Role of Arginine in Caries Prevention
Dr. Astha Bramhecha1, Dr. Jogikalmat Krithikadatta2*
1 Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences,
Saveetha University, Chennai, India.
2 Professor and Head, Department of Cariology, Saveetha Dental college and Hospital, Saveetha Institute of Medical and, Technical Sciences, Saveetha University , Chennai, India.
*Corresponding Author
Jogikalmat Krithikadatta,
Professor and Head, Department of Cariology, Saveetha Dental college and Hospital, Saveetha Institute of Medical and, Technical Sciences, Saveetha University , Chennai, India.
Tel: +91 9840111369
Received: May 04, 2021; Accepted: July 09, 2021; Published: July 17, 2021
Citation:Astha Bramhecha, Jogikalmat Krithikadatta. Role of Arginine in Caries Prevention. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(7):3230-3234.doi:
Copyright: Jogikalmat Krithikadatta©2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Caries is one of the most prevalent oral diseases. The disease arises as the result of a complex interaction of multiple factors. Tooth surfaces are covered with a thin biofilm to which bacteria adhere and mature which utilize dietary sugars as a substrate, producing acid, mainly lactic acid. Bacterial activity causes a decrease in pH, which ultimately causes the hydroxyapatite crystals in the enamel to dissolve. Arginine is a naturally occuring semi-essential amino acid in food products and in the saliva. It is metabolized by arginolytic bacteria which produce ammonia and leads to an increase in the pH in the oral biofilm. This thereby counteracts the acidic environment conducive to the growth of acid-resistant bacteria. The continued research into oral arginine metabolism as a successful approach to caries intervention has been supported by compelling in vitro and in vivo evidence.
Caries; Arginine; Caries Prevention; Review.
As defined[1], dental caries is a biofilm-mediated, diet-modulated,
multifactorial, non-communicable, complex disease that causes
net mineral loss in the hard tissues of the teeth. [2,3]. Biological,
behavioural, psychosocial, and environmental factors all influence
the development of carious lesion.[4] Although the hard tissue
shows signs of demineralization, the caries process starts in a bacterial
biofilm that is close to the tooth. It's a multifactorial disease
that begins with microbiological changes inside a complex biofilm
and is influenced by salivary flow and composition, fluoride intake,
sugar consumption, and preventive behaviours.[5]
The process starts when acid-producing organisms inside the
plaque biofilm, such as mutans streptococci, which metabolise
these dietary sugars to create lactic and other acids, causing initial
de-mineralization, or the removal of calcium and phosphate ions
from the hydroxyapatite structure of the tooth's enamel. This is
followed by a reversible early caries lesion that can be remineralized.
Fluoride works by encouraging de-mineralized tissue to remineralize.[
6-8] Continuous acidification of oral biofilms due to
acids formed by bacterial glycolysis of dietary carbohydrates, leads
to a rise in the proportions of acid-producing and acid-tolerant
species, a selective mechanism that disrupts dental plaque pH
homeostasis and changes the demineralization-remineralization
balance in favour of mineral loss.[9,10] Importantly, this recent
understanding has prompted a shift in clinical dentistry from an
emphasis on cavity restoration to the investigation of therapeutic
methods to stop or reverse the caries process by re-mineralizing
non-cavitated initial enamel or root caries lesions.
The incidence of dental caries is high in most developing lowincome
countries, and over 90% of caries go untreated.[5] According
to the recent Global Burden of Disease survey, untreated
caries in permanent teeth is still the most prevalent human disease
worldwide.[11] Despite the fact that dental diseases have a low
mortality rate, they have a significant effect on eating capacity,
diet, and wellbeing in both children and adults. Teeth, in today's
culture, play a critical role in improving facial appearance, which
has a significant impact on an individual's identity, self-esteem,
and trust. As a result, since dental diseases have bad repercussions
for people of all ages, proactive measures to avoid them should
be taken.
Caries prevention comprises primary and secondary caries prevention.
Primary prevention measures include those taken to prevent the initial dissolution of dental enamel as well as those to halt
the progression of early lesions (areas of demineralized enamel)
that have not yet progressed to cavitation (secondary caries prevention)
During the past decade, multiple new approaches in the
management of dental caries have been identified and validated.
These include various preventive strategies and recently developed
agents such as arginine. Arginine was initially used as an
desensitizing agent and only recently has been introduced as an
additive in dentifrices with fluoride for caries prevention.
