Association Between Patient Demographics And Compliance Towards Preventive Dentistry - A Population Based Retrospective Study
Nivesh Krishna R1, Sri Sakthi2*, Arvind S3
1 Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai, India.
2 Reader, Department of Community Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai - 600077, India.
3 Reader, Department of Orthodontics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute Of Medical and Technical Science, Saveetha University, Chennai, India.
*Corresponding Author
Sri Sakthi,
Reader, Department of Community Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai - 600077,
Tel: 9840285905
Received: April 28, 2021; Accepted: July 09, 2021; Published: July 30, 2021
Citation:Nivesh Krishna R, Sri Sakthi, Arvind S. Association Between Patient Demographics And Compliance Towards Preventive Dentistry - A Population Based Retrospective Study. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(7):3558-3562. doi:
Copyright: Sri Sakthi©2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Background and objective: Demography refers to the scientific study of a controlled population. Many conceptual models
eliciting the association between a patient's compliance towards oral health and sociodemographic factors such as age, gender
and socio-economic status, have been demonstrated in recent times.
Materials and Methods: In this study, the data collected for a period of 6 months (01-07-2019 to 01-01-2020) were screened
for patients who have undergone treatments such as preventive resin restoration and topical fluoride application. The independent
variables were age group and demographics whereas the dependent variables were the preventive treatment and the
statistical mean value obtained. The statistical test used was the chi-square test.
Results: From the study, it was estimated that 800 patients have undergone preventive resin restoration and topical fluoride
application out of which 68 patients (8%) have undergone topical fluoride application and 732 patients (92%) have undergone
preventive resin restoration. Chi square test was done to associate the age group and treatment and gender and treatment. The
p value obtained was 0.3628 and 0.412 (P<0.5) respectively and both were statistically significant.
Conclusion: Lack of willingness to maintain proper oral hygiene makes prevention of dental diseases complicated. Better oral
hygiene can be practised by adapting to healthy oral habits and early diagnosis of diseases.
Compliance; Demographics; Dental Caries; Preventive Resin Restoration; Topical Fluoride Application.
MucDental caries can be simply defined as the breakdown of
teeth due to acids produced by bacteria. The cavities elicited,
will range between a number of complications including tissue
inflammation around the tooth, loss of tooth or teeth, and abscess
formation. This is the most common chronic disease among
children, affecting vulnerable parts of the population and elicits
severe problems to children, families, and health systems. Therefore,
efforts produced toward oral health promotion and disease
prevention are highly effective when compared to dental rehabilitation
which follows disease development [1, 2]. Martins
in the year 2011, insisted school based learning of oral health
maintenance wherein the quality of brushing is enhanced among
school children through proper health education [3].
Some of the approaches to preventing caries are the usual oral
hygiene with fluoride-containing toothpaste, reduction in the consumption
of sugary foods, as well as local and systemic fluoridation.
Many approaches for sensitive anatomical areas such as pits
and fissures have been implemented. Sealing pits and fissures of
occlusal surfaces had already been established in the 1960s. Sealing
of pits and fissures creates a physical barrier thereby blocking
the biofilm’s nutrition culminating in prevention of biofilm
growth [4]. Therefore, the use of sealants is a simple solution
because fluorides inhibit demineralization, promote remineralization and also prevent the acid formation by plaque bacteria. Various
benefits of resin-based sealants have been demonstrated in
numerous investigations. Few studies have demonstrated that a
time delayed application of the fissure sealant led to a substantial
increase in caries frequency. However, its efficiency depends on
the tight closure.[5, 6]
There is a strong recommendation for the use of sealing materials
in permanent molars in children and adolescents. A lot of studies
were conducted to compare the efficacy of sealants and cavity
varnishes. Moreover, studies demonstrated a reduction of about
73% of the incidence of occlusal caries in permanent molars after
two to three years in groups that had sealants placed when
compared to the groups that had fluoride varnishes placed [7]. A
study by Koerber et al. demonstrated that placing sealing materials
on sound occlusal surfaces elicited the incidence of only 27%
in sealed surfaces when compared to the incidence of 77% in unsealed
surfaces. This was even compared with fluoride varnishes
whereby the incidence was about 56%, in another control group
[8]. A clinical study wherein a 15 year period observation of 360
children showed reduction in caries of 36% when all first molars
were sealed and 54% when all the posterior teeth were sealed [9].
Previously our team had conducted numerous clinical trials, surveyed
and reviewed various aspects of community dentistry over
the past five years.[10-24] Now we are focusing on retrospective
studies, the idea for which has stemmed from the current interest
in our community. The aim of this study is to estimate the association
between patient demographics and compliance towards
preventive dentistry.
