Semi-Quantifying Oral Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils In Subjects with Healthy Periodontium - An In Vivo Study
Prithvi Shetty1, K.V.V. Prasad2, Shravan Shetty3*
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, A.J.Institute of Dental Sciences, N.H.17, Kuntikana, Mangalore, Karnataka. India.
2 Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, A constituent unit of Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara University, Dharwad, Karnataka, India.
3 Assistant Professor, Department Of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India.
*Corresponding Author
Dr. Shravan Shetty,
Assistant Professor, Department Of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal,
Karnataka, India.
Tel: +91 7411197827
Received: October 24, 2020; Accepted: February 05, 2021; Published: February 16, 2021
Citation:Prithvi Shetty, K.V.V. Prasad, Shravan Shetty. Semi-Quantifying Oral Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils In Subjects with Healthy Periodontium - An In Vivo Study. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(2):1460-1463. doi:
Copyright: Shravan Shetty©2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Background: The innate immune response of an individual depends on the critical role played by the neutrophils. They
migrate into the oral cavity at an increased rate in the presence of any inflammatory condition and act as the sentinels of oral
immune system. They are present both in diseased as well as healthy periodontium in varied numbers respectively.
Aim: To quantify and determine oral polymorphonuclear neutrophils (oral-PMNs) range in subjects with healthy periodontium.
Settings and Design: Forty two subjects were recruited for the study initially based on convenient sampling technique.
Subjects were then standardized, monitored and imparted with rigorous oral hygiene measures over a period of three weeks
until absolute no signs of gingival inflammation was observed. A standardized 10ml saline rinse for 30 seconds duration
were collected from subjects before examination and instrumentation. Clinical examination was performed with the help of
Loe-Silness’s Gingival Index. Neutrophils were observed under the blue light of Fluorescent microscope, quantified and then
correlated with the clinical parameters.
Statistical Analysis Used: Descriptive statistics was generated. Mean and Standard deviation was calculated for the continuous
variables gingivalindex score and oral-PMNsvalues.
Results: When the subjects attained an average Gingival Index score of less than 0.5, oral-PMNs counts determined on subjects
in absolute oral health was seen in the range from 0.04 – 1.05 x 105/ml.
Conclusions: Oral-PMNs counts obtained through a 30 seconds oral rinse served as a good marker of oral inflammatory
load in subjects with healthy periodontium, which in turn would provide a healthy norm for advent of any oral inflammatory
condition in future.
3.Materials and Methods
Neutrophils; Periodontium; Inflammation.
Today, oral diseases constitute a major public health problem.
Nearly every other person in India is suffering from some form
of periodontal disease [1] which can be prevented and reversed
majorly in its initial stages [2]. Neutrophil recruitment and their
anti-microbial action are essential for maintenance of absolute
periodontal and oral health. They form the first line of defense
against any invading pathogen,reason for which they are called
the ‘sentinels of oral immune system’. This particular response of
neutrophils is very essential in maintaining a healthy environment
in the oral cavity.
Research over the years has shown continuous presence of neutrophilsin
our oral cavity both in normal as well as diseased conditions,
with varying numbers [2, 3]. Quantification of oral polymorphonuclear
neutrophil (oral-PMNs) levels and its respective role
in absolute periodontal and oral health is very important in understanding periodontal disease and other similar oral inflammatory
conditions which occur in the oral cavity. However,literature
search showed very less information in this arena.In patients with
suspected systemic infections, healthy norms(specific range) have
been determined for circulating blood Neutrophils. However, in
absolute periodontal and oralhealth, the levels of oral polymorphonuclear
neutrophils are still not ascertained. Hence, the present
study was carried out to quantify and determine a specific
range for oral polymorphonuclear neutrophils in patients with
healthy periodontium following rigorous oral hygiene measures.
Subjects and Methods
This descriptive cross-sectional single-centre study was carried
out in the Department of Public Health Dentistry. The study subjects
comprised of adult population above 18 years of agewho
fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria mentioned below.
Inclusion criteria-Subjects who gave their written consent for
participation. Exclusion criteria-Subjects exhibiting any visible
signs and symptoms of clinical oral inflammation(I.e. ulceration,
redness, swelling, dental caries, periodontal diseaseetc.); medically
compromised subjects; subjects on any sort of medication; subjects
with any adverse habits (Smoking, Alcohol, etc.). The ethical
clearance was obtained from the Scientific and Ethics Institutional
Review Board.
