Distress and Psychological Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic and Previous Outbreaks. Review and Methodological Suggestions.
Giovanni Meledandri1, Barbara Trimarco2*
1 Faculty of Psychology, Department of Human Sciences, Chair of Emerging Diseases, Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi, Rome (RM)- 00193,
2 Associazione di Psicologia Cognitiva (APC), Viale Castro Pretorio, 116, 00185 Rome, Italy.
*Corresponding Author
Barbara Trimarco,
Associazione di Psicologia Cognitiva (APC), Viale Castro Pretorio, 116, 00185 Rome, Italy.
E-mail: barbara.trimarco@gmail.com
Received: January 07, 2021; Accepted: January 23, 2021; Published: February 27, 2021
Citation: Barbara Trimarco, Giovanni Meledandri. Distress and Psychological Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic and Previous Outbreaks. Review and Methodological Suggestions. Int J Behav Res Psychol. 2021;09(01):275-283. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.19070/2332-3000-21000049
Copyright: Barbara Trimarco© 2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
The current worldwide outbreak of the novel coronavirus Covid-19, originated from Wuhan (China), has spread to 6 continents, 213 countries and territories around the world. This paper aggregates and consolidates the state of the art about SARS-CoV-2 virology, molecular genetics, immunology, pathogenicity, epidemiology, explores the concept of crisis and psychological effects on population by the on going 2020 Covid-19 outbreak crisis vs previous pandemic impacts. The detailed description of this public health threat highlights the great uncertainty surrounding it. Uncertainty and confusion can amplify the psychological impact of this event on the general population. Results are summarized and discussed. Methodological suggestions are provided for studies aimed at investigating psychological effects of critical catastrophic and unexpected life events, such as a pandemic. The analyzed aspects have implications for healthcare professionals in their efforts to promote the psychological well-being of general population during critical unexpected events.
4.Materials and Methods
CoVid-19; Pandemic; Psychological Impact; Distress.
The present worldwide outbreak of the novel coronavirus
Covid-19 (coronavirus disease 2019; pathogen: SARS-CoV-2)
emerged in Wuhan (China) and has now spread throughout 6
continents, 213 countries and territories around the world, that
have reported a total of 9,228,526 confirmed cases, and a death
toll of 475,123 deaths (this information includes reports as of
24:00 on June 21st, 2020). COVID-19 epidemic can be considered
a global health threat [1]. It has been described as the major
outbreak of atypical pneumonia since the severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS) in 2003. The number of cases and deaths
quickly exceeded those of SARS [2, 3].
This work provides a detailed description of this public health
threat and explores the distress response and psychological impact
of recent epidemics (rare, unpredictable and disruptive events) on
general population. The detailed description of COVID-19 highlights
the great uncertainty surrounding this new disease. Uncertainty
and confusion may play an important role in amplifying the
psychological impact of this event on general population.
Coronaviruses (CoVs), a large family of single-stranded RNA viruses,
can affect animals and humans, producing disease in tissues
and organs [4]. CoVs are divided into genera alpha - coronavirus,
beta - coronavirus, gamma-coronavirus and delta - coronavirus[
5]. CoVs have been identified in several animal hosts [6, 7]
all around the world. Six human coronaviruses have been identified:
the alpha-CoVs HCoVs-NL63 and HCoVs-229E; the beta-
CoVs HCoVs-OC43; the SARS. CoV, causative agent of the
severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS [8]; the MERS-CoV,
ethiologic agent of Middle East respiratory syndrome MERS [9].
CoVs phylogeny is very old, according to actual and stem natural
reservoir animals, and a long host adaption period (25-50 million
years) made most of them minor pathogens: they commonly
affect hosts mildly or not at all. Also new mammalian CoVs are
identified [10]. For example, a HKU2-related coronavirus of bat
origin was responsible for a fatal acute diarrhea syndrome in pigs
in 2018 [11]. Novel CoVs emerge also in humans, probably due to
the worldwide distribution of CoVs and their ability to adapt viral
genome to new hosts [12].
COVID-19 etiologic agent: SARS-Cov-2: A novel Coronavirus is the causative agent of COVID-19. It has
been isolated in patients’ fluids and cells and its genoma has been
fully sequenced [13]. The new virus was named SARS-Cov-2 (Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome - Coronavirus - 2) and classified
in the subgenus Sarbecovirus.