Materials And Methods
The data required for the study was collected from July 2019 to
January 2020. The case sheets of the patients above 18 years of
age who had reported to Saveetha Dental college for the treatment
of preventive resin restoration and topical fluoride application
were reviewed. The external validity was good, as it is generalisable
among patients of the same ethnic origins within the state
and country.
Ethical approval
Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional Ethical
Committee and scientific review board [SRB] of Saveetha Dental
College. SDC/SIHEC/2020/DIAS/DATA/0619-0320
Data Collection
The data collected from July 2019 to January 2020 after screening
the records and study subjects were selected based on the parameters
such as patient’s name, age, gender, demographic and
the type of treatment done. The types of treatment included are
preventive resin restoration and topical fluoride application. To
estimate the predominant age group, patients were divided into
3 age groups and patients from peri urban,urban and rural areas
were recorded seperately. The sample size of the study was 800
patients. The data was collected and tabulated in the excel sheet
and imported to spss software for statistical analysis.
Statistical analysis
The data was imported to spss software by IBM version 25.0 for
Windows OS in which the output variables were defined. The
independent variables were age group, demographics and gender
whereas the dependent variables were the type of preventive
treatment done and the statistical mean value obtained. The
statistical test used was the chi-square test to establish the results.
The study patients who have undergone preventive treatments
were collected and divided into three classifications.Based on age
groups,locality and the type of preventive treatment. Among the
age groups, group 1includes 18-25 years, group 2 includes 26-35
years, group 3 includes 36-40 years. Based on locality, patients
were divided into urban, peri-urban, rural. Among the types of
preventive treatment undergone, Topical fluoride application and
Pit and fissure sealants were considered. The most predominant
age group, gender and locality of the patients who underwent
topical fluoride application and preventive resin restoration treatment
were estimated and correlated using chi-square analysis.
From the study, it can be estimated that 800 patients from 18-40
years of age have undergone preventive treatments such as preventive
resin restoration and topical fluoride application.
Among the age groups, group 1 [18-25 years] had 417 patients,
group 2 [26-35 years] had 328 patients and group 3 [36-40 years] had 55 patients. The predominant age group was group 1 [18-25
years] based on fig 1. Among the genders 413 patients were males
and 387 patients were females. Predominant gender is male(fig 2).
Among the types of treatment, 68 patients have undergone treatment
for topical fluoride application and 732 patients have undergone
treatment for preventive resin restoration (fig 3). Among
the patient locality, 632 patients belonged to peri urban areas, 108
patients belonged to urban areas and 60 patients belonged to rural
areas. The predominant type of treatment undergone is the
preventive resin restoration and majority of patients belonged to
peri urban and urban areas compared to the rural areas based on
fig 4. Chi square test was done to associate the age group and
treatment and p value obtained was 0.3628, thus was statistically
significant. Based on fig 5 it can be inferred that the majority of
cases of both topical fluoride application and preventive resin
restoration was higher among the age group 18-25 years and was
statistically significant. Chi square test was done to associate the
gender and treatment and p value obtained was 0.412, thus was
statistically significant. Based on fig 6 it can be inferred that in the
majority of cases both topical fluoride application and preventive
resin restoration was higher among males than females and was
statistically significant. Chi square test was done to associate the
locality and treatment and p value obtained was 0.196, thus was
statistically significant. Based on fig 7 it can be inferred that the
majority of cases of both topical fluoride application and preventive
resin restoration were from peri urban locality and were
statistically significant.
Figure 1. denotes the distribution of study population based on age group. Sample size was 800 cases. The patients were divided into three age groups, 18-25 years [group-1], 26-35 years [group-2 ]and 36-40 years [group-3 ]respectively. In the figure, group-1[yellow] with 417 patients[52%], group-2 [green] with 328 patients[41%] and group-3 [blue] with 55 patients[ 6.8%]. The majority of patients who have undergone preventive treatments belonged to Group 1[18-25 years].
Figure 2. denotes the distribution of study population based on gender. Sample size was 800 patients. Among the study population, 413 patients were males and 387 patients were females. In the below graph, orange colour denotes the percentage of male patients [52%] and violet colour denotes the percentage of female patients [48%]. The predominant gender was male.
Figure 3. denotes the distribution of study population based on locality. Among 800 patients, 612 patients (79%) were from peri urban areas, 60 patients (7%) were from rural areas and 108 patients (13%) were from urban areas. In the figure, black colour denotes peri urban, orange denotes rural and red denotes urban areas. Predominant number of patients who underwent preventive treatment were from peri urban areas.
