The Challenges Of The Medical Doctors Working In The Intensive Care Unit During Covid-19 Pandemic
Helin Sahinturk*, İrem Ulutaş Ordu, Aykan Gülleroğlu, Fatmaİrem Yeşiler, Manat Aithakanova, Ender Gedika, Pinar Zeyneloglu
Anesthesiology and ICM Department, Baskent University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey.
*Corresponding Author
Helin Sahinturk,
Anesthesiology and ICM Department, Baskent University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey.
Tel: +90 312 2126868/4817
Fax: +90 312 2237333
Received: August 08, 2021; Accepted: October 11, 2021; Published: October 14, 2021
Citation: Helin Sahinturk, İrem Ulutaş Ordu, Aykan Gülleroğlu, Fatmaİrem Yeşiler, Manat Aithakanova, Ender Gedika, Pinar Zeyneloglu. The Challenges Of The Medical Doctors Working In The Intensive Care Unit During Covid-19 Pandemic. Int J Anesth Res. 2021;09(03):654-658. doi:
Copyright: Helin Sahinturk© 2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Background/Aim: Healthcare professionals working in intensive care unit (ICU) have been in the frontline from the beginning
of COVID-19 pandemic. We aimed to evaluate the technical and psychological difficulties encountered by medical doctors
working in the ICU of the hospitals within Başkent University Faculty of Medicine during this pandemic.
Methods: A questionnaire consisting of 52 questions was applied to the medical doctors working in the ICUs of Başkent
University affiliated centers.
Results: Out of the 73 ICU physicians who were invited to participate, 62 (84.9%) of them completed the survey. Out of
59.7% of the participants stated that they did not feel safe while caring for the patients. The most common reason for their
insecurity was the fear of contamination (70.3%). Out of 69.4% ICU physicians stated that their anxiety level was moderate. It
was observed that the anxiety level of ICU physicians decreased as the number of patients followed up increased (p = 0.025),
the increase in the number of hospital beds was found to be significantly associated with increased anxiety level (p = 0.015).
It was found that the presence of anxiety complaint increased the state of having high anxiety related to COVID-19 disease
28.3 times (p = 0.001).
Conclusion: We found that more than half of the physicians participating in our study didn’t have anyproblem of PPE deficiency,
which is one of the most important technical difficulties.
When it comes to psychological difficulties, we found that doctors who had anxiety complaints before had much more difficulties
in managing the pandemic process than others.
Covid-19 Pandemic; ICU; Anxiety.
Coronavirus infection (COVID-19), which was declared as a
pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020,
was first reported in Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019.[1, 2]
The mortality of this infection, which progresses with high fever,
shortness of breath, and bilateral pulmonary infiltrate, has been
reported as 3.8%.[1]
The novel human coronavirus disease, caused by asingle-stranded,
enveloped RNA virus,is transmitted via respiratory droplets
and direct contact and keeps spreading worldwide. It is stated that
contagiousness can start 1 to 2 days before the symptomatic period
and continue until the fourteenth day after the symptoms
ocur. 2 In case of severe pneumonia, respiratory failure, and/or
deterioration in organ functions, mechanical ventilation and intensive
care follow-up are essential.[2, 3]
The pandemic list of the World Health Organization consists of
a wide spectrum, starting with the plague infection in 1347, continuing
with Cholera, Russian flu, Spanish flu, Asian flu, AIDS
and Influenza infections, and finally, Covid-19infection.[4, 6] The
novel pandemic highlights the intense stress effects on healthcare
workers.[4,6]Healthcare professionals responsible for the treatment
of suspected or confirmed cases are at risk in terms of increased
transmission as well as mental health problems.[7] In our
study, it was aimed to evaluate the technical and psychological difficulties
encountered by medical doctors working in the intensive
care unit (ICU) of the hospitals within Başkent University Faculty
of Medicine during this pandemic.
Materials and Methods
Medical doctors working in the ICUs of BaşkentUniversity affiliated
centers in other cities (Ankara Hospital, Istanbul Hospital,
İzmir Hospital, Adana Hospital, Konya Hospital and Alanya Hospital),
during the COVID-19 pandemic, were included in this prospective
study. This study was approved by the Baskent University
Institutional Review Board (project no KA 20/217). The coordinator
center of the study is Başkent University Ankara Hospital.
The study was on a voluntary basis. A questionnaire consisting of
52 questions was applied to the medical doctors who accepted to
participate in the study. The questionnaire is shared in Annex 1.
The primary outcome of the study is to identify the technical
and psychological difficulties faced by ICU physiciansduring the
COVID-19 pandemic.
The secondary outcome of the study is identifying factors that
affect the anxiety of doctors.
Statistical Analysis
Data were summarized as mean ± standard deviation and median
(minimum-maximum) for continuous variables, frequencies
(percentiles) for categorical variables. Student’s t test was used for
independent group comparisons. Chi-square test was used for
proportions and its counterpart Fisher’s Exact test was used when
the data were sparse. The association between anxiety focused on
being high or medium level was evaluated by multiple logistic regression
analysis. Odds ratios and their confidence intervals were
calculated. A "p" value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically
significant and SPSS 15.0 for Windows were used for all
these statistical analyzes.
