Analysis Of Testing With Multiple Choiceversus Fill In The Blank Questions: Outcome-Based Observations In Dental Subjects
Sheeja S Varghese1*, Asha Ramesh2
1 Professor and Dean Department of Periodontics Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical sciences Saveetha University,
Chennai, India.
2 Senior Lecturer Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha Institute of medical and technical sciences Saveetha University, Chennai, India.
*Corresponding Author
Sheeja S Varghese,
Professor and Dean Department of Periodontics Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical sciences Saveetha University, Chennai, India.
Tel: 9884042252
Received: March 05, 2021; Accepted: March 12, 2021; Published: March 17, 2021
Citation: Sheeja S Varghese, Asha Ramesh. Analysis Of Testing With Multiple Choiceversus Fill In The Blank Questions: Outcome-Based Observations In Dental Subjects. Int J
Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;08(03):2020-2024. doi:
Copyright: Sheeja S Varghese©2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Background: The testing methods have evolved over time, but in dental education, the multiple-choice questions (MCQ)
remain preferred among educators. There is limited research on Fill-in-the-blanks (FIB) that tap the student’s ‘deeper’ learning
potential. This retrospective study aims to assess the difference in learning outcomes of dental undergraduate students with
MCQ and FIB-based assessments.
Methods: The final year students of different academic years were divided in to two groups based on the assessment method
in ‘end-of-year’ written examination (summative assessment) conducted on eight dental subjects: Group I students (n=75)
were given MCQs, short, and long essays where as, for Group II students (n=75), FIB replaced the MCQ. The summative
marks were compared between the two groups. Also, Group II students responded to an online questionnaire to assess the
learning outcomes in their pre-final (MCQ-based) and final year (FIB-based) examinations.
Results: Independent t-test compared the summative assessment scores between the two groups and observed that there was
significant difference favoring Group I in five subjects. Two subjects showed significant difference in scores favoring Group
II and there was no difference in one subject. Also, majority of the students gave feedback that they had better learning outcomes
with FIB format.
Discussion: The study concluded that there was a significant difference in the ‘end-of-year-written examination scores between
the two groups and the academic performance was better with MCQ format. But, the questionnaire feedback from the
students observed that FIB format facilitated in-depth learning and comprehension of the subject.
Assessment Methods; Learning Outcome; Multiple Choice Question; Fill In The Blank; Dental Education.
In dental education, the art and science behind learning has undergone
a paradigm shift with remarkable progress. Competencybased
education is the need-of-the-hour as it orients the subject
to their outcome abilities and organizes around their competencies
[1]. The effective delivery of healthcare not only banks
on theoretical knowledge and technical skills, but also on interpersonal
and analytical skills, interdisciplinary care, and following
an evidence-based approach [2]. The valid assessment of clinical
competence is the actual performance of the doctor in a clinical
setting [3]. This asserts that our assessment systems should be
more sound, and robust to comprehensively evaluate the required
attributes along with the essential knowledge and skill-set.
Tests are exclusively used assessment tools in medical and dental
education. They are used in assigning grades and to ratify professional
competence. There are two classes of memory tests and
they include: i) recognition tests that employ the selection of appropriate
response from a list of alternatives (Multiple choice questions (MCQs), true/false) and, ii) production tests that mandates
the student to generate the best response to the question
(fill-in-the-blanks (FIB, essay) [4]. It has been shown extensively
in research that production tests involve more effortful retrieval
of information to generate a response and that results in better
retention when compared to recognition tests [5]. The educational
context of assessment methods has been an understudied subject
of research and the importance of this topic can be condensed in
the aphorism that assessment drives learning [4].
Globally, selected response questions or MCQs have been a popular
method for summative assessment of medical knowledge [6].
The students are required to select the single best response among
three or more options. They are specifically favored for its many
advantages like high reliability and validity, high objectivity, easy
evaluation of the answer scripts, and for its utility as a tool for
self-assessment [7]. In the current literature, various shortcomings
of the MCQs have been highlighted and they include: i) Can only
assess the lower-order thinking such as memorizing facts and the
ability to recall factual information, ii) Guessing the answer that
can reduce the reliability of the assessment results, iii) Cannot be
used to assess the practical aptitude such as patient communication
skills [3, 7, 8].
‘FIB’or ‘short answer questions’ are open-ended and the students
are required to frame answers that are no more than one
or two words. They are similar to multiple-choice questions in
its construction [3]. In contrast to the MCQs, the need to select
an answer from a fixed number of options and also guessing the
answer can be completely eliminated. From a list of four options,
the student has 20% chance of selecting the correct answer based
on guess work in MCQs, but there is no such practice in FIB
because the answer is a single best response to the framed question
[9]. In medical education research literature, a fund of clinical
knowledge that is segregated into usable networks is essential for
clinical practice and problem solving, and studies are required in
this area to evaluate the effectiveness of these assessment methods
Feedback is an integral element of assessment and the methods
of assessment should inform the learners about their progress
towards becoming experts [10]. Van der Vleuten et al stated that
the best assessment practice must provide an opportunity for
formative feedback that aids in improved performance [11, 12].
