive services
to children may greatly affect their oral health which may
lead to development of oral complications.
Therefore, the aim of this survey was to evaluate the paediatric
dentist's practices and their extra precautions during this period
of viral outbreak and to try to estimate the future consequences
on the spread of dental caries (increase in DMF and dmf scores),
occlusal discrepancies and increased antibiotic prescription which
may affect children in their near future.
Materials and Methods
Study Population
The study population consisted of paediatric dental specialists
who practice pediatric dentistry in Egypt, regardless of their place
of work either in hospitals, health institutions or private clinics.
The sample size was calculated using the following formula:
According to Kish, [8] with an expected prevalence of 5.5% and
an expected precision (or margin of error) d = 4% with 95%
confidence interval, the needed sample size was derived to be 300
The sampling frame consisted of paediatric dental specialists
graduated from Cairo University, Ain-Shams University and Alexandria
University in Egypt. Specialists in pediatric dentistry have
been included and that those who do not practice dentistry and
those who do not work in Egypt were excluded.
The sample was randomly selected using the social media groups
of paediatric dentists in Egypt including “TheEgyptian Society
for Paediatric Dentistry and Children with Special Health Care
Needs” and paediatric dental staff pages of the mentioned universities.
With in these groups, 400 dentists were randomly selected to participate
in the study by their Facebook and WhatsApp profiles.
Each participant was contacted individually to make sure that they
were practicing paediatric dentistry in Egypt, and if not, it was
immediately excluded.
Survey Instrument and Dissemination
A web-based, cross-sectional study was conducted using a survey
instrument to obtain responses from paediatric dental specialists
in Egypt during the third week of July 2020.
The questionnaire was developed after reviewing pertinent literature
and the international guidelines published by the Centre for
Disease Control (CDC) and WHO for cross-infection control
in the dental practice [1-7,9] and a pilot study was conducted to
validate the questionnaire with a focus group involving five postgraduate
students in paediatric dentistry who were not included
in the final survey.
The survey link was advertised to the target population and was
opened for 7 days. A message explaining the purpose of the study
and a link to “Google forms” electronic survey was sent to all
target participants.
Content Of The Survey Instrument and Scoring System
The survey instrument was designed in English and comprised
47 closed-ended questions. The estimated participation time to
complete the survey was about 15 minutes. The 47-item questionnaire
was divided into three parts: demographic data and practice
characteristics (4 items), consequences of COVID-19 lock-down
period on delivery of oral services (17 items), the safety measures
applied since the Lock-down period (26 items).
The first part included questions about age, gender, level of speciality
in paediatric dentistry and place of work. The second part
assessed delivery of oral services during COVID-19 lock-down
period and started with a question whether participants are still
practicing paediatric dentistry on regular basis.
Participants who were still practicing paediatric dentistry and
those who were managing emergency cases only were asked questions
about their preference in management of emergency cases
during the lock-down period including the frequency of extractions
and antibiotic prescription.
Participant who were still practicing dentistry on regular basis were
asked questions to assess their approach toward preventive dentistry
such as recording caries risk and diet history analysis, topical
fluoride application and pits and fissure sealants. Another group
of questions assessed the frequency of using different treatment
modalities for restoring carious vital and non-vital primary teeth
as well as the frequency of using different types of restorations.
The third part of the questionnaire assessed safety measures and
special precautions applied by the participants during COVID-19
lock-down period and included questions about infection control
measures used for the patients and dental staff before and during
dental appointment and whether the practitioner would perform
general anaesthesia sessions during the pandemic time if needed.
Questions assessing whether the practitioners noticed an increase
in patients’ anxiety and whether patients preferred to cancel their
appointments in order to avoid the risk of infection were also
The responses to the questions varied in format and consisted
of dichotomous responses (i.e. Yes/No) and 4 point Likert type
scales such as always (on a daily or weekly basis), sometimes
(maximum twice a month), rarely (maximum once during the
lock-down period) and never. Some questions allowed multiple
responses. Non-respondents were reminded to participate in the
survey a second time after 2 days.