Out of 73 ICU physicians who were invited to participate, 62
(84.9%) of them working in the ICU completed the survey. The
mean age was 39.6 ± 9.1 (between 27-60 years old) and 69.4% of
them were female (n=43). The medical specialist (most of them
anesthesiologist)group constituted the highest percentage(40.3%)
of the survey participants (Table-1).
Out of 91.9% ICU physicians stated that they were working in
mixed medical and surgical ICUs and 95.2% stated that they had
mixed type rooms both isolation rooms and open wards. Sixty
one (98.4%) participants stated that they created a different ICU
for Covid-19 PCR positive patients due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Fifty two (83.9%) participants had negative pressure isolation
According to the survey results, 39 (62.9%) of the participants
reported having sufficient medical doctors in the ICU, while 27
(43.5%) of the participants reported having sufficient nurses.
While the mean working duration of doctors was 11.2 ± 5.5 (6-30
hours) hours per day, the same time was 10.7 ± 1.9 (6-12 hours)
for nurses. The maximum shift duration among doctors was 24
hours (45.2%), it was less than 24 hours among nurses (91.9%)
(Table-2). For doctors with a shift duration more than 24 hours,
the mean shift duration was 28.7 ± 4.0 hours (26-36 hours).The
mean number of patients a doctor and a nurse has to care for
in one shift was 11.4 ± 6.7 (4-36), 3.5 ± 4.1 (2-21) respectively.
80.6% of the participants stated that (n = 50) there was a specialist
doctor in the ICU for 24 hours and their specialty was reported
as anesthesiology by 26 participants (41.9%). The specialty
distributions of non-anesthesiologist ICU doctors were internal
diseases (n = 3), infectious diseases (n = 2), general surgery and
cardiology (n = 1) (Table-3).
66.1% of the participants (n = 41) stated that the same doctors
worked at COVID-19 ICUs and non COVID-19 ICUs. Additionally
85.2% (n = 52) stated that non-ICU teams were not included
in the ICU working order. In the emergency department, it was
found that all three branches, emergency service, infectious diseases
and chest diseases physicians actively participated in the
management of COVID-19 patients (n = 34 / 55.7%).
The admissions of the patients to the ICU were done by 30.6%
of the ICU doctors and the othersby the relevant branch doctors.
In 85.5% (n = 53) of the centers, patients were followed up as
closed format intensive care units. It was found that 41.9% (n =
26) of the patients who were primarily hospitalized by intensive
care physicians had a problem with their transfer to the ward after
recovery. It was stated that 25.8% (n = 16) of the patients who
passed away had problems in the burial procedures.
For the diagnosis of COVID-19, both clinical, radiological and
PCR tests were used in most of the patients (n = 54, 87.1%). It
was determined that 71% (n = 44) of the patients in the centers
were admitted from the emergency services, other wards inhospital
and other hospitals through the emergency call center
(calling 112).
Thirty-eight participants (61.3%) stated that they used all protective
personal equipment (PPE) in their units, and all participants
used at least surgical masks or N95 masks withgloves (Table-3).
Most of the participants (n = 57, 91.9%) were using all PPE, even
if the patients had a probable COVID-19 case, while 20 participants
(32.3%) were using all PPE in negative cases. The number
of teams using all PPE while approaching patients withnegative
COVID PCR test was less (n = 42, 67.7%). In procedures involving
aerosol, the number of clinics using all PPE was less (n = 10,
16.1%), all participants at least used surgical masks or N95 masks
and gloves, 4 participants (6.5%) stated that they did not use N95
Patients with clinical and radiological appearance of viral pneumonia
were admitted to the ICU for probable COVID-19pneumonia
treatment (n=7, 11.3%), exclusion (n=7, 11.3%) and both
(n=48, 77.4%).
Out of 80.6% of the participants (n = 50) received information
about the COVID-19 disease, 65.4% (n = 34) received this information
through in-house training, 93.5% (n = 58) followed the
ministry of health guidelines, 32.3% (n = 20) of them stated that
they alsoread non-ministry of health resources, and 95.2% (n =
59) of them stated that they prepared protocols for admission and
treatment of patients.
59.7% of the participants (n = 37) stated that they did not feel
safe while caring for the patients, and the most common reason
for their insecurity was the fear of contamination (70.3%). Others
were PPE insufficiency (18.9%) and having an underlying chronic
disease (10.8%), respectively.
The anxiety levels of the doctors and nurses working in the ICU
are presented in Table-4. 87.1% (n = 54) of the participants stated
that they were not diagnosed with panic disorder, anxiety disorder
or obsessive-compulsive disorder before the pandemic. 61.3% of
the participants (n = 38) stated that they did not have any psychiatric
complaints during this period.
