An Clinicopathological And Survival Analysis Of Non-Squamous Cervical Cancers At AHPGIC
B.L Nayak1, A.K Padhy2, J. Jmohapatra2, M.R Mohapatra2, J. Parija, RDAS2, S. Mohanty2, S.S. Pattnaik2*, S.K Giri2, N. Panda2, S.N Senapathi2, L. Pattnaik2, L. Sarangi2, S. Padhi2, S. Samantray2, S. Panda2, N. Rout2, T. Kar2, L. Das2, Duttaswar Hota2, P.C Mohapatra2, P. Devi2
1 Professor, Department of Gynae Oncology, AHPGIC, Cuttack.
2 Departmenr of Gynaeoncology, Trained in Gynaeoncology, SCB Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack.
*Corresponding Author
S.S Pattnaik, M.B.B.S,(SCBMCH),
Departmenr of Gynaeoncology, Trained in Gynaeoncology, SCB Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack.
Tel: 8328953390
Received: April 13, 2022; Accepted: May 31, 2022; Published: June 13, 2022
Citation: B.L Nayak, A.K Padhy, J. Jmohapatra, M.R Mohapatra, J. Parija, RDAS, S. Mohanty, S.S. Pattnaik, et al., An Clinicopathological And Survival Analysis Of Non-Squamous Cervical Cancers At AHPGIC. Int J Cancer Stud Res. 2022;9(1):149-155.
Copyright: S.S Pattnaik©2022. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
AIM AND OBJECTIVE: Anclinicopathological and survival analysis 22 casescases of nonsquamous carcinomas of cervix
from 2010- 2020..
Primary objective is to analyse the extent of microscopic parametrial involvement in early invasive non squamous carcinoma
with respect to age,size of lesion,depth of invasion.
To analyse the nodal status in clinically early invasive nonsquamous carcinoma with respect to other variable i.e age, tumor size,
depth of invasion, parametrial involvement.
SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: was to analyse the survival status , of after radical hysterectomy and adjuvant therapy.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: The hps confirmed cases of nonsquamous carcinoma of cervix were included in the
studyand few cases were ihcconfimed.
INCLUSION CRITERIA: Primary non squamous cacinoma of cervix hps confirmed.
EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Squamous carcinoma and metastatic carcinoma of cervix
METHODS: Regression analysis chi square, log rank test.Kaplan Meyers curve was used for survival analysis.
Results: On regression analysis with dependent variable as the pelvic node was analysed with age, depth of invasion and size
of lesion and parametrium,none of factors were significantly influencing the nodal status.
Similarly the parametrium positivity taken as the dependent variable was analysed with age , size of lesion,depth of invasion.
none of the factors could predict the parametrialinvolvement. Overall 5-year survival probability for the patients is 0.770 i.e
55 months with 95% CI (0.570, 1.000). Here, the 5-year survival probability for the patients with parametrium positive status
is 0.917i.e 48months 95% CI (0.773, 1.000). The log rank test for change in survival between two parametrium groups i.e.,
negative and positive patients gives chi-square value 3.59 (d.f.=1, p-value = 0.06), which indicates two groups do not differ in
their survival.
Disease free survival of the parametrium –ve/ parametium +ve(60/24 mths). The log rank test for change in survival between
two parametrium groups i.e., negative and positive patients gives chi-square value 2.8 (d.f.=1, p-value = 0.1), which indicates
two groups do not differ in their disease free survival.
4.Discussion and Conclusion
The global incidence of cervical cancer burden is disproportionally
high in low and middle income countries, where 83% of all new
cases and 855 of cervical cancer death occur [1]. India accounts
for nearly one fourth of the worlds cervical cancer deaths, with
60,078 death and 96, 922 new cases in 2018 [2, 3]. Cancer cervix
the most probe cause of maternal mortality in Indian women.
Adenocarcinoma represent 20-25% of cervical cancers in the industrialized
Most of this is due to relative decrease in incidence of squamous
cell carcinoma. In contrast to squamous carcinoma smoking does
not i9ncease the risk adenocarcinoma. squamous and non squamous
differ in hpv status [4]. Hpv 18 accounts fo 50% of nonsquamous
cell cancer (adenocarcinoma) of 15% of squamous cell carcinomas.
Management of adenocarcinoma is same as squamous.
Whee as squamous disseminate via lymphatics and adenocarcinoma
haematogenous route [5].
This is evident as as after lymphatic disseminiation adenocarcinoma
has poor prognosis compared to squamous cell carcinoma.[6]
Other evidence in support of haematogenous spread [1]. the largest
series of surgically teated cervical cancers demonstrated a significantly
highe rate of ovaian metastasis with adenocarcinoma
(5%vs .8%p<.01).
2. a study of 367 pts of adenocarcinoma from M.D ANDERSON
hospital reported a higher rate of distant metastasis for
stage II (46%VS13%) and stage III disease (38%vs21%) when
compared squamous carcinoma.
Thee are are very few studies regading the prognostic factors
ie clinical and pathological factors influencing the parametrium
positivity and nodal status of non squamous carcinoma. that is
the reason they ae ovetreated by multimodality i.e(radical sugery
with adjuvant).
