Comparison Of Simplified Autologous Fibrin Glue Versus Suturing For Periodontal Flap Closure - A Randomised Controlled Trial
Subasree Soundarajan1*, Arvina Rajasekar2
1 Department of Periodontics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai-600077, Tamil Nadu, India.
2 Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai- 600077, Tamil Nadu, India.
*Corresponding Author
Subasree Soundarajan,
Department of Periodontics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai-600077, Tamil Nadu, India.
Tel: +91-9710632868
Received: May 12, 2021; Accepted: August 5, 2021; Published: August 17, 2021
Citation:Subasree Soundarajan, Arvina Rajasekar. Comparison Of Simplified Autologous Fibrin Glue Versus Suturing For Periodontal Flap Closure - A Randomised Controlled Trial. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(8):3810-3815. doi:
Copyright: Subasree Soundarajan©2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Objective: to assess the post operative healing and stability of flap closure using autologous fibrin glue when compared to
silk suture.
Methodology: Thirty subjects with moderate to severe periodontitis who requires periodontal flap surgery involving at least
four adjacent teeth, as determined by clinical criteria (i.e., probing depth of 5 mm and bone loss on radiograph of 50%),
between 20 and 50 years of age of both sexes, and showing adequate oral hygiene before surgical therapy were included in
the study. Autologous fibrin glue was prepared. The surgical area to be treated was randomly selected into two areas, Group
A: Two papilla were secured with sutures (3-0 silk) after surgery; Group B: Two papilla were secured with autologous fibrin
glue after surgery.
Parameters assessed & tests performed - The roll test for flap closure stability was used to verify the flap's adhesion. The
postoperative healing was evaluated using the simplified healing index.
Results: In the inter group comparisons of Simplified healing index, there was a statistically significant difference between
two study groups (Silk suture versus Autologous fibrin glue) at 1 week follow up with a better healing in autologous fibrin
glue group with a p value of 0.003. Whereas, the inter group comparisons of Roll test score at 1 week follow up, there was no
significant difference between two study groups (Silk suture versus Autologous fibrin glue) with a p value of 0.1. Hence, both
autologous fibrin glue and silk suture showed similar flp adaptation 1 week after flap surgery. In the intra group comparisons,
significant difference was seen in Roll test score between baseline and 1 week follow up with a p value < 0.01 in both the
groups (Silk suture versus Autologous fibrin glue).
Conclusion: This autologous fibrin glue preparation is not only quick and easy to prepare, but it also offers excellent postoperative
healing and flap closure stability that is comparable to or better than silk sutures. It is also less traumatic, quicker at the
chairside, and needs less skills to use than silk sutures.
Suturing is an important aspect of periodontal flap surgery since
it is used in flap closure and is crucial to its performance. Sutures,
on the other hand, have drawbacks such as plaque management
issues, increased postoperative pain, increased tissue reactivity,
and a higher infection risk [1]. These limitations have prompted
researchers to look for alternative approaches, including sutureless
techniques. Fibrin sealant, also known as fibrin glue, has been
used as a sealant and for hemostasis in surgery [2]. It is a biological
tissue adhesive that mimics the final stages of coagulation. It has
been used to secure gingival grafts and mucoperiosteal flaps [3].
Fibrin sealant can be used for wound closure replacing the need
for sutures, even in locations and circumstances where suturing
would be detrimental to optimal wound healing and integrity [4,
5]. It has potential adhesive properties that effectively seal the tissues
and eliminate the dead spaces. Apart from binding tissues,
fibrin sealant also acts as a natural wound bed. This bed acts as a
scaffold, allowing mesenchymal and endothelial cells to proliferate
and differentiate more easily [6, 7]. Improved plaque control, less postoperative pain, lower infection rates, and quicker healing
are few of the benefits of autologous fibrin glue. When compared
to sutures, it has benefits such as better plaque control, less
postoperative pain, lower infection rates, faster healing, no special
expertise required for application, and improved aesthetics (4). It
is atraumatic and less time-consuming with better postoperative
healing [8]. It is even been used to keep the free gingival graft immobilised
In comparison to sutures, fibrin sealant proves to be a good alternative
for tissue fixation.Since fibrin sealant can seal the entire
undersurface rather than only the marginal fixation possible with
sutures, the fixation is stronger [10]. It helps in faster wound healing
since the patient's oral hygiene maintenance is found to be
better when compared to suturing.There were less clinical symptoms
of inflammation. The grafts and flaps were more secure,
and also shows faster healing by 1 or 2 weeks after surgery [11].
By accelerating revascularization and promoting fibroblast migration,
fibrin sealants promote early wound healing and connective
tissue development. The sealant is biocompatible and causes only
a minor inflammatory response. It can promote angiogenesis,
create a more robust epithelium-connective tissue interface, and
make connective tissue more resistant to proteolytic enzymes
[12]. After 1 week of healing after fibrin sealant application, there
is more mature epithelium, connective tissue, increased density of
fibroblasts, and mature collagen, while the sutured site has more
inflammatory cells [13].