No statistically significant difference was found between the level
of anxiety related to COVID-19 disease and professional title
(p>0.05). The anxiety levels associated with COVID-19 disease
between the participants who were previously diagnosed with
anxiety and those who did not were similar. While it was observed
that the anxiety level of ICU physicians decreased as the number
of patients followed up increased (p = 0.025), the increasing
number of hospital beds was found to be significantly associated
with increased anxiety level (p = 0.015) (Table-5). No statistically significant difference was found between the content and number
of PPE and the anxiety level (p = 0.052). According to the multivariate
logistic regression model, it was found that the presence
of anxiety complaint increased the state of having high anxiety
related to COVID-19 disease 28.3 times (p = 0.001) (Table-6).
We conducted a survey, consisting of 53 questions examining the
difficulties faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 62 doctors
physicians in charge of ICU of Başkent University hospitals.
It was determined that more than 90% of the participants
had sufficient knowledge about this disease through the trainings
given by the institution they are working at and their own
researches, and more than 95% of them created a protocol for
admission and management of critically ill COVID-19 patients.
Although more than 80% of the participants stated that they have
sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE), more than half
of the participants stated that they don't feel safe while caring
for the patient. The most common reason for this insecurity was
found to be the fear of infecting their families and close contacts.
We found that the anxiety levels of the doctors who had anxiety
complaints before are higher than the others,and also increase in
the number of beds in the hospital is related with the anxiety level
of the doctors and that there is a decrease in the anxiety level of
intensive care doctors in parallel with the increase in the number
of patients treated.
As a result of the survey, 69.4% of the doctors working in the
intensive care unit (ICU) stated that their anxiety level was moderate,
while 29% stated that it was at a higher level. It is known
that healthcare professionals working in ICU have been in the
frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic from the very beginning.
[8] In studies conducted out of the ICU, it has been reported
that insomnia, anxiety and depression were observed at a high
rate in healthcare professionals participated in the treatment of
COVID-19 patients. [9] In a survey conducted with healthcare
professionals working in ICU, it was reported that anxiety and depression
were observed in more than 50% of the healthcare professionals.[
9] In accordance with these studies, it was found that
particularly the moderate anxiety rate of the doctors participating
in our study was more than 50%. Also, the doctors stated that
especially female nurses working in the covid ICU have higher
anxiety levels in accordance with the literature, and they observed
high anxiety in 50% of the nurses. [10, 11] We attribute this to the
fact that nurses are in close contact with COVID-19 PCR positive
patients for longer periods of time for treatment. Of course, this
data is entirely based on the observation of the doctors participating
in the survey. A survey wasn't conducted with nurses working
in the COVID-19ICU. In accordance with Elina et al., we determined
that the most important reason for the increase in anxiety
of the participants is the fear of infecting their families and close
contacts despite having the sufficient PPE, and this fear was detected
in more than half of the participants.[12]
When compared with the other participants, no difference was
found in the anxiety levels of the participants who were diagnosed
with anxiety and received treatment before. It was found
that the anxiety levels of the participants, who did not have an
anxiety diagnosis and treatment but had anxiety complaints before,
were higher than the others. We attribute this to the fact
that the treatment participants with anxiety diagnosis receiving
for their existing complaints might have suppressed their covidrelated
anxiety, and that the complaints of the participants who
did not receive any treatment even though they had anxiety complaints
before may have been triggered further.
Different from the findings of Azoulay et al., we found that there
is no significant relationship between age, experience, academic
title and anxiety levels.[13] Contrary to what was expected, we
did not conclude that anxiety decreased with increasing age and
experience. Again contrary to findings of Azoulay et al., we found
that there is a statistically significant decrease in the anxiety level
of doctors in parallel with the increase in the number of patients
treated.[13] We attribute this to the fact that the doctors who take
care of more patients get to know this disease better and control
their fears as they get to know it. In accordance with other
articles published, we think that the unknowns about the course
and results of this new disease, cause more anxiety in healthcare
professionals.[12, 14]
In our study, we found that the increase in the number of beds in
hospital have a statistically significant relationship with the anxiety
level of doctors working in the ICU. We think that the reason for
this may be the possibility that the number of beds in the ICU can
not meet the potential number of patients who need to be admitted
to ICU and may cause blockage.
The low number of doctors participating in our study and the fact
that the level of anxiety was evaluated by how the participants
feel themselves rather than a valid test, are the limitations of our
In conclusion, we have found out that although more than half
of the participants have sufficient PPE, they don't feel safe due
to the fear of infecting their families and close contacts. We also
found that the anxiety levels of the doctors who had anxiety complaints
before were higher than the others,and also increase in the
number of beds in the hospital is related with the anxiety level of the doctors and that there is a decrease in the anxiety level of
intensive care doctors in parallel with the increase in the number
of patients treated. We think that in the future, more reliable results
will be obtained with the planning of more comprehensive
studies including notonly doctors but also otherhealthcare professionals
working in the COVID-19 intensive care unit and using
international objective scales measuring the anxiety levels.
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