It has been hypothesized that SARS-Cov-2 may have been spread
to humans through intermediate hosts, such as bats [14], though
the actual route of transmission is still debatable.
Coronaviridae family viruses have a single-strand, positive-sense
RNA genome ranging from 26 to 32 kilobases in length [15].
The new virus is more similar to two bat-derived coronavirus
strains, bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21, than to any
other known human-infecting coronaviruses, including the virus
that caused the SARS outbreak of 2003. Nevertheless, although,
SARS-Cov-2 is closer to bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21
at the whole-genome level, its receptor - binding domain
falls within lineage B and is closer to that of SARS-CoV, enabling
it to recognize and link the human ACE-2s receptors and fuse
straightforward with cell membrane. The receptor-binding domain
of SARS-Cov-2 is its most relevant spill over mutation [13].
The SARS-Cov-2 human pathogenicity relies mainly upon this
mutated receptor-binding domain.
As above mentioned, the phylogenetic analysis showed that batderived
coronaviruses fell all within subgenera of the genus betacoronavirus.
Additionally, bat-derived coronaviruses fell in basal
positions in the subgenus Sarbecovirus [16]. The previous data
are consistent with a bat reservoir for coronaviruses, according to
common RNA viruses and bats CCS (Critical Community Size)
[17], and in particular for SARS-Cov-2. However, the role of bats
as reservoir by itself cannot provide full satisfactory evidence for
the acquisition of the mutated receptor-binding domain. Another
peculiarity of SARS-Cov-2 genome is the presence of a RNA-dependent
RNA polymerase out from ancient negative-strand RNA
virus bat gene [18]. Otherwise inexplicable, this suggested that at
least another source acted as an intermediate host between bats
and humans.
Mutagenecity of SARS-Cov-2: As atypical RNA virus, SARS-Cov-2 shows its particular spontaneous
mutagenicity. The average evolutionary rate for coronaviruses
is roughly 10-4 nucleotide substitutions per site per year,
with mutations arising during every replication cycle [15]. It is
remarkable that the sequences of SARS-Cov-2 from different
patients described during the emerging outbreak in Wuhan were
almost identical, with a sequence identity greater than 99.9%[13].
This finding suggests that SARS-Cov-2 originated from one only
source, within a very short period, and was quickly detected.
The reservoir and spillover of SARS-Cov-2: Mass media delivered the news that SARS-Cov-2 started in a wildlife
market in Wuhan. Nevertheless, the source of the virus (an
animal carrying this pathogen in its body) has not been identified
so far, either in the market or some where else.
Two groups of coronaviruses related to the virus behind the human
pandemic have been identified in Malayan pangolins smuggled
into China [19], but none of these suspect species has been
definitely shown to be involved in this outbreak [20].
Bats also host coronaviruses [17], which are even closer to the human
virus, except in one genoma key area - the part that enables
the virus to invade cells [10, 13].
The outbreak of SARS-Cov-2 was reported for the first time in
late December 2019. During this season most bat species are hibernating
in Wuhan. No bats were found at the Huanan market
[13]. The sequence identity between 2019-nCoV and its close
relative bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21 was less than
90%, which is reflected in the relatively long branch between
them. Hence, bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21 are not
direct ancestors of SARS-Cov-2 [13].
In Xiao et al.’s study [19], one coronavirus isolated from a Malayan
pangolin showed high levels of amino acid identity with SARS-CoV-2
in the E, M, N and S genes (respectively, 100%, 98.6%,
97.8% and 90.7%). The receptor-binding domain within the S
protein of the Pangolin-CoV is very similar to that of SARS-CoV-2,
with one noncritical amino acid difference. According to
the authors, results of comparative genomic analysis suggested
that Covid-19 may have emerged from the recombination of a
Pangolin-CoV-like virus with a Bat-CoV-RaTG13-like virus [19].