Figure 4. denotes the distribution of study population based on the type of treatment. Sample size was 800 patients. It can be estimated that among 800 patients who underwent preventive treatments, 68 patients (8%) underwent topical fluoride application and 732 patients (92%) underwent preventive resin restoration treatment. In the figure, the colour green denotes topical fluoride application, yellow denotes preventive resin restoration. It can be inferred that the majority of patients underwent preventive resin restoration procedure.
Figure 5. bar graph denotes the association between the age group of the patient and the treatment done. X axis indicates the age group of the patients and Y axis indicates the number of cases underwent preventive treatment among 800 cases.In the figure, colour yellow denotes the treatment count for topical fluoride application [68 patients] and colour black denotes the treatment count for preventive resin restoration [732 patients] among the 3 age groups respectively. Chi square test was done and p value obtained was 0.36 (p<0.5), thus was statistically significant. Based on this figure 5 it can be inferred that the majority of cases of both topical fluoride application and preventive resin restoration was higher among the age group 18-25 years and was statistically significant.
Figure 6. denotes the association between the gender of the patient and the treatment done. X axis indicates the gender of the patients and Y axis indicates the number of cases underwent preventive treatment among 800 cases.In the figure, colour yellow denotes the treatment count for topical fluoride application with 37(4.6%) males and 31(3.8%) females and colour black denotes the treatment count for preventive resin restoration with 376 males and 356 female patients respectively. Chi square test was done and p value obtained was 0.41 (p<0.5), thus was statistically significant. Based on this figure 6 it can be inferred that in the majority of cases both topical fluoride application and preventive resin restoration was higher among males than females and was statistically significant.
Figure 7.denotes the association between the locality of the patient and the treatment done. X axis indicates the locality of the patients and Y axis indicates the number of cases underwent preventive treatment among 800 cases. In the figure, colour yellow denotes the treatment count for topical fluoride application with 47 patients from peri urban, 13 patients from rural and 8 patients from urban locality and colour black denotes the treatment count for preventive resin restoration with 585 patients from peri urban, 47 patients from rural and 100 patients from urban locality respectively. Chi square test was done and p value obtained was 0.196 (p<0.5), thus was statistically significant. Based on this figure 7 it can be inferred that the majority of cases of both topical fluoride application and preventive resin restoration were from peri urban locality and were statistically significant.
A huge number of trials have been made to inhibit the development
of caries, particularly the occlusal caries. This is due to
the occlusal pits and fissures of teeth, which get infected with
bacteria within 10 years of eruption. Numerous efforts had been
taken to create awareness about preventive dentistry and the use
of sealants and fluorides to control the spread of dental caries at
an early age [25]. In our study, we have estimated that people of
age group 18-25 years were more aware about preventive treatment
than adults. A study by Rumondini L et al indicates that
adolescents and adults below 25 years of age were more aware
of preventive treatments and self prevention of caries by proper
oral hygiene techniques which coincides with our study [26]. In
this current study, we have observed that rural populations have
undergone the least number of preventive treatments. Silva SR et
al conducted a study to evaluate the level of knowledge on preventive
treatments among rural populations and stated that not
even 25% of the population were aware of preventive treatments.
This is mainly due to lack of awareness and lack of regular dental visits by the patients. This coincides with our study as the urban
and peri urban population were much more aware than the rural
Only limited evidence suggests the fact that sealants reduce the
incidence of caries by 76% on sound occlusal surfaces, when
compared to the non-use of sealants during the 2-3 follow up period.[
28] In our study, no evidence of long term caries prevention
effect of sealants were observed. But in a study by Al-Shammari
KF et al it was estimated that at longer follow-up periods of 48 to
54 months, the quality of evidence was low but the caries preventive
effect of sealants was retained. However, there was very low
quality of evidence when comparing the caries preventive effect
of glass-ionomer based sealants with the use of no sealant [29].
From this study it can be concluded that the predominant type
of preventive treatment undergone by the patients is preventive
resin restoration with 18-25 years being the most predominant
age group, common mostly among male patients belonging to
peri urban and urban areas than the rural areas. Awareness on the
significance of preventive treatment should be stressed among
children and adolescents and proper oral hygiene maintenance
should be enhanced by regular brushing and oral health practices.
The people of rural areas should be made aware about the importance
of oral hygiene for the betterment of health.
Author Contributions
First author [Nivesh Krishna R] performed analysis, interpretation
and wrote the manuscript. Second author [Dr.SRISAKTHI]
contributed to conception,data designs,analysis,interpretation and
critically revised the manuscript. Third author [Dr.Arvind S] participated
in the study and revised the manuscript. All the three
authors have discussed the results and contributed to the final
I sincerely express my gratitude and acknowledgement to the Director,
Dean and management for their support and also thank
the Research and IT department of Saveetha dental college (SIMATS)
for their affable assistance in analyzing the data.
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