Constructive student feedback is essential for competency-based
education and it guides the student as well as the educator towards
measuring progress in acquiring core knowledge and competencies.
Assessment can drive learning and learning behaviors, determine
learning objectives, and can modify the curriculum itself.
A strong assessment system can motivate learning, instill values,
and strengthen competence [13]. The employment of a valid assessment
tool is crucial in shaping the professional development
of the students as they require an amalgamation of theoretical
knowledge and clinical acumen to be incorporated in their practice.
Even though there are many studies and reviews elaborating
on the utility and reliability of these assessment methods in medical
education, there is a dearth in studies pertaining to the field
of dentistry and the shaping of the future of dental education
is reliant on the credibility of these assessment methods. Thus,
the aim of this retrospective study was to compare the influence
of different assessment methods on the learning outcome of
students in terms of academic performance spanning over two
academic years.
This retrospective study was performed in a dental school in India
and it included 150 dental undergraduate students who were
pursuing the final year of their studies. This study was approved
by the Institutional Review Board (SRB/FACULTY/05/18/
PERIO/08). Group I students (n=75) belonged to the academic
year of 2016-17, where as, Group II students (n=75) belonged
to 2017-18 period. For Group I students, the end-of-course written
examination (summative assessment) comprised of MCQs,
short, and long essays whereas, for Group II students, FIB, short,
and long essays were utilized for the assessments. For Group II
students, The University ‘Academic Council’ introduced the FIB
format as part of the examination reforms and it was intimated to
the students prior to the course commencement. Both the groups
appeared for a three-hour written examination in eight subjects
covering the different specialties in dentistry. There were no syllabus
changes, no differences in teaching methodologies, and no
change in the number of contact hours for the two groups of students,
there by, ascertaining the standardization of the teachingprotocol.
The short and long essay questions were chosen from a
standardized question bank whose contents were categorized according
to a difficulty level and the University administered ‘endof-
course’ examinations were similar for both the groups.
Following the final year written examination, the Group II students
were given a feedback questionnaire containing five items.
The Group II students were chosen for this feedback because
their pre-final year exams followed the MCQ pattern, where as
the final year exams contained FIB. The questionnaire items
aimed to assess the differences observed by the students leading
to the preparation of MCQs and FIB for the respective exams
and the questions were pertaining to the anxiety level during exam
preparation, thorough subject knowledge obtained after the exams,
confidence levels, and future utility of their preparation for
postgraduate qualifying examinations.
The obtained results were subjected to the Kolmogrov-Smirnov
and Shapiro-Wilks tests of normality. The resultant data showed
that they followed a parametric distribution. Independent t-test
was performed to compare the average scores obtained in the
summative assessment between the two groups. All analyses were
conducted using statistical software (SPSS software, version 17).
p<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. A descriptive
analysis was performed for the questionnaire items.
A retrospective study included 150 dental undergraduate students
(Group I=75; Group II=75) and compared the learning
outcomes of students based on summative assessment marks in
the end-of-course final year examination covering eight subjects
in the different fields of dentistry. The students were divided into
two groups based on the assessment methods and different comparison
was based on assessment tools that were employed in the
examination pattern like MCQ and FIB. Independent t-test determined
that there was a statistically significant difference among the two groups in seven subjects. Summative marks were significantly
higher for Group I students in subjects like Periodontics
(p value: 0.000), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (p value: 0.002),
Oral Medicine (p value: 0.000), Prosthodontics (p value: 0.000),
and Pediatric Dentistry (p value: 0.025). There was no statistically
significant difference in summative marks in the Conservative
Dentistry and Endodontics subject (p value: 0.686) where as, it
was significantly higher favoring Group II students in the subjects
of Public Health Dentistry (p value: 0.000) and Orthodontics (p
value: 0.000) (Table 1).
TABLE 1. Independent t-test for comparing summative assessment marks scored in eight dental specialty subjects between the two groups
An online feedback questionnaire was given to Group II students to evaluate the differences in their perspective, learning outcome, and study preparation to different assessment methods like MCQ and FIB. There were 71 respondents to the questionnaire, of which 53.5% of the students observed that they were apprehensive about FIB during the exam preparation and after the exams (Figure 1), 69% of the students felt that they had read the subjects thoroughly while preparing for FIB questions (Figure 2). To further assess the utility of these assessment tools for future competitive exam preparation, 63.4% of students observed that FIB preparation would help them for future examinations (Figure 3). The confidence level of the students on the theoretical knowledge after their pre-final (MCQ pattern) and final year (FIB pattern) exams were ranked between 1-10 and the MCQ’s observed a highest score of 6 (28.2%), where as, FIB derived a highest score of 8 (32.4%) (Figure 4, 5).
Figure 1. Showing the fill in the blank questions made more number of students apprehensive during exam preparation.
Figure 2. Shows that majority of students felt that fill in the blank questions made them read the subjects thoroughly.