Data Analysis
The collected data were coded, validated, and statistically analysed
using IBM SPSS statistics (Statistical Package for Social Sciences)
software version 22.0, IBM Corp., Chicago, USA, 2013. Descriptive
analysis was applied for quantitative parametric data, while it
was done for qualitative data as number and percentage.
Inferential analyses for independent variables were done using
Chi square test for differences between proportions and Fisher’s
exact test for variables with small expected numbers.
The level of significance P value of less than 0.05 was considered
statistically significant, otherwise is non-significant.
Ethical Considerations
Confidentiality of personal information was maintained throughout
the study by making participants' information anonymous
and asking participants to provide honest answers.
Eligible paediatric dental practitioners’ participation in this survey
was voluntary and not compensated. Electronic informed consent
was declared on the first page of the survey. The study was
conducted following the Declaration of Helsinki as revised in
2013. The study was performed according to the Checklist for Reporting
Results of Internet E-Surveys (CHERRIES) guidelines.
Ethical approval was obtained from the ethical committee of faculty
of dentistry, Ain-Shams University.
Although sample size was derived to 300 participants, 400 participants
were asked to participate in the survey to compensate for
non responses.
A total of 309 [252 (81.6 %) male and 57 (18.4%) female] pediatric
dental practitioners responded to the survey out of 400 targeted
individuals for an overall response rate of 77.2%. Demographic
characteristics of the respondents are given in Table 1.
The distribution of the study group regarding consequences of the lock-down period on dental practice is shown in Tables 2a, 2b, 2c, and 2d.
Table 2a. Distribution of the study group regarding consequences of the Lock-down Period on Dental Practice.
Table 2b. Distribution of the study group regarding management of emergency cases during the Lock-down Period.
Table 2c. Distribution of the studied group regarding applying preventive procedures during the Lock-down Period.
Table 2d. Distribution of the study group regarding performing therapeutic procedures during the lock-down period.
The respondents were questioned whether they were still practicing pediatric dentistry during the Lock-down period. About 41.1% of the respondents restricted their practice to emergency cases, and 33.3% were not practicing dentistry in regular basis. The respondents were asked about the frequency of using emergency treatment options in their practice. More than half of the respondents recorded using extractions and antibiotics as an emergency treatment. 60% of the respondents used medications only to control cases with fever.
74.4% of the respondents do not deliver preventive services and when the remaining percent were asked about preventive measures frequently applied in their practice during the Lock-down period; only (40%) of the respondents gave individualized preventive instructions to their patients whereas (6%) performed caries risk analysis.
Respondents were asked questions about the frequency of using different therapeutic procedures to their patients. About 40% of the respondents recorded that they only sometimes use space maintainers where as about 9% recorded using space maintainers regularly with their patients. About 60% of the respondents had to postpone the treatment of Covid-19 suspected patients and about 53% preferred watch-full waiting until exfoliation as a treatment option for their patients.
Tables 3a and 3b showed the distribution of different measures applied for precaution since the lock-down period. The majority of the respondents frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water (92.7%), routinely clean and disinfect surfaces in contact with known or suspected patients (90.8%), use dental goggles (70.4%), face-shield (86.9%), and wear gowns (79.6%). Regarding precautions taken for the patients, most of the respondents recorded offering alcohol-hand sanitizers to patients and parents (92.2%), seat the patients in an adequately ventilated waiting area (71.8%), keep a spatial separation of at least 1 meter is between patients (71.4%) and restrict the number of accompanying persons in the operating room (87.9%). The majority of the respondents (97.1%) had to decrease the number of appointments per day compared to their normal schedule and (47.6%) refused to perform general anaesthesia sessions during the pandemic time, where as (63.1%) recorded that patients cancelled their appointments in order to avoid the risk of infection. Moreover, about 73.5% noticed an increase in patient’s anxiety than before.
Estimation of number of patients/10,000 person population was calculated from each paediatric dentist’s clinical data during this period in relative to the one last year the gap between the two numbers was the estimated number of cases with high risk factors lost due to the lock-down period from 15th of March till 15th of July.
Table (4), showed the estimated number of patients with high risk of caries each month per 10,000 person of normal population, the mean number for the lock-down period (from 15th of March till 15th of July) was 270 person/10,000 (2.7%).