Nevertheless, to stay with the SARS-CoV example, it has been
described that few alterations in the SARS-CoV spike protein,
compared to related bat CoV, enabled binding to its host receptor
ACE-2 and thus became capable of infecting humans [21]. All
SARS-like-CoV viruses so far detected in bats lack these alterations
and are, therefore, not predictable in their capacity of infecting
humans [21]. At the nucleic acid level, the different function
of proteins is key for the host range, even though strains might
appear similar: the similarity is not enough to analyze viruses’ potential
to spill over and infect humans or to predict their virulence
Regarding the hypothesis of a pangolin acting as the intermediate
host needed to let the SARS-Cov-2 spill over to infect humans,
the acquisition of its mutated receptor-binding domain cannot be
explained by similarity, it has not been demonstrated, nor found in
pangolin genetics [22]. Stem pangolins and bats shared the same
habitat for ages, for over 30 million years [23]. In such a long time,
a cross-host evolution of coronavirus, suggesting a rapid evolving
process of viral proteins, in bat [10] and pangolin as well, has
not been detected. Major genetic variations in some critical genes,
particularly the spike genes, essential for the transition from animal-
to-human transmission to human-to-human transmission,
much like their adaptation in the human host [24], have not been
reported yet.
Epidemiology and pathogenecity of SARS-Cov-2: According to the WHO [3], SARS-CoV-2 human-to-human transmission
has been observed via virus-laden respiratory droplets.
The average incubation period is estimated to be 5.2 days (3-20
days), with significant variation among patients and spread from asymptomatic patients is admitted [25]. The most frequent symptoms
of infection include fever, chills, cough, diarrhea; coryza,
breathing difficulty, fatigue, myalgia, nausea, vomiting are also reported.
Other unusual symptoms include neurological syndromes
(e.g.confusion, stroke and seizures) diminished sense of smell
(anosmia) and taste (ageusia), heart and coagulation ailments [26].
Coronavirus hits females more than men: gender ratio 1.2-1.6
[27]. Older men with medical comorbidities are more likely to get
infected, with worse outcomes. Severe cases can lead to cardiac
injury, respiratory failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, disseminated
intravascular coagulation and death. The provisional
case fatality rate by WHO is around 2%, but some researchers
estimate the rate to range from 0.3% to 0.6% [3].
Aspects of immunity of SARS-Cov-2: SARS-Cov-2 is an obligate intracellular parasite: it does not live
outside the cell but can keep its infecting ability in environment
[3]. In the host extracellular viruses may be removed by humoral
and cellular mechanisms, but the intracellular replicative steps of
coronaviruses and virus-infected cells-that (or if) they have developed
virus specified antigens on their surface-are the major targets
for the host immune response. The infectious virions spread
[28] via extracellular spread (released from the infected cell in the
extracellular fluids and then eventually outside the host); intercellular
spread (spread from cell to cell through cell fusion, without
contact with the extracellular environment) [29]; vertical spread:
the viral genome becomes integrated into the host genome and is
passed from parent cell to progeny during meiosis. In this latter
case many or all virus antigens are absent on the cell surface, so
that the virus is undetectable by the host. The retroviruses genes
usually adopt this mechanism.
In the host SARS-Cov-2 spread occurs both at a local level (mucosal
surface or organ) or via the bloodstream, with subsequent
dissemination through all organs.
SARS-Cov-2 spread mechanisms may limit exposure of extracellular
virus to humoral or cellular host defense mechanisms. Moreover, virus serologic variants evolve, with minimal cross-reactivity
among them. Camouflage and latency mechanisms in SARS-Cov-2
require further investigation [30]. These mechanisms could also
enable a long or indefinite persistence of the SARS-Cov-2 in the
host, with minimal or no clinical evidence, similarly to what happens
for other viruses.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown: On March 11th, 2020, the WHO, declared COVID-19 a pandemic,
considering that more than 118,000 cases had been detected in
over 110 countries and territories and the risk of further global
The WHO defines a pandemic [3] as the “worldwide spread of
a new disease”, though the specific threshold for meeting that
criteria is not always obvious. The term was most often applied to
new influenza strains, and the CDC affirms it is used when viruses
“are able to infect people easily and spread from person to person
in an efficient and sustained way” in multiple regions. The declaration
refers to the spread of a disease, rather than the severity of
the illness it causes.
In order to retard the spread of the virus, a lockdown was imposed
in several countries: school were closed and the lockdown was extended
to all non-essential activities. Many citizens have remained
at home for various weeks, socially isolated, with important economical
and psychological consequences. Previous research has
revealed a wide range of psychosocial impact on people during
outbreaks of infection. Individuals are likely to experience fear of
becoming ill or dying, helplessness, and stigma [31].
Negative emotions are likely to appear with the shutdown of
schools and business activities [32]. For instance, during the SARS
disruption, several studies researched the psychological impact on
the healthy community and significant psychiatric symptoms were
found [33].