Sample size and sampling procedure: the present study was based
on convenient sampling technique through which 42 study subjects
who fulfilled the eligibility criteria were randomly selected.
Clinical Protocol - The study protocol was explained to each participant
and a written informed consent was obtained from them.
Medical history was carefully reviewed and taken into consideration.
Subjects who fulfilled the eligibility criteria were enrolled.
A careful and meticulous oral examination was performed while
recruiting the study subjects.
The criteria for determining healthy periodontium was based on
the criteria given by Mancini [4]. It states that for a periodontium
to be considered healthy it should have absolutely no
signs of clinical inflammation i.e. no loss of clinical attachment,
no bleeding on probing and a Loe and Silness’s Gingival Index
[5] score of less than 1 on all the tooth surfaces.Subjects when
recruited had some mild signs of gingival inflammation. They
were then standardized, monitored and imparted with rigorous
oral hygiene measures (daily two times brushing, thorough scaling
initially followed by its repetition every week) until absolute no
signs of gingival inflammation were seen in the study subjects.
Sample collection, cell isolation and PMNs counting protocol:
Subjects before brushing or rinsing their mouth were asked to
rinse with a standardized 10ml of normal saline rinse for 30 seconds
duration before patient examination and instrumentation.
All samples were processed within 2-3 hours of collection.Sample
collected was vertexed for a period of 15-20 seconds and 500 ul
of this sample was dispensed into a falcon tube with the help of
a pre-adjusted dispenser, following which 500 ul of acridine dye
solution was added thereby exhibiting a 1:1 ratio. Acridine orange
is a fluorescent nucleic acid marker, which allows neutrophils to
be distinguished from other cells using fluorescence microscopy.
The falcon tube was shaken and after 1 minute the sample was
loaded onto the Neubauer’s chamber until its capacity. Neutrophils
were then counted and quantified under the blue light of the
fluorescent microscope using the standard criteria.
Clinical examination was performed with the help of Loe-Silness’s
Gingival Index and the Gingival Index (GI) scores were
correlated with the neutrophil counts subsequently every week. In
the current study at the end of two weekssubjects had reached a
stage which fulfilled the criteria for having healthy periodontium
after which the normal neutrophil count for each study subject
was determined.
Descriptive statistics was generatedusing mean and SD for continuous
variables and Log transformation was used to normalize
the distribution.
The present study was conducted to know the healthy norms of
Oral PMNs in 40 subjects with absolute oral health. The study
results showed that when the study subjects attained a mean GI
score of <0.5,the neutrophils were in the range of 0.04 – 1.05 X
105/ml (Table 1 and Figure 1) in absolute oral health.
Table 1. Showing the values of Gingival Index (GI) and Oral polymorphonuclear neutrophils (Oral PMNs) scores at baseline, 1 week and 3 week’s time points.
Concept of neutrophils as a biomarker has emerged as an important
aspect in terms of monitoring general health. They are the
key cells of the innate immune system and have been studied extensively
as early markers of inflammation. Since the inception of
this concept many attempts have been made to correlate its level
in overall health and disease. In humans among the leukocytes,
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils are the most abundant, accounting for 50–70% of all circulating white blood cells [6]. Quantification
of neutrophils in blood is often used as a primary screen
to identify patients with acute infections [7]. Specific norms have
been determined for circulating blood neutrophils in both health
and disease. However, there is no specific literature available that
gives us a specific norm for neutrophils in absolute oral health
and disease. Several attempts have been attempted in the past to
quantify Oral-PMNs using different approaches in order to facilitate
comparison between periodontal health and disease [2, 8].Information
available through literature is very sparse in the context
of knowing the specific norms when it comes to determining levels
of Oral-PMNs in absolute oral health which the current study
made an attempt to do so.
As per the World Health Organisation, dental caries and periodontal
disease are the most common and preventable inflammatory
conditions that affect the oral cavity [9]. The basic nidus
for the occurrence of both these conditions is the presence of
microbial plaque.Any infection or inflammatory condition in the
body starts with the advent of microbes. When these microbes
enter our body or our oral cavity, our body’s defensive mechanism
gets activated.Our body’s immune system is made of the innate
and specific type of immunity. The innate immune system provides
the host with an immediate but nonspecific response to any
infection. The specific type of immune system provides a delayed
but specific type of response to any infection. Neutrophils play
a pivotal role as a part of the innate immune response and form
the first line of defence against any pathogenic microbe entering
into the body through the host anatomical barriers such as the
skin, mucosa or the oral cavity. The more the number of bacteria,
the more neutrophils will be sent by the body to fight the infection.