Studies done by M.d Anderson on 29 patients of adenosquamous
and 97 pts of adenocarcinoma in stage 1b1., with radical
hysterectomy. On follow up time to recurrence (7.9mths vs 19
A STUDY OF 163 adenocarcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma
with stage 1A2 to IIB disease treated by radical hysterectomy
with o without adjuvant radiation found no difference in ecurence
ate or patterns of ecurences between the two groups, in both low
risk, intermediate risk high isk group.[7]
One hundred patients met the inclusion criteria.
The median age was 35 years (range 22-65), and 51% (51/100)
had pure high-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma.
No patient had a tumor > 4 cm or suspected parametrial or nodal
disease before surgery. Ten patients (10%) had microscopic parametrial
compromise in the final surgical specimens. Ninety-four
(94%) patients underwent nodal assessment, and 19 (19%) had
positive nodes. Ten patients underwent both sentinel lymph node
biopsy and pelvic lymphadenectomy, and none had false-negative
findings. Patients with parametrial compromise were more likely
to have positive pelvic nodes (80% vs 12%, p<0.0001), and a positive
vaginal margin (20% vs 1%, p=0.03). All patients with parametrial
compromise had lymphovascular space invasion (100% vs
73%, p=0.10). of the 100 patients, 95 (95%) were recommended
adjuvant therapy and 89 (89%) were known to have received it.
adjuvant pelvic radiotherapy reduced the likelihood of local recurrence
by 62%.[8] gloria salvo et al.
Descriptive Statistics
A total 22 cases of non squamous carcinoma were taken for statistical
evaluation The median age incidence is 46 yrs. The youngest
age is 28 yrs and maximum age 62 yrs. 9(40.9) were <46 yrs
and noscaese more than 46 yrs 13(59.1). 4 cases i.e18.9% cases
were multiparous and 4(18.2) cases were nulliparous. the spectrum
of presentation varied from pmb 9(40.9) cases, watery discharge
9(22) noscases, aub were 4(18.2) and pcb 4(18.2) TABLE1.
Of the total 22 cases all 22 (100)(%) underwent; laparotomy 20
(90.9) cases underwent type 2 radical hysterectomy,and 2 cases
underwent type 3 radical hysterectomy. There were intraoperative
surgical complications and 22(100) post operative complications.
There wee 4(18.2) cases with a high residual urine and rest had
minor bladdedysfunction 18 (81.8) table -2.
The high residual urine post op for the four cases wee200 ml,
90ml, 150ml, 150ml. After adjuvant treatment all four case required
There were 2(9.09%) were adenosquamous ,1(4.55%) case
was basaloid carcinoma and rest 20 (91%)cases were adenocarcinoma
The median size of the lesion is 3 cm .7 (33.3%) cases wee lessthan 3 and 15 (66.7%) cases ae moe than 3 cm mmagins positive
in 10 (45.4%) cases and negative in12 (54.6%) lvsi positive in 7
(31.8%) and 15 cases (667 %) negative nos of grade 1 10(45.4)
and grrade 2 6(27.3%) and grade 3 6(27.3%)
Nodal status shows the pelvic node 8 (36.4%). Paaaortic2(9.1%)
The depth of invasion >5mm 25(31.8%) and <5mm 7(68.2%)
The parametrium was postive in 5 cases (22.7%) cases was
negative in 17(77.3%) cases adnexa was not positive in any of
17 () were in stage 1. With no case in 1a, 6 cases in 1b1, 9 cases in
1b2 and 2 cases in 1b3. Thee were 5 cases in stage 3. None of the
cases pesented in stage 2 and stage 4.
Survival Analysis
On regression analysis with dependent variable as the pelvic node
was analysed with age, depth of invasion and size of lesion and
parametrium, none of factors were significantly influencing the
nodal status.
Similarly the parametrium positivity taken as the dependent variable
was analysed with age , size of lesion,depth of invasion. none
of the factors could predict the parametrial involvement. overall
5-year survival probability for the patients is 0.770 i.e 55 months
with 95% CI (0.570, 1.000). Here, the 5-year survival probability
for the patients with parametrium positive status is 0.917i.e
48months 95% CI (0.773, 1.000). The log rank test for change in
survival between two parametrium groups i.e., negative and positive
patients gives chi-square value 3.59 (d.f.=1, p-value = 0.06),
which indicates two groups do not differ in their survival.
Disease free survival of the parametrium –ve/ parametium
+ve(60/24 mths). The log rank test for change in survival between
two parametrium groups i.e., negative and positive patients
gives chi-square value 2.8 (d.f.=1, p-value = 0.1), which indicates
two groups do not differ in their disease free survival.
The parametrium and nodal positivity of non squamous cancers
ae not dependent on each other. Thus we conclude fom
overall survival of parametrium positive/parametrium negative
(48mths/55mths) or the disease free survival of the two groups
(24mths/60 mths) after radical hysterectomy with adjuvant ctrt
was not statisticaly significant. Although the parametrium negative
cases showed increase in overall survival of 55mths and disease
free survival of 60 mths.
Thus we can subject the patients to either of a single modality
of treatment i.e either a radical hysterectomy or ctrt.
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