Figure 3. Shows that preparation for fill in the blank questions wiil be more helpful for future competitive examinations.
Figure 4. Shows confidence level of group I students where the majority of the students had the scores from 5-7.
Figure 5. Showing the confidence level of group II students and the majority had the scores from 7-9.
The results of this study are consistent with the notion that FIB
or short answer questions are open-ended and require deeper
learning strategies from the dental undergraduate students. It is
conceived that student’s preparation of course content can get
altered based on the type of test they anticipate and this can influence
the nature and quality of student learning [14]. Retrieval of
information using short answer questions bring about the best
learning due to the fact that there is increased retrieval effort
or difficulty [15]. It can be observed that the ‘end-of-year’ summative
marks were lower for Group II students who attempted
FIB in five out of eight dental subjects. This negative outcome
could be attributed to the fact that the students were exposed to
this format of assessment only in their final year and it also corroborated
with the result from the questionnaire that they were
more apprehensive about FIB than MCQ during the exam preparation.
Also, similar results were observed in a study conducted
by MelovitzVasan et al., on first year medical students in a preparatory
anatomy course. The modules were assessed using MCQ
and open-ended question (OEQ) and the initial thorax module
showed that OEQ marks were lower than that of MCQ marks.
The study stated that it could also be possible that the students
were learning through memorization or shallow processing and
not getting actively engaged with the course material during the
initial module [16].
This study observed that there was statistically significant difference
favoring Group II students in two subjects (Orthodontics
and Public Health Dentistry). Also, there was no significant difference
in the scores between the two groups in the subject of
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. The variability in part
could be attributed to the course content of the different subjects
and the students’ inclination towards a specific subject. This
can explain the better performance seen among students who
appeared for the FIB format of examination. There has been a
considerable difference in the results with students scoring higher
with FIB in some subjects, better scores with MCQ in the remaining
subjects, and similar scores in both the formats in one subject.
It is reasonable to suppose that customizing assessment methods
to individual subjects could be a potential thrust area of future
MCQ assessment does not tap the student’s higher order of thinking
and it can result in higher chances of guessing the correct answer
and that in turn can reduce the reliability of this method for
students with lower ability [17]. It can also mislead the faculty and
educators about the student’s subject knowledge or proficiency
in the course [18]. There are also numerous flaws that can be encountered
in MCQ format where there are irrelevant difficulties
in negative stem questions, ineffective distractors, and low discrimination
index [19, 20]. MCQ format can aid in ‘superficial
learning’ or ‘surface learners’ and this can be correlated with the
results from the feedback where majority of the students had a
lower confidence level in terms of subject knowledge after their
pre-final year examination employing MCQ’s. Also, in a recent
study conducted by Sam et al, it was noted that students who were
strategic and practiced large number of past questions could get
adept at choosing the correct answer without having an in-depth
comprehension of the subject [21].
The prominent results of the study were from the questionnaire
feedback conducted on Group II students and it observed that
there was an increased subject knowledge, higher confidence
level, and definitive future utility of FIB preparation for competitive
exams. The competencies required for a junior dentist is the
ability to recall the correct diagnosis and formulate a treatment
plan for the different case scenarios [22]. The attribute of FIB
includes its testing of reasoning abilities like evaluation, analysis,
and synthesis of knowledge in an abstract way without the ‘cueing
effect’[23]. Answering a short answer question necessitates active
generation of an answer through recollection of memory or
source text, where as, success in answering a MCQ can be partly
based on familiarity [24]. It can be derived that preparation for
FIB has a positive influence on the reader’s active engagement
with the course material, comprehension of the subject, and overall
deeper learning of the content.
Although there are many advantages with FIB, the evaluation
poses a difficulty wherein the faculty members should invest a
significant amount of their time to read and evaluate the answers.
Also, in our study it was observed that the evaluation of FIB
questions was more time-consuming compared to MCQ format
as reported by the examiners. The study was carried out real-time
and not in a simulated environment but a small sample size could
be a potential limitation in this study. Although there is a deficit
of marks with the use of FIB when compared to MCQ, the
onus on student learning and understanding of the subject was
better focused with FIB format as observed from the positive
feedback from the students in the questionnaire. Curriculum has
become technology-driven and the students are better poised for
challenges, so qualitative changes in the assessment methods can improve student behavior and academic performances for achieving
a competency-based education. A single mode of assessment
cannot be generalized for all the subjects as the course content
can have a difference in the theoretical and evidence-based clinical
content, a customized assessment method for individual subjects
can be the target of future dental-based educational research.
The study concluded that there was a significant difference in the
end-of-year examination marks of dental undergraduate students
in favor of MCQ when compared to FIB format. But, the results
from the questionnaire feedback from the students suggested
that FIB was the most preferred format for assessment. Although
there are different assessment methods employed in dental education,
a single ideal mode of assessment remains to be elusive.
FIB or short answer questions inculcates active learning from
the students and that leads to better comprehension of subject
knowledge. Future examinations can incorporate FIB and validate
its results with other tools of assessment, there by, adding new
paradigm to assessments in dental education.
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