Arginine is a prebiotic, semi essential or conditionally essential
amino acid that has a wide range of metabolic applications[12].
It can be produced by the body and secreted in saliva as salivary
peptide or in free form .i.e.,endogenous (protein turnover and de
novo arginine synthesis from citrulline) or the source could be
exogenous i.e. through diet. (Morris 2006) It is metabolized by
arginolytic bacteria through an arginine deiminase pathway (ADS)
which produce ammonia-like substances [13], this leads to an increase
in the pH in the oral biofilm [14] As a result, the acidic
condition that encourages the growth of acid-resistant bacteria
is reduced.
Previously our team has a rich experience in working on various
research projects across multiple disciplines[15-29] Now the
growing trend in this area motivated us to pursue this project.
Materials and Methods
Diet and salivary peptides are the main sources of arginine for
plaque bacteria. Arginine in free form is secreted in saliva at concentrations
of about 50 µM[30], and free arginine is present at
about 200 µM in mature 48-h dental plaque.[31] Most of the arginine
that enters the body through foods, or salivary and other host
secretions, is in peptide or protein form. The arginine can then be
released into a form that can be internalised and catabolized by
abundant ADS-positive bacteria by a variety of proteases formed
by the oral microbiota. Plaque bacteria catabolize arginine primarily
via the three enzyme ADS, which first transforms arginine to
citrulline and ammonia through the enzyme arginine deiminase
(AD). A catabolic ornithine transcarbamylase (cOTC) reacts with
the citrulline to release ornithine and carbamyl phosphate. A catabolic
carbamate kinase (cCK) breaks down carbamyl phosphate
to ammonia and CO2 while also donating the phosphate to ADP,
resulting in ATP production.[32,33]
Ammonia synthesis through the ADS raises cytoplasmic and environmental
pH, which benefits oral bacteria by:
1) shielding them from acid killing[32][34];
2) providing bioenergetic benefits such as increasing pH and synthesising
ATP[32] [33]; and
3) maintaining a relatively neutral environmental pH that is less
beneficial for cariogenic microflora outgrowth.[32] [35]
Stephan [36] was the first to explain the causal relationship between
bacterial sugar metabolism and acid production by a mixed
population of plaque bacteria, as well as the fact that the initial decrease
in plaque pH is accompanied by a steady increase in plaque
pH that gradually reaches a plateau. It was later discovered that
the plateau/resting pH of caries-active plaque was more acidic
than that of caries-free plaque [37], confirming the connection
between acid production and development of caries. Further
studies revealed that ammonia production from arginine or urea
by a group of bacteria in saliva and plaque is linked to an increase
in plaque pH.[13]
Plaque pH can be determined by plaque organisms' acid–base
metabolism, which could be influenced by plaque thickness, the
quantity of acid-producing and alkali-producing organisms, and
the relative availability of nitrogenous and carbohydrate substrates
in plaque, according to Kleinberg [38] . In accordance to
data from a recent in vitro study, caries development may be affected
by the relative rates of acid and base formation in plaque,
which are critically dependent on the presence of sucrose, plaque
pH and buffer ability, and biofilm age [14].
Free arginine levels in saliva of caries-free people were found to
be substantially higher than in saliva of caries patients[30] This
explains why dental plaques from caries-free people who have
fasted have higher ammonia levels[39,40] and pH values than
plaque from caries-active people [39][40][41]. Therefore, differences
in arginolysis between caries-free and caries-active people
can be attributed to:
1) the strains in oral biofilms with intrinsic differences in the regulation
of the ADS by environmental factors; and/or
2) host and biofilm microenvironmental factors that influence
ADS expression/activity.
The microenvironment in caries-active individuals' biofilms, for
example, may not be conducive to high ADS expression or may
contain inhibitory factors that reduce ADS expression or enzyme
Arginine Formulation
Kleinberg in 1999 designed a technology to deliver arginine for
plaque bacteria in the mouth through toothpastes, mints, and
chews. Over the decade, many clinical trials have been conducted
to test this arginine technology with or without combination with
fluoride, as arginine has a synergistic effect with it. [42] Daily use
of 2% arginine in NaF toothpaste, in high-risk patients, provides
a synergistic anti-caries effect given the proven prebiotic benefits
of arginine in caries prevention and the demonstrated remineralization
effect. [43] CaviStat® (Ortek Therapeutics, Inc., Roslyn,
NY, USA) - an arginine bicarbonate-calcium carbonate complex
added to a sugarless mint confection was introduced as Basic-
Mints®. Other formulations include incorporation of arginine in
toothpastes with various concentrations of fluorides, in mouth
rinses,in dental adhesives and gums for easy administration.