Table 4. Estimated number of cases at high risk of caries due to the Lock-down period from 15th of March till 15th of July.
Table (5) showed the estimated number of cases at high risk of occlusal discrepancies due to the Lock-down period from 15th of March till 15th of July.
Table 5. Estimated number of cases at high risk of occlusal discrepenciesdue to the Lock-down period from 15th of March till 15th of July.
Table (6) showed the estimated number of cases at high risk of antibiotic prescription due to the Lock-down period from 15th of March till 15th of July.
Table 6. Estimation number of cases at high risk of Antibiotic prescription due to the Lock-down period from 15th of March till 15th of July.
Table (7), shows the relation between Level of specialty in pediatric dentistry and some other variables. Regarding the relation between level of specialty and currently practicing dentistry, it was found that the majority of professors suspended practicing dentistry, while only 30.6% of MDs were not practicing dentistry at the time of the survey. There was a significant difference between the levelof specialty and the percent of practicing dentistry.
The results also revealed that the majority of MDs preferred extraction compared to the other study groups. The antibiotic/analgesic prescription for emergency showed statistically significant increase in MDs followed by PhD, and was significantly lower in professors and assistant professors.
The present paper aims to report the dynamics of paediatric dentists
and the extra precautions taken by them in Egypt during the
first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.
For this purpose, a questionnaire was designed using closedended
questions to gather the information needed during the
COVID-19 outbreak. As it was proven that questionnaire-based
studies are the most accepted method for gathering information
regarding preferences, attitudes, opinions, and experiences of
participants [9]. The questionnaire was validated using four authentic
tests; content, face and criterion validity.
Large number of paediatric dentists are frightened of getting infected
by their patients or co-workers and this was shown in our
results as about 103 (33.3%) of the paediatric dentists refused to
provide any treatment during this period of time and 127 (41.1%)
performed only emergency treatment. This response is like the
perception of rest of the population as most of individuals are
fearful of getting infected in the community in the presence of a
rapidly developing epidemic [10]. As COVID-19 virus has rapidly
infected many individuals all around the world, that’s why the fear
of getting infected by a patient is justified.
There was a dramatic reduction in patient attendance to dental
clinics as about 63% of the parents cancelled their appointments,
that can be explained by parents refraining from coming to their
children’s appointments in order to avoid the risk of infection in
order to protect themselves and their children. It is worth mentioning
that also dental treatment under general anaesthesia or
sedation has decreased.
Our results also showed that there was a tremendous decline of
the preventive services delivered to the paediatric patients as only
76(25.6%) of thepaediatric dentists provide preventive services to
their patients, Unfortunately, this may cause oral health problems
to arise even when dental practices are opened. Without access
to preventive or palliative dental care, pain caused by dental abscesses
or periodontal infections may become more prevalent [7].
Decayed teeth that could be repaired with a simple filling may deteriorate, requiring more costly treatment when clinics reopen.
In this study we tried to estimate the impact of depriving paediatric
patients from preventive and normal restorative treatment and
how this will affect the spread of caries,by calculating number of
patients/10,000 person population from each paediatric dentist’s
clinical data during this period in relative to the one last year, the
gap between the two numbers was the estimated number of cases
with high risk factors lost due to the lock-down period from 15th
of March till 15th of July. Our results showed that about 2.4%
were at high risk of developing caries through the period from 15
March to 15 of April, 2.8% from 15 of April to 15 of May, and
increased to 3.52% from 15 of May to 15 of June [11].
These results seem logic as according to the American academy
of pediatric dentistry access to care is one of the most used caries
risk indicators [12].
Also we tried to estimate number of cases at high risk of occlusal
discrepancies as many pediatric dentists in our survey prefer extraction 'as an emergency treatment' rather than pulp therapy
and without constructing space maintainer to limit the interaction
time and number of visits during the Lock-down period from
15th of March up till now, space maintainer or saving exposed
primary tooth that can act as a natural space maintainer may potentially
eliminate the consequences of loss of arch length and
the need for complex orthodontic treatment at a later stage [13].