This process will continue until either of the two supersede
each other. This clearly shows that number of neutrophils can
be correlated well with the degree of inflammation in our body.
Thus, neutrophils play a pivotal role in the initial prevention of
any disease in our body. Hence, the current study chose to assess
the levels of neutrophils in absolute oral health as a parameter for
The idea of using neutrophil quantification to assess periodontal
disease status and the effectiveness of therapy was first proposed
in 1978 by Raeste and Aura [10]. PMNs recruitment into the oral
cavity is from two sources, one being the gingival crevicular fluid
and the other being the saliva.In the past, studies concentrated
more on quantification of neutrophils in the gingival crevicular
fluid which very well correlated with the level of periodontal inflammation.
However, research now focuses more on saliva as a
rapid, non-invasive and a less cumbersome procedure in quantifying
oral inflammatory load.
A study conducted by Landzberg [11] compared the number of
neutrophils in the oral cavity in health as well as disease by using
systematically a standardized rapid rinse test that could be easily
administered to dental patients in the clinical setting. This study
also showed that the collection of PMNs from the oral cavity
is consistently reproducible and the levels of PMNs can be increased
in the presence of various oral inflammatory conditions.
It also showed that a mere diagnostic rinse could be more than
useful in screening various oral inflammatory conditions.
Any screening procedure unless substantiated with clinical evidence
is not considered to be reliable. In the present study, only
healthy subjects with absolute systemic and oral health were recruited
so as to avoid any possible effects of the immune system.
However, to get and maintain absolute periodontal health in
the study subjects they had to follow strict oral hygiene measures
and were under constant supervision of the examiner. They were
given proper oral hygiene instructions, were asked to brush twice
a day and thorough scaling was performed on them not as an intervention
measure but only to remove the presence of any local
factor. They were then recalled every week to make sure there is
no presence of local factor and even if present,it was removed
again by rescaling with the help of ultrasonic or hand scalers. In
the current study, all the study subjects at the end of 2 weeks
fulfilled the criteria of having healthy periodontium (i.e. no loss
of attachment,no bleeding on probing and a gingival index score
of less than 1) [4].
The adjunct of clinical examination would help the examiner in
knowing the active or inactive stage of disease on the basis of increased
levels of oral-PMNs. In most of the conditions, increased
oral inflammatory load correlates very well with an active oral inflammatory
condition. However in some situations in the absence
of active oral diseases, non-oral diseases or conditions should be
suspected for which the word semi quantification is used in place
of quantification as the exact level of neutrophils is difficult to ascertain
in such cases. In the current study, 42 subjects were selected
initially for the study from which 2 subjects had to be excluded
for developing viral infection during the study period supposedly
in whom the neutrophil count was very high in comparison to
other subjects which was in accordance with the study conducted
by Galani and Andreakos [12].
According to a review by Loos [13] oral-PMNs levels are a better
generalized screening tool for oral inflammation and periodontal
disease than circulating neutrophil levels. Oral-PMNs counts obtained
through a 30-s oral rinse served as a good marker of oral
inflammatory load in subjects with healthy Periodontium, which
in turn would provide a healthy norm for advent of any oral inflammatory
condition in future.
Public health dentistry specifically emphasises on the prevention
of oral diseases. Quantification of oral polymorphonuclear neutrophils
by public health specialists could possibly tell in future
the beginning or end of any active oral inflammatory condition
which could open new horizons in the prevention of oral diseases.
However, further trial with a larger sample size would give
a more coherent picture of the study results.
• This study demonstrated that oral polymorphonuclear neutrophils
could be quantified through a single, rapid, non-invasive 30
second saline mouth rinse and the acridine dye technique which
could be a very useful tool for monitoring oral health in patients.
• Knowing the levels of oral-PMNs could be a good indicator of
oral inflammatory load for periodontal diseases and dental caries
status and could be correlated well with the disease activity.
• If the method is considered reliable by many other researches
in future, probably dentists could screen for oral diseases just as
their medical counterparts screen for systemic infections.
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