Additional considerations in the definition and concept of
crisis: A crisis may be defined as a very rapid change or event that provides
an individual with a “no-exit” challenge to alter her or his
conduct in some manner [34]. A crisis is a physiological emergency
and acts on the individual as the deprivation of oxygen. The
concept of crisis is very influential in community mental health
and preventive modalities of care. The term crisis comes from the
Greek word“κρίνω”, which means “to decide”. The term is used
to describe a point in the course of a disease, or an event during
the life course, which is decisive for either recovery or death.
The term means a critical turning point in the progress of some
state or condition in which a decisive change, for better or worse,
is essential and about to happen. The idea of a change can lead
the individual to think and act differently, according to her/his
relationship to the problem and implies an ability to cope with the
distress. Additionally, a crisis is precipitated by a situation that disturbs
prior adaptation. Theorists [35, 36, 37] postulate some essential
features of a crisis. First it is a stressful or dangerous event
requiring change: a hazardous life event. Hazardous or stressful
life events can be classified as expected or unexpected. Unexpected
events are those whose timing cannot be predicted. The possibility
to consider any preventive action or position facing a crisis
relies upon its features. A second characteristic of a crisis depends
on the way the new problem affects the individual on her/his life:
material and physical integrity (health), psychological resources,
her/his family, social context or any other person who might play
a role in the individual social support network.
The impact of life events and stressors on psychological
health: Investigations focusing on personal life events of otherwise ordinary
people, undergoing some kind of situational crisis, evidenced
a higher than expected incidence of disorders [38, 39].
Holmes and Rahe [40] and Rade et al. [41] recognized that different
events required different change and adaptation, affecting
more or less each individual. In the following studies the term life
event emerged and has been commonly used.
During an unexpected worldwide crisis, such as a pandemic, which
leads several countries in the world to adopt extreme measures to
contain the contagion, the exploration of distress response and
psychological impact of this event on general population plays
an important role in preventing psychological health emergencies,
originating during or soon after the public health crisis. To this
aim, our review focuses not only on the few data on psychological
impact of the current pandemic, but also on the results of studies
exploring distress and psychological symptoms in people of affected
countries during previous outbreaks. These data may have
important implications for healthcare professionals.
Materials and Methods
In order to be analyzed, the results from descriptive studies must
be leaded to common - quantitative (numeric) or qualitative
(e.g.categorical, continuous) - shape, able to identify variables and
casual roles. Data analysis for any given outcome includes two
possibility: univariate and multivariate analyses. Univariate analyses
are used to identify individual predictors of the investigated
outcome and to establish relationships among the dependent and
independent variables. The relationship between categorical outcomes
can be appropriately measured using the chi-square test or
Fisher’s exact test. In case of continuous outcomes (e.g. illness
days) the relationship to continuous independent variables (e.g.
age) can be assessed by examination of X-Y scatter plots; if that
relationship is linear - or amenable to a linear one - it can be quantified
using Pearson’s correlation. If it is a not linear relationship,
the computation must be estimated [42, 43].
It is also very important to plot the data in order to explore any
relationships that might exist. According to many published data,
in CoVid-19, the plots of death rate and morbidity show monotonic
(not linear or not only linear) relationships with associated
independent variables as age or time. In a monotonic relationship,
the variables tend to move in the same relative direction, but not
necessarily at a constant rate. In a linear relationship, the variables
move in the same direction at a constant rate. The plot can help
to get rid of how the variables move: linear relationships are frequently
also monotonic.
We performed a systematic search for the available literature using
PubMed, SCOPUS and Web of Science. The following key
words were searched: psychological adjustment, psychiatric symptoms,
coping, stress, outbreak, epidemic. Papers over the last 15
years (2005-2020) were considered for inclusion. Only studies in
English and papers from peer-reviewed journals were included.
Studies that included only health workers as participants were excluded.
Studies that explored psychological adjustment, coping or
stress responses without relating the concepts to epidemics were
also excluded.
We identified 22 studies from the database search, of which 9
were included in the review. Of the 9 included articles 3 were
qualitative studies and 6 were quantitative studies. Overall, 4 studies
focused on the SARS epidemic, 2 studies examined the Ebola
epidemic, two studies covered the H1N1 pandemic and 1 study
focused on the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the different
studies are presented below, according to the specific epidemic.
The results are also summarized in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1. Details of the studies included in the review (year of the epidemic, epidemic, country, investigated variables, instruments, sample size and gender distribution).
