Analytical Calculation On Rocket Stability
Gedlu Solomon1*, Yisehak Abreham2
1 Associate Researcher, Space Engineering Research and Development, Ethiopia Space Science and Technology Institution, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
2 Assistant Researcher, Ethiopia Space Science and Technology Institution, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
*Corresponding Author
Gedlu Solomon,
Associate Researcher, Space Engineering Research and Development, Ethiopia Space Science and Technology Institution, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Tel: +251973342296
Received: July 23, 2020; Accepted: October 06, 2020; Published: November 30, 2020
Citation:Gedlu Solomon, Yisehak Abreham. Analytical Calculation On Rocket Stability. Int J Aeronautics Aerospace Res. 2020;7(4):244-248. doi:
Copyright: Gedlu Solomon© 2020. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
In this paper, we describe the method of analytical calculation on rocket stability by adjusting fin dimension. To reach
on that the center of gravity and center of pressure are calculated and by introducing clipped delta fin Static Margin are
Center or Mass, Center-of-Pressure, Static Margin, Fins.
The definition for model rocket stability is when the Center-of-
Gravity (CG) is in front of the Center-of-Pressure (CP). The further
distance the CG is in front of the CP, the more stable the
rocket will be [1].
Center or mass (CM) is the average location of all the mass of an
object. For fully symmetrical objects the CG will be at the geometric
• List the mass of each component,
Mass of rocket body or chamber plus propellant = 981 kg
Mass of nosecone with payload = 34.69326615 kg
Mass of nozzle = 1.4 kg, since nozzle is not exposed component
we can ignore for CP and for CG value it is relatively very small
let’s compensate its effect on stability by further analysis.
• Calculate the “CG station” of every component.
−X CGi is its CG location with respect to a fixed origin Equations for solid or hollow cylinders
Center of pressure (CP) is the average location of all the aerodynamic
forces acting on an object as it travels through the air.
we will focus just on components of aerodynamic forces that are
“normal” to the body as opposed to the drag forces which point
backward, parallel to the rocket body [2].
• List the normal force coefficient of every exposed component
Static Margin (SM) is characterizes the tendency of a rocket
to self-correct its direction of travel back towards nose, first if
it is disturbed for any reason while in flight.It is a dimensionless
number found by dividing the distance between the Center of
Gravity (CG) and the Center of Pressure (CP) by the body tube
diameter, the worst-case scenario is to use the largest diameter of
the rocket [3].
Here are those conditions that can cause uncontrolled pitch in a
model rocket [4].
Basic instability in the design
Imperfection in construction
Fly in the excessive wind
Fins should be constructed so that they can withstand the forces
expected during flight. The materials and methods of construction
determine how much force they can withstand. Very small
models do not need very strong fins, and simple cardboard or
balsa fins will suffice. Large models and those intended to fly at
extremely high velocities will need more strength.
The following list gives several materials and construction methods,
in order of increasing strength [1]:
• Thick cardboard (not corrugated)
• Balsa wood fins
• Plastic fins
• Balsa wood with paper reinforcing
• Balsa with spruce wood reinforcing
• Built-up fins
• Foam core fins
• Fiberglass reinforced fins
• Plywood
Balsa wood is a very good material for fins as its strong and light,
and perfect for rockets up to around D impulse. Balsa has a tendency
to dent or split if it’s handled roughly, and some rocket
fliers use basswood as a stronger alternative. Some model shops
stock thin plywood, which makes excellent fin material for rockets
in the E to H impulse range. Sheet plastic can also be useful as a
fin material in low power rockets, though it can be quite flexible
which precludes its use for large fins. Fibre glass is very common
for F motors and above as it is light, stiff and strong. Glueing
plastic and fibre glass to cardboard tubes can be quite difficult, so
most low and medium power rockets use wooden fins [5].
let take U type or 1,310,000 to 2,620,000 total impulse classifieds
is fiber glass.
Various alternative fin shapes can be used during the rocket design
process considering the mission requirements. The most
commonly used fin types are clipped delta, swept, trapezoidal
and triangular. Each of them can be sized using different number
of geometric sizing parameters such as: span length, root chord
length, tip chord length, sweep angle, and thickness. Within the
content of this research the four fin shapes illustrated in figure 1
are examined.
Each fin shape is sized using different number of parameters.
Clipped delta fin and trapezoidal fin have 4 different sizing parameters
that are root chord, span, tip chord, and thickness. Swept
fin has 5 different sizing parameters that are sweep angle, root
chord, span, tip chord, and thickness. Triangular fin has only 3
different sizing parameters that are root chord, span, and thickness
Maximum force experience in hazard condition on fin flat position and Cfin =1.28 [7].

• Normal coefficients for n “clipped delta” fins where N = 4 fins.
• Calculate a sum of the normal force coefficients
Mass of rocket body or chamber plus propellant = 981 kg
Mass of nosecone with payload = 34.69326615 kg
Mass of nozzle = 1.4 kg
Mass of fin =7.6347 kg
Normal force coefficient of every exposed component.
They author of this paper appreciate Space Engineering Research
and Development Department, Ethiopia Space Science and Technology
institution, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for their valuable advice.
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