Evidence Regarding Anti-Caries Effect Of Arginine
Caries-preventive effect of arginine in various forms such as Larginine,
arginine sugarless confectionery, arginine bicarbonate
mouth rinse , arginine non-fluoridated toothpaste, 1.5% argininefluoride/
fluoride-free toothpaste ,8% arginine-fluoride toothpaste
, L-Arg.HCl in NaF toothpaste, L-arginine adhesive, and
arginine varnish have been studied by various authors. In vitro
studies regarding L-Arginine found it to be effective in maintaining
the healthy oral biofilms by improving pH homeostasis
through remodeling of the oral microbial flora and reduced the biofilm biomass.[44][45]
Colgate Maximum Cavity Protection PLUS Sugar Acid Neutralizer
toothpaste(1.5% arginine,insoluble calcium base, 1450-ppm
NaMFP) was investigated.The fluoride uptake potential of 1.5%
arginine-fluoride toothpaste was slightly lower, in an in vitro setting,
than the combined 1500 ppm NaF and 1000 ppm NaMFP
Another in vitro research found that 8% arginine toothpaste had
significantly higher remineralization ability than casein phosphopeptide
amorphous calcium phosphate mousse and 1400 ppm
NaF solution.[47,48] Given the known prebiotic benefits of arginine
and the demonstrated remineralization effect with micro-
CT and increased fluoride absorption, one study concluded that
incorporating 2% L- Arg.HCl in NaF toothpaste could provide
a synergistic anti-caries effect. But this formulation is not yet
available on the market.[43] For secondary caries prevention, arginine
(5%, 7%, and 10%) has been incorporated in a two-step
etch-and-rinse adhesive, but these formulations are not commercially
available. In vitro tests revealed that adding 7% L-arginine
to adhesives did not change their mechanical properties but had
significant antibacterial effects. [49]
When compared to children who obtained a sugarless mint control,
children who used BasicMints®(Cavistat) (4 mints a day) had
52.4 percent fewer non-cavitated caries lesions in the first permanent
molars, as well as less carious lesions in primary molars and
some early erupting premolars at 12-month follow-up.41 When
comparing the caries-preventive capacity of 2 percent arginine
bicarbonate mouth rinse to 1 percent urea and/or 0.05 percent
NaF solution, researchers discovered that arginine rinsing offered
only a minor advantage in terms of remineralization.[50]Another
study's authors suggest that arginine bicarbonate mouthrinse
(0.5–2%) may be a potential caries-prevention agent, particularly
for high-risk patients after carbohydrate intake.[51] As a result,
more research is required to support these conflicting findings.
A customised arginine-based sustained-release varnish was made
by embedding 3% arginine in an adjusted ethyl cellulose polymer
matrix which formed a self-degradable thin film on teeth. The use
of arginine varnish as an adjunct to oral hygiene interventions in
high-risk patients may be beneficial.[52] A clinical trial using 1.5
% arginine fluoride-free toothpaste revealed a change in bacterial
composition toward a healthy culture close to that seen in cariesfree
people[53,54]. Arginine-fluoride dentifrices were found to
have superior caries-preventive efficacy as compared to matched
control fluoride dentifrices in many clinical trials. [55,56][53,55]
[54,57][55,58] and systematic reviews [59-61][62].
Our institution is passionate about high quality evidence based
research and has excelled in various fields [19, 63-72].
Multiple studies have found results supporting use of arginine in
various formulations, but these should be considered with caution
due to high risk of bias and chances of industrial or publication
bias as many studies were funded by the companies.To
assess the caries-preventive potential of arginine in commercial
formulations, high-quality clinical trials are needed. By integrating
L-arginine into self-applied and professionally applied cariespreventive agents, its function in caries prevention can be further
The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest with respect
to the authorship and/or publication of this article.
Author Contributorship
Astha Bramhecha, contributed to conception, design and concise
drafting of the manuscript. Jogikalmat Krithkadatta critically revised
the manuscript. The authors give final approval and agrees
to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
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