SARS epidemic: Cheng & Cheung [44] designed a prospective, multiple time-point study, assessing trait anxiety and coping flexibility in seventy-two Hong Kong undergraduates, who had been assessed in an earlier study, five months earlier. They reported their anxiety and coping at four time points during the outbreak, during the four-week study period. Fluctuations in state anxiety were detected across time points. Results from hierarchical linear modeling revealed that trait anxiety and the situation-appropriate coping strategies of avoidance and personal hygiene practice accounted for changes in state anxiety. Trait anxiety assessed 5 months earlier could predict initial levels of state anxiety, but the positive association between trait and state anxiety was only present at the initial time points: individual differences in state anxiety became minimal at the following time points. Situation - specific coping strategies of personal hygiene practice and avoidance could also predict fluctuations in state anxiety: results showed that personal hygiene practice and avoidance played a stronger role in explaining state anxiety. The authors found that individuals who used more avoidance experienced less state anxiety during the four-week period. The authors hypothesized that the use of avoidant strategies, which can be defined as efforts to escape from the stressful event [45], may have had a role in easing anxiety during the outbreak, as SARS outbreak was a stressful event perceived as uncontrollable. Yu and coworkers [46] focused on depressive symptoms and emotional distress before and during SARS outbreak in a sample of Hong Kong midlife women (n=126). As expected, they found higher levels of depressive symptoms and emotional distress during the epidemic. Using logistic regression analysis, the authors identified three factors significantly associated with emotional distress during SARS: feeling scared, restless sleep and financial loss. The latter was the only factor independently related to the increase in stress level. Additionally, personal perception of risk of infection was correlated with psychological distress.
Peng and colleagues [47] explored the post-crisis psychological distress four months after the resolution of the SARS outbreak in Taiwan (n=1278). In particular, the authors explored variables comprised perceptions and attitudes towards SARS, behavior and SARS-related experiences and psychological distress. About 9% of the participants reported that their perceptions of life became more pessimistic following the SARS crisis and the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity was around 11%. The authors found a number of major predictors of higher levels of pessimism after the SARS outbreak: demographic factors, perception of SARS and preparedness, knowing people or having personal experiences of SARS-related discrimination, individual worries and psychiatric morbidity.
Main and colleagues [48] analyzed SARS related stressors (participants’ experience of SARS-related stressful events, such as having had a family member suspected of having SARS) coping strategies, psychological symptoms, perceived general health and life satisfaction in a sample of 381 undergraduate students recruited from universities of Beijing (China). As hypothesized by the authors, experience of SARS-related stressors was positively associated with psychological symptoms. Participants’ use of avoidant and seeking social support coping positively predicted psychological symptoms, while active coping positively predicted life satisfaction. Additionally, significant interactions between coping and stressors, able to predict perceived general health, were detected for the three coping strategies (active, avoidant, and social support seeking coping).
The authors found a stress buffering effect of coping: notwithstanding the type of coping, the number of SARS-related stressors was positively associated with perceived general health only at low levels of coping. The authors commented on this result hypothesizing that when stressors are large-scale and perceived as severe and out of control, any type of coping could be helpful in reducing distress.
H1N1 outbreak: McCauley and colleagues [49] performed an exploratory qualitative study on the psychological processes of the associative priming, through which many people likely merged the news of the H1N1 epidemic with prior cognitive scripts that blamed Latino immigrants for various social problems. The authors used a transactional model of stress andcoping to analyze the transcripts from focus groups, in order to examine the ways in which a group of American residents evaluated the H1N1 threat, processed information about stereotypes and stigmas and developed individual strategies to cope with these stressors. Participants in all focus groups reported similar processes of stress and coping in reaction to H1N1 threat; individual responses varied by ethnicity. This study highlighted some of the ways in which epidemics can be relevant sources of individual and social stress. Ilness-related stress was shown to lead to the stigmatization of marginalized social groups, as well as to anxiety about personal and family health and to troubles in working and social relationships.
A different study on H1N1 outbreak was developed in Canada. In the spring following the H1N1 peak, when the pandemic was visibly diminishing, but vaccination was still available, Taha and coworkers [50] analyzed H1N1 experience, uncertainty intolerance, ambiguous situation appraisal, stress appraisal and anxiety in a sample of 316 adults. The participants were presented with several scenarios regarding viral threats. They reported moderate anxiety, regardless of the specific viral threat (familiar vs. unfamiliar), considered the threats moderately stressful and believed that they would have control in this situation. Nevertheless, high levels of anxiety accompanied the viral threat in individuals with high intolerance of uncertainty, with the mediation of appraisal aspects (i.e. control and stressfulness). Additionally, participants used to appraise ambiguous life events as stressful, the viral threat appraisals were accompanied by even higher levels of anxiety.