Fibrin glue is widely available or can be made using autologous
methods. Both have drawbacks, and hence are not commonly
used. Increased cost, multiple components (fibrinogen, thrombin,
afibrinolytics, fibronectin, and calcium chloride) involved in preparation,
short shelf life, not always available on demand, chances
of allergic reaction to bovine protein, and transmission of viral
infection are all limitations for commercial products like Tisseel
and Reliseal [14]. Whereas, the Autologous preparations also pose
a challenge. This includes obtaining the materials required for the
preparation, several components are involved (fibrinogen, calcium
chloride, thrombin, and afibrinolytics), temperature sensitive
preparation procedure, complex, and time consuming chairside
methodology [15].
Fibrin sealants are becoming more common in the surgical field
as a result of the numerous complications caused by sutures [16].
It is a multi-purpose surgical glue that can be used as a hemostat,
sealant, or adhesive to improve the overall clinical outcome of
surgical procedures. Several authors have verified the product's
efficacy while also demonstrating the product's excellent local tolerability
and total lack of side effects and contraindications [17].
It also aids in the healing of periodontal wounds. However, there
are contradictory reports in the literature, and further research is
required to determine the most appropriate use of these biologics.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the present study is
first of its kind to assess the post operative healing and stability
of flap closure using autologous fibrin glue when compared to
silk suture.
Materials and Methods
Study participants
Thirty patients were selected in total. Patients with moderate to
severe periodontitis who requires periodontal flap surgery involving
at least four adjacent teeth, as determined by clinical criteria
(i.e., probing depth of 5 mm and bone loss on radiograph of
50%), between 20 and 50 years of age of both sexes, and showing
adequate oral hygiene before surgical therapy were included
in the study. Patients with any known systemic diseases and/or
drug therapy that may interfere with wound healing, drug allergies
to any of the drugs used in the study, smoking, tobacco chewing,
or any other habit that may affect the disease or treatment, and
pregnant or lactating mothers were excluded from the study. The
research was performed in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration
of 1975, as amended in 2013, and the protocol was approved
by the institutional review committee for human subjects.
Surgical procedure
All the participants received Phase 1 therapy and oral hygiene instructions.
Subjects were reviewed four weeks after the end of
phase one therapy and patients whose inflammation had subsided
were scheduled for surgery. The surgical procedure was
performed using routine local anesthesia (2% lignocaine with
epinephrine 1:100,000) and sulcular incision was made. On the
buccal aspects of teeth, the conventional nondisplaced mucoperiosteal
flap was elevated. Thorough debridement was carried out
to remove the local irritants and diseased granulation. The flap
was trimmed and repositioned after debridement to achieve as
much total interproximal closure as possible.
The surgical area to be treated was randomly selected into two
areas as Group A and Group B.
Group A: Two papilla were secured with sutures (3-0 silk) after
Group B: Two papilla were secured with autologous fibrin glue
after surgery.
Method of preparation and application of autologous fibrin glue
For autologous fibrin glue preparation, 10 mL of patient blood
was collected in sterile 0.9 percent sodium citrate containing vacutainers
and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes. This vacutainer
now had a layer of platelet-poor plasma on top, a layer of
platelet-rich plasma in the centre, and a layer of red blood cells
at the bottom (RBCs). The platelet-poor and platelet-rich plasma
is drawn into a sterile syringe and kept in a separate test tube
without anticoagulant. The RBC fraction was thrown away. To
precipitate the most amount of fibrinogen, protamine sulphate
(10 mg/ml) was applied to platelet-rich and platelet-poor plasma.
This test tube was centrifuged for 5 minutes at 1000 rpm. A top
layer of serum with thrombin (autologous) and a bottom layer of
fibrinogen precipitate were present in the centrifuged tube.
The top serum was removed, but 0.5 mL of it was retained in the
test tube to dilute the fibrinogen precipitate, and aspirated into a
separate syringe. A second syringe was filled with calcium chloride
(0.025 mmol/l), and both solutions were applied in similar
amounts under the flaps, which were held under digital pressure
for 2–3 minutes.Since the agents used here were obtained from
the subject, there are no risks of adverse effects. (Figure 1-7)
Parameters assessed & tests performed
1. Roll test [18] - The roll test for flap closure stability was used to
verify the flap's adhesion. It is performed by placing the side of
the periodontal probe at the base of each papilla, roll the probe
in an apical direction, and evaluate the movement of the papilla.
