The Assessment Of Need For Suturing Following Maxillary Third Molar Extractions
Sathvika K1, Senthil Murugan.P2*, Leelavathi L3
1 Saveetha Dental College Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences Saveetha university Chennai, India.
2 Associate Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Saveetha Dental College Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences Saveetha University Chennai, India.
3 Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Science Saveetha University Chennai -77, India.
*Corresponding Author
Dr. Senthil Murugan. P,
Associate Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Saveetha Dental College Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences Saveetha University Chennai, India.
Tel: +91 9790869469
Received: December 02, 2020; Accepted: January 21, 2021; Published: February 27, 2021
Citation: Sathvika K, Senthil Murugan. P, Leelavathi L. The Assessment Of Need For Suturing Following Maxillary Third Molar Extractions. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;08(02):1775-1779. doi:
Copyright: Senthil Murugan. P©2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Background: Maxillary third molar extractions (MTME) are one of the most common procedures done in maxillofacial surgery.
Nevertheless, there are general complications that arise with every surgery. The spectrum of complications ranges from
post-operative pain to permanent nerve damage, fractures and infections.
Aim: In our study, we have aimed to understand why suturing had been done following MTME and to observe a predilection
in age and gender. By attempting to do so, we may establish when suturing is required and if age and gender have a role to play.
Materials And Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted after reviewing and analysing the data from
86,000 patient records between June 2019 and March 2020. Patients with an established record of MTME were selected from
the age group of (20-60) years. A Microsoft Excel data spreadsheet was used to collect data and was later exported to SPSS.
Results: The females of the study population had a larger frequency for having undergone MTME (52.7%) compared to the
males (47.3%) and lastly trans genders (0.1%). The highest incidence of MTME was found in the age group of (31-40) years
with 30.6% followed by (20-30) and (41-50) years with 26.9% each. (51-60) years had the least MTME done (15.6%). There
was a higher incidence of extracted 28’s than 18’s (52.1% > 47.9%). Sutures were placed only in 1.6% of the total cases due
to tuberosity fractures that had occurred as a complication of MTME.
Conclusion: The placement of a suture following exodontia is not always mandatory, but when a complication such as a maxillary
tuberosity fracture arises, suturing must be done. It is imperative to be equipped with the knowledge on how to manage
possible complications, because even simple exodontias can prove to have fatal outcomes. Thus, further studies must be done
to confirm our findings and to test other geographical locations and ethnicities.
3.Materials and Method
Exodontia; Maxillary Third Molar; Extraction; Maxillary Tuberosity Fracture; Suturing; Complications.
Exodontia is the removal of a tooth from the dental alveolus in
the alveolar bone. A tooth may be removed from the oral cavity
for a variety of reasons such as tooth decay, infection, periodontitis,
pericoronitis, prosthetics, cosmetics and in the past for
prophylaxis [23, 35, 11]. Molar teeth are the most frequently extracted
teeth [19] and the third molar is the most common molar
extracted [30] followed by premolars in recent years [2]. Thus,
third molar surgery is one of the most commonly performed procedures
in maxillofacial surgery units [26]. Nevertheless, accurate
planning and sound surgical skills are required as complications
arise in general following any surgery [24, 12]. The incidence of
complications following third molar surgery ranges between 2.6%
to 30.9% [5, 6]. The spectrum of complications that could possibly
occur range from expected post-operative pain and swelling to
permanent nerve damage, mandibular fractures, maxillary tuberosity
fractures, maxillofacial trauma, alveolar osteitis, life threatening
infections and abscess formation [13, 14, 7, 17, 33].
A suture is placed to hold body tissues together after an injury
or a surgery and several studies have hinted that placing sutures increases post-operative pain [29, 33] and swelling when opposed
to leaving the extraction site sutureless [9]. But sutures must be
placed following surgical complications such as maxillary tuberosity
fractures and mandibular fractures [4]. Third molar extractions
are one of the most difficult teeth to extract, thus our study aims
to highlight when and where suturing is needed and to pinpoint
the age and gender in which maxillary third molar extractions are
common in, such that we may better excel in our prophylactic,
pre-operative anxiety [20], waste [22] and complication management
standards [25].
Materials and Method
Study Design and Setting
This retrospective study examined the records of 86,000 patients
who underwent treatment at Saveetha Dental College, Chennai
during June 2019 to March 2020. Ethical approval was obtained
from the Institutional Ethics Committee. The study population
included patients who had undergone maxillary third molar extractions
from the age of 20 years to 60 years. They were separated
according to their sex, age and tooth number extracted and
were checked for suture placements and complications. Mentally
or physically disabled individuals were excluded from the study
due to the difficulties in obtaining reviews.