Ebola outbreak: The studies on Ebola emerged from our bibliographic research were both focused on Ebola survivors. Rabelo et al. [51] analyzed mental health distress during treatment at a Liberian Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU), coping strategies to overcome mental health distress in ETU and mental health distress after discharge from ETU in a qualitative study. Using focus group technique, the authors found that post traumatic stress reactions and symptoms of depression were common among the Ebola survivors exposed to death in the ETU and stigma in the communities. The main stressors during the hospitalization were the daily exposure to corpses, the patient’s isolation from family and worries about his/her well-being; sometimes, also the perception of disrespect by ETU staff could generate relevant distress. The support of family, friends, and prayer, when available, allowed the survivors to cope with their psychological distress. Psychosocial counseling and the survivor’s network helped those excluded from society, because of the stigma and fear of contagion, give a meaning to life after Ebola.
Causes of distress and sources of resilience were the focal points of Schwerdtle and colleagues’ study [52]. Using focus group, they involved 25 participants in Liberia and Sierra Leone and identified two main themes: “causes of distress” and “sources of resilience.” Each main theme comprised two further sub-themes, respectively: the “multiplicity of death,” “abandonment,” “self and community protection and care” and “coping resources and activities.”
Covid-19 pandemic: A recent study investigating psychosocial impact of SARS-Cov-2 in Chinese population found that, during the initial phase of the COVID-19 outbreak, 53.8% of the respondents (n=1210) rated the psychological impact of the outbreak as moderate-to-severe, 28.8% reported moderate - to - severe anxiety, 16.5% reported moderate to severe depressive symptoms and 8.1% reported moderate to severe stress levels [53]. Most respondents were worried about their family members contracting the virus (75.2%). Female gender, student status, specific physical symptoms and poor self-rated health status were significantly associated with a greater psychological impact ofthe outbreak and higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Specific up-to-date and accurate health information and particular precautionary measures were associated with a lower psychological impact of the outbreak and lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.
The descriptive or observational studies that investigate distress
and psychological symptoms in general population during epidemics
have focused on very different variables and used varied
study designs, leading to mixed results.
The uncertainty produced by an unexpected, uncommon and
threatening event, such as an epidemic, may play an important
role in modulating the distress and psychological response of
general population.
Higher levels of depressive symptoms and emotional distress [46]
and fluctuations in state anxiety [44] have been highlighted during
the outbreaks.
Moderate to severe psychological impact related to the outbreak
and anxiety seems common [53], whereas less participants reported
moderate to severe depressive symptoms stress levels.
It is not easy to analyze these variables in a sudden outbreak
condition, because of the lack of previous time points analyses,
before the beginning of the epidemics. This may suggest the importance
of continuous monitoring of psychological parameters
in samples from general population, in order to have a baseline in
case of unexpected events which may put general psychological
health at risk.
Many of the studies considered in this work analyze the factors
which may have a role in mediating the effect of stressors on individual
psychological well-being.
Feeling scared, restless sleep and financial loss were associated
with emotional high stress during SARS [46], experience of
SARS-related stressors was positively associated with psychological
symptoms and use of avoidant and seeking social support
coping positively predicted psychological symptoms [48]. Nevertheless,
coping had a stress buffering effect: notwithstanding the
type of coping, the number of SARS-related stressors was positively
associated with perceived general health only at low levels
of coping [48].
Uncertainty tolerance has also an important role: individuals with
high intolerance of uncertainty have been shown to be more
likely to appraise a virus as being more stressful and less controllable
and to experiment high anxiety, whereas an optimism bias
seems to protect most individuals from feeling anxious about new
hypothesized viral threats [50].
Epidemics can increase not only individual, but also social stress:
as McCauley and colleagues [49] showed in their study on H1N1
epidemics, illness-related stress can lead to the stigmatization of
marginalized social groups, to anxiety about personal and family
health and to troubles in working and social relationships.