Criteria for evaluation is given in Table 1
2. Simplified healing index - The postoperative healing was evaluated
using the simplified healing index, Sunil and Bhumit-2016
[18], a modification of the healing index given by Landry in 1988
[19] The index was simplified to make it easier to score due to the
subjective difficulty of evaluation. as given in Table 2.
Statistically Analysis
Chi square tests (inter group comparison) were performed to assess the association between a) Roll test score at 1 week post operatively
and type of flap closure (Autologous fibrin glue versus
silk suture) & b) Simplified healing index at 1 week post operatively
and type of flap closure (Autologous fibrin glue versus silk
suture). Paired t test was performed to compare the Roll test score
between baseline and 1 week post operative for both the groups
(Intra group comparison). All statistical analyses were performed
using SPSS version 23.0 (Statistical Package for the social sciences).
P < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
In the inter group comparisons of Simplified healing index, there was a statistically significant difference between two study groups
(Silk suture versus Autologous fibrin glue) at 1 week follow up
with a better healing in autologous fibrin glue group with a p value
of 0.003 (Figure 8).Br/>
Whereas, the inter group comparisons of Roll test score at 1 week
follow up, there was no significant difference between two study
groups (Silk suture versus Autologous fibrin glue) with a p value
of 0.1 (Figure 9). Hence, both autologous fibrin glue and silk suture
showed similar flp adaptation 1 week after flap surgery.Br/>
In the intra group comparisons, significant difference was seen
in Roll test score between baseline and 1 week follow up with a
p value < 0.01 in both the groups (Silk suture versus Autologous
fibrin glue).
Figure 8. Bar graph depicting the comparison of Simplified healing index at 1 week post op between two groups. X axis represents Simplified healing index and Y axis represents study groups (Silk suture & Fibrin glue). Blue denotes Score 1 - Good healing, green denotes Score 2 - Fair healing and orange denotes score 3 - Poor healing. Chi square test was done and association between simplified healing index at 1 week and type of intervention was found to be statistically significant (Pearson’s Chi square value : 11.6, df - 2, p value - 0.003 - statistically significant). Therefore, autologous fibrin glue showed better healing at 1 week following periodontal flap surgery when compared to silk sutures.
Figure 9. Bar graph depicting the comparison of Roll test score at 1 week post op between two groups. X axis represents Roll test score and Y axis represents study groups (Silk suture & Fibrin glue). Red denotes Score 1 - Barely visible movement of the papilla and blue denotes Score 2 - Clearly visible movement but no retraction of the papilla. Chi square test was done and association between Roll test score at 1 week and type of intervention was not statistically significant with a p value - 0.1. Therefore, autologous fibrin glue and silk suture showed similar flap adaptation at 1 week following periodontal flap surgery.
In these cases, we attempted to assess the efficacy of flap closure
with autologous fibrin glue and silk sutures. The use of autologous
fibrin glue, prepared using a simplified and new method (a
combination and modification of Hartman's and Altson's methods),
is the focus of this study [14]. The findings showed that
areas closed with fibrin glue healed faster than areas closed with
sutures, similar to the results obtained by Bimal et al. using Tisseel
[2]. The healing index outperformed Landry et al's [7] index because
it has clearer ratings, is easier to classify, eliminates subjective
assessment complexity, and is more focused on periodontal
healing. The roll test used in this study has been used in a case
report by Dave et al. A study done by Pini Prato et al. using Tissuecol
[8] found that fibrin glue was also less time-consuming and
simple to apply during chairside use.
Other tissue adhesives, such as cyanoacrylate (synthetic in nature),
have been abandoned due to high tissue toxicity, and fibrin glue
tends to be a safer option. [8] Traditional sutures only offer a
marginal fixation, while fibrin glue adheres the tissues to the entire
surface [2]. The use of sutures and fibrin glue in the same quadrant
rather than separate quadrants is one of the drawbacks of
our study. Using fibrin glue to close the flap is simpler and faster,
but additional preparation time away from the chairside in the
laboratory, the use of equipment such as a centrifuge, and materials
for preparing the flap are required.
Despite a few limitations, the current study demonstrates the successful
use of a simplified fibrin glue preparation that not only
had all of the benefits of previous fibrin glue preparations, but
also had the added benefits of a lower cost and a simpler procedure
for preparation under normal chairside/laboratory conditions,
without the use of complicated techniques or sophisticated
procedures. Flap closure using fibrin glue showed better and faster
healing with reduced inflammation clinically. In terms of flap
adaptability, both silk suture and fibrin glue show similar results.
Thus, autologous fibrin seems to be promising and it could be
used as an alternative to suturing, thereby marking the beginning
of a sutureless era [7].
This autologous fibrin glue preparation is not only quick and easy
to prepare, but it also offers excellent postoperative healing and
flap closure stability that is comparable to or better than silk sutures. It is also less traumatic, quicker at the chairside, and needs
less skills to use than silk sutures.
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