Data Collection
The patient records of 86,000 patients who visited Saveetha Dental
College from June 2019 to March 2020 were analysed and were
used to identify 1836 patients in the hospital database who had
undergone maxillary third molar extractions. Relevant data such
as patient age, sex, tooth number extracted, complications and
suture placement were recorded. Repeated patient records, incomplete
entries and extractions with no history of reviews were
excluded. The data obtained was then verified by an external reviewer.
Statistical Analysis
Data was recorded in Microsoft Excel 2016 (Microsoft Office 10)
and was later exported to the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
for Windows. (Version 20.0, SPSS, Inc., Chicago, USA) and
was subjected to statistical analysis.
Results And Discussion
The final dataset consisted of 1836 patients, predominantly of
South Indian origin who had undergone left, right or both maxillary
third molar extractions. There was a clear female predilection
with the females having undergone 52.7% of the extractions, followed
by males (47.3%) and finally 0.1% of transgenders as inferred
from Figure 2. The most number of maxillary third molar
extractions was seen in the age group of (31-40) years with 30.6%
of all the total extractions, followed by the age groups of (20-30)
years and (41-50) years with 26.9% of the extractions each and
lastly, 15.6% of the extractions in the age group of (51-60) years.
There was also a predominance of tooth number where upper
left third molars (28) were more commonly extracted than upper
right third molars [18] 52.1% > 47.9%. Sutures were placed only
in 1.6% of the total cases to contain the complication of maxillary
tuberosity fractures (1.6%).
The data for this retrospective study was based on residents of
South Indian cities seeking treatment at Saveetha Dental College,
Chennai, India. Currently there are no studies directly seeking to
identify the same – to assess the need for suturing following maxillary
third molar extractions. Since there was no filtration process
involved, this study mostly remains free of bias in regard to the selection
of patients – except for the exclusion of patients below the
age of 20 years and above the age of 60 years, those with mental
and physical disabilities and extractions left unreviewed which was
classified as incomplete data. According to most studies, females
are reported to have a higher incidence of third molar extractions
when compared to males [27, 10, 8]. This is in accordance to
our findings, where 52.7% of the total study population undergoing
maxillary third molar extractions were females, followed by
47.3% of males and 0.1% of transgenders. In a study conducted
by [32], they found a subject incidence of 57.3% of the study
population to be females [32], which is comparable to our result
of 52.7%. To identify the incidence of the highest number of
maxillary third molar extractions with respect to age, the patients
of our study population aged (20-60) years were divided into four
smaller age subsets: (20-30) years, (31-40) years, (41-50) years and
(51-60) years. As inferred from Figure 1, the highest incidence of
maxillary third molar extractions was seen in the age group of
(31-40) years with 30.6% of the total extractions, followed by the
age groups of both (20-30) years and (41-50) years with 26.9%
each and lastly by the age group of (51-60) years with 15.6% of
the total extractions. This data suggests that maxillary third molar extractions are commonly undergone between the age of 31
years and 40 years. This is inconsistent with a study performed
by [31] where they concluded that (20-29) years is the most common
age for third molar extractions. This contrast could be an
attribute to the difference in number of individuals in each group
in both the studies. But in this same study, they have suggested
that the incidence of tuberosity fracture as a complication was
1.2% [31], which is in line with our finding of 1.6% for the same.
In another study by [15], they suggest that the incidence of fracture
during third molar removal alone is 0.6% [15], which is also
in line with our results. The fracture of the maxillary tuberosity,
an important retentive area for maxillary complete dentures [34],
can even result - on rare occasions – in torrential haemorrhage
due to its close proximity with significant blood vessels and other
life-threatening complications (Bertram et al., 2011). In our study
population, 1.6% of the total extractions were sutured because
the same 1.6% of the cases had maxillary tuberosity fractures as
complications of exodontia. The remaining 98.4% were left unsutured because of the absence of complications. When comparing
the incidence of extractions between the right [18] and left [28]
maxillary third molars, 28 seemed to be more frequently extracted
(52.1%) when compared to 18 (47.9%). Thus, our results pointed
to a female predilection with a commonly affected age group of
(31-40) years with 28 being more frequently extracted than 18 and
maxillary tuberosity fractures (complications) caused the need for
suturing following maxillary third molar extractions.
Within the limits of our study, there is a need for suturing only
when complications such as maxillary tuberosity fractures are present,
otherwise it is acceptable for it to even remain sutureless,
with better prognosis, in fact. This is assuming that the individual
undergoing the exodontia is not systemically compromised [22,
18] or prone to secondary health problems. Since the study does
pose with certain limitations such as geographical barriers that
lower the study’s generalisability, further research must be done
while actively trying to nullify said limitations.
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