Correlation between the Intelligence Quotient Of Children Aged 4-12 Years And Their Oral Hygiene Status
Ivan Obadiah1, Ganesh Jeevanandan2*
1 Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai 600077, India.
2 Reader, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai 600077, India.
*Corresponding Author
Ganesh Jeevanandan,
Reader, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai
600077, India.
Received: June 11, 2021; Accepted: August 5, 2021; Published: August 14, 2021
Citation:Ivan Obadiah, Ganesh Jeevanandan. Correlation between the Intelligence Quotient Of Children Aged 4-12 Years And Their Oral Hygiene Status. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(8):3695-3697. doi:
Copyright: Ganesh Jeevanandan©2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
In an individual, the intellectual level of the person defines the capacity to learn from experience, ability to sustain through new situations, cognitive development of the person and also the ability to alter the environment to the benefit of the person. The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between the intelligence quotient of children aged 4 to 12 years and their oral hygiene status.This cross sectional study was conducted by measuring the dmft scores of the individuals and their IQ levels using an online test tool. A total of 75 participants were examined in the study and their oral hygiene status and IQ levels were evaluated and compared. There was no statistically significant association between the IQ levels of the participants and their dmft score.
Intelligent quotient (IQ) was defined by Weschler as “an individual’s
ability to adapt and constructively solve problems in the environment”
[1]. In an individual, the intellectual level of the person
defines the capacity to learn from experience, ability to sustain
through new situations, cognitive development of the person and
also the ability to alter the environment to the benefit of the person.
It shows the hereditary prospective and observational capacity
of the individual [2]. The intellectual level of an individual exhibits
both his/her own genetic potential and experiential inputs
[3]. Alteration in the environment which leads to an unfavourable
psychological development in the individual will eventually disturbs
the cognitive development and coping ability of the person.
Early childhood caries is a rapidly spreading infectious dental disease
in children less than 5 years of age. There are various risk
factors studied, which are responsible for the incidence of dental
caries especially in children [4]. Intelligent quotient which is the
measure of a person’s intellectual level determines the cognitive
ability of the individual in maintaining oral hygiene [5]. Poor oral
hygiene maintenance eventually leads to dental caries and other
soft tissue diseases like gingivitis etc. Correlations between intelligence
quotient and dental health have been previously studied by
few researches and the results are mostly contradictory [6]. Virk et
al [3] studied orphanage children and concluded that an increase
in IQ showed an increase in incidence of caries. In this modern
era, children at an early stage in life have comparatively more intellectual
abilities than previous generations. A high IQ score has to
be associated with a healthy oral status and hence improving the
intellectual development of an individual is essential in improving
general and dental health [1, 3]. The purpose of this study is
to determine the correlation between the intelligence quotient of
children aged 4 to 12 years and their oral hygiene status.
Materials and Methods
This cross sectional study was conducted between November
2020 to January 2021. The sample size calculation was done with
95% confidence interval , with the level of significance p<.057,8.
The adequate sample size was calculated as 73 samples.
Inclusion criteria
1. Children of age 4 to 12 years.
2. Individuals with one or more carious lesions
Exclusion Criteria
1. Individuals with special health care needs
2. Individuals who are uncooperative for the study
1. dmft scores of the participants
2. Intelligence quotient scores of the participants
Tools used
1. dmft index
2. An online IQ test tool 9
Inference from the online test tool:
Statistical analysis was done to compare the association between
the oral hygiene status and the intelligence level of the participants
using the chi-square test in SPSS version 23.
A total of 75 participants were examined in the study and their
oral hygiene status and IQ levels were evaluated and compared.
The age distribution throughout the participants was almost
equally distributed (Graph 1). There was no statistically significant
association between the IQ levels of the participants and
their dmft score i.e p>0.05 (Table 1). The most highly observed
IQ levels among the participants were average and above average;
and the most highly occurred dmft score was 4 (Graph 2).
Graph 1. Distribution of age of the participants. The age distribution throughout the participants was almost equally distributed. Total number of 6 year old participants were higher comparatively.
Graph 2. Associations between IQ levels of participants and their dmft scores.The most highly observed IQ levels among the participants were average and above average; and the most highly occurred dmft score was 4.
Table 1. Association between the IQ levels of participants and their dmft scores were statistically not significant (p>0.05).
Psychology plays an important role in determining a person’s behavior,
but not many studies have been conducted in this regard.
Psychology can be categorized under one or the other headings
of intelligence, personality, temperament, maturity, curiosity, liking,
study habits, adjustment functions, anxiety, developmental
screening, creativity and others like frustration, general learning
abilities, psychopathology, deprivation and helplessness [10]. Intelligence
quotient of an individual depicts the level of cognitive
development and it grades the adaptive ability of an individual to
their environment. Right from birth an infant observes the immediate
environment in which it grows and adapts to every single
stimuli and nature of this world. Adapting to surrounding situations
involves taking care of one self by following required daily
routines like brushing the teeth, bathing and other such deeds.
Developing skills for such daily activities requires a basic intelligence
and adequate cognitive development. Singh [11] in his study
among orphans, summed up the reason behind low performance
on intelligence tests as non exposure to reading material, lack of
interaction, prohibitive atmosphere, absence of care, and above
all a feeling of being an orphan.
In this study, the IQ of the participants were measured using an
online test tool which gave scores to each individual based on their
performance in a 15-item picture test questionnaire. The participants
were mostly presented with color and shape matching questions
and also few based on math solving questions and the questionnaires
were age specific from 4 to 12 year old children. The
participants were then graded according to their scores as low IQ,
below average, average, above average and high IQ [12]. In this
study, the most highly observed IQ levels were average and above
average. These scores might not be very reliable as they were all in
a format which the children hadn’t come across before and might
not have been taught before. And also, the anxiety of the children
in the dental chair might have been a confounding factor in this
study altering their response to the contest. The oral hygiene status
of the participants in this study was determined by evaluation
of the number of decayed teeth, missing teeth due to caries and
also the teeth that were restored. When comparing these two and
performing statistical analysis of their association, it was found
that the IQ levels of the participants is not statistically associated
with their oral hygiene status in this present study. But, however
clinically participants who had a less dmft score scored more in
the IQ test. Regarding the age of the participants, older children
performed better in the IQ test than younger children [13]. This
might be due to the better understanding of the environment and
less dental anxiety [14]. In a similar study, prevalence of caries was
less among the group with higher IQ than the group with lower
IQ6. Institutionalized subnormal person with less IQ (20–49) had
significantly reduced caries score than those with more IQ (=50),
and when graphed from lowest to highest IQ, the caries score
showed bell-shaped curve with persons of an average IQ having
the highest caries score [15]. A study conducted by Shankar et
al. [16] showed different relations such as increased dental caries
with increased IQ levels. Virk et al [3] observed a lower score of
IQ in socially handicapped orphan children. Navit et al1 concluded,
prevalence of caries was maximum among those with borderline
Limitations of this study was, the online test tool used was not a
standardized universal IQ test tool. Dental caries incidence is multifactorial
and there are many confounding factors which actually
have more significance in causing it than that of an individual’s
1. Intelligence quotient of children aged 4 to 12 years is not associated with oral hygiene status of the children statistically.
2. Older children performed better in the IQ test than younger children.
3. More specific studies has to be conducted by eliminating the confounding factors.
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