The condition of survivors who have experienced the illness appears
quite different from that of general population, as the studies
about ebola epidemics showed: the support of family, friends,
prayer, psychosocial counseling had an important role for the
survivors to cope with their psychological distress [51]. Multiplicity
of death and abandonment were the main causes of distress,
whereas self and community protection and care and coping resources
and activities were the key aspects for resilience according
to Schwerdtle and colleagues’ study [52].
The need to find and to measure the relationship between multiple
variables, a feature common to the aim of all the studies
analyzed in this review, is the basis of the type of analysis most
frequently used by researchers.
The analysis of variance or multiple regression procedure is in
fact the most commonly used quantitative approach to observe
the behavior of a dependent variable X which is identified on the
basis of the nature of the phenomenon being studied. It is worth
to summarize some considerations about this type of statistical
analysis methodology.
The relationship that link a dependent variable X1 to the other
variables X2, X3, ..., Xn (independent variables or regressors) expresses
the way in which X1 varies with the change of the other
variables. The factors that can affect X1 are many and not all
quantifiable. For this reason, it is essential to select, for the analysis
purposes, only the regressors that are truly relevant for the
research purposes. There will therefore be factors (known and
unknown variables) excluded from the selection, and all of these
are collected in one common variable, indicated with the Greek
letter ε, as in equation 1.
All the studies analyzed show - in some way - the role that different
circumstances - stressors or life events - played in determining
the stress / crisis effect. The stressors are the independent variables
(Xn) and the crisis the dependent variable X1. The relationship
that links to each other is represented by function 1, which
describes the law of dependence, and is noted in the form(1):
X1 = f (X2, X3, …,Xn, ε). (1)
The trend of the function of X1 in equation 1 is crucial to understand
the relationship between the variables that represent the
facts. The regression coefficient would be unique if X1 depended
only on one variable (X2), it would be indicated by the Greek letter
β, and the equation would be written as follows (2):
X1 = β1+ β2X2 + …βnXn+ε (2)
However, the number of experimental observations (both known
and unknown) can often be greater than the number of parameters
and an estimate able to cumulate many regression coefficients
must be obtained according to the experimental data, these based
on the samples. It is indicated with the Latin letter b, and the equation
is transformed as follows (3):
X1 = b1 + b2X2 + … bnXn+ ε (3)
The choice of variables must be accurate enough to verify the
need to include in the equation only the variables that, when their
value changes, provide a factual contribution to the variation of
the dependent variable X1. An increase in the number of variables
enclosed in the regressive analysis does not consequently increase
the efficiency of the analysis itself.
The selection of which variables to insert has, therefore, the crucial role in the analysis results. There are procedures to conduct
this choice in the most correct way, starting either from the significance
of each single regression coefficient, discarding the less
significant ones (backwards procedure), or by selecting as the first
independent variable the one that has the highest simple correlation
coefficient with the dependent variable X1, until finding the
highest correlation coefficient between variables (onward procedure)
until there are no more variables to insert or remove. For a
complete discussion of these techniques, see their detailed statistical
description [54].
There is no perfect method for choosing variables, more than
ever during the exploratory phase of a study, and practical decisions
need to be made. Sometimes some variables do not show
significant partial regression coefficients, but have a relevant logical
significance, and so must be maintained. In other case variables
must be removed which have a high significance of their
partial regression coefficient but would not have any logical sense.
The discussion conducted so far has to be applied during the design
phase of any research that intends to provide a concrete contribution
to the eventuality and strength of a relationship between
active factors in producing psychological effects and measures of
the investigated effect itself.
Highlighting and measuring the possible relationship between
stressors or life events and crisis conditions or psychopathological
effects, requires the careful selection and clear measurement of
the characteristics and dimensions of the variables under investigation
for - and only for - the purpose of the condition towards
which the effect of this relationship is supposed to operate.
This review suggests that future research on the correlation between
stressful events and psychopathological consequences -
like any correlation research that uses regressive analysis - should
always be preceded, since its planning and design phase, by the
selection and quantitative validation of independent variables to
select, in order to avoid uncertainty or based conclusions.
The analyzed aspects also have important implications for healthcare
professionals: a particular attention should be paid to the
promotion of psychological well-being of general population
during critical and unexpected events. Available public psychological
healthcare may help prevent the development of more serious
psychopathological symptoms after the outbreaks are over.
For future research, it may be important to carry out follow-up
studies to measure the effects over time, since it is reasonable that
after a period of time has passed from the start of the outbreak
different re-adaptation responses may appear.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
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