The percent of paediatric patients who are at risk, increased from
1 .88% through the period from 15 March to 15 of April to be
2.6% through the period from 15 June - 15 July as pediatric dentists
who chose rarely 84(40.8 %) or never 59(28.6%) to construct
space maintainer.
This result goes with the study done by Macena MC et al. (2011)
that showed that premature loss of deciduous molars in a group
of Brazilian children exhibited significant dimensional alterations
during the follow-up. The findings emphasized the importance of
constructing space maintainers [14].
The increasing antibiotic-resistance problem in recent years is
probably related to the over-or misuse of broad-spectrum agents,
such as cephalosporins and ?uoroquinolones, [15] that’s why we
should follow the evidence provided by literature about adequate
prescribing of antibiotic during dentists practices, therefore we
also aimed to estimate number of cases at high risk of antibiotic
or analgesics prescription due to misuse only to relief the signs
and symptoms in case of emergency to avoid the direct contact
with patients. And we found that the percent of paediatric patients
who are at risk increased from 2.85% through the period
from 15 March to 15 of April to 4.85% through the period from
15 June - 15 July.
What we noticed in this study is that all of the participants were
aware of the COVID-19 similarly, and of the current guidelines
published by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and WHO
for cross-infection control in the dental practice [16]. As such
information and procedures are critical to follow during dental
practice in order to face this pandemic and thismight be related
to the plenty of information in the mass media and social media.
Moreover, the safety measures that have been taken by the administrates
of Egypt had increased the sense of the criticalness of the
situation among the general population [17].
From the precautionary practices which we should stress on it
among dentists is the use of special masks and the use of goggles as only 59.7% used special masks and 70.4% used goggles but
this may be compensated by the use of face shield as 86.9% used
face shield.
The attitude of dentists regarding what to do in case of patient
having fever or flu like symptoms in clinics varied; 60.7% would
refer the patient to the hospital without treating them, 32% would
refuse treatment, and 7.3% would treat the patient with extra precaution
and then refer them to the hospital. This results slightly
differ than the study done by Khader Y, Al Nsour M, Al-Batayneh
OB, et al.(2020) [18].
During this outbreak of COVID-19, dentists should evaluate risk
of transmission through measurement of body temperature of
every child, guardian and staff as a routine procedure, but in our
study only 52.9% of the participants who measured the temperature
for their patients and their accompanying persons, and this
may increase their risk of infection. Patients also should be asked
about their health status and any history of recent contact or travel
[19]; in our study about 79.6 % performed that.
Results also showed that there was a significant difference between
the different types of specialty and the percent of participants
not practicing dentistry as during the COVID lock down,
the majority of professor are not currently practicing dentistry,
while only 30.6% of MDs are not currently practicing dentistry,
this might be explained that private clinics for young paediatric
might be their only source of income that’s why they are obliged
to practice their own work due to economicreasons [19].
Also, the majority of MDs prefer extraction as an emergency
treatment in the different studied specialty group, this is certainly
to decrease the interaction time. Lastly, the antibiotic/analgesic
prescription for emergency was highly significant increase in MDs
group followed by PhD, and was significantly lower in professor
and assistant professor and also this seem logic due to limited
knowledge of MDs group in comparison to that of assistant professors
and professors.
Therefore, not only are meticulous and highly effective infection
control protocols urgently needed in the paediatric dental clinics
during the pandemic of COVID-19 to protect providers, guardians
and young patients, but it is also essential to work on remote
communication and education aimed at maintaining the oral
health of children.
With in the limitations of this study, There was a decrease in dental
practice and preventive services during the COVID-19 lockdown
period that may consequently increase the spread of caries,
increased extractions-as an emergency treatment-without space
maintenance may lead to future increase in occlusal discrepancies
among children, More overnumber of cases at high risk of antibiotic
or analgesics prescription increased due to the misuse in case
of emergency to avoid the direct contact with patients there was
Good degrees of awareness of the COVID-19 precautions and
infection-control measures among the pediatric dental practitioners
in Egypt.
We thank all study participants for their voluntary participation
and for providing essential information.
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