Layout For Open e-Books

Guidelines for e-Book layout:

Preliminary Pages

Introductory sections of the e-Book are explained after the main text.
Editors are advised to prepare these pages carefully. The information given is used for promotional purposes.
The Preliminary pages include:

  1. Title Page - Contains the title of the e-Book, the subtitle (if any), edition (for second or subsequent editions only), and author's /editor's names, along with their affiliations (if required).
  2. Dedication Page - No rule is required text organization for this page as it refers to a personal statement.
  3. Table of Contents - Contain the chapter titles preceded by the chapter numbers. If you wish to add the first, and even the second level of heading within each chapter, you are warmly welcome. In a contributed e-Book, the content page should also indicate the author of each chapter, as such Part/Section titles should be included.

    Format: First Name Middle Name Last Name (e.g. Claudia L. Bianchi)

  4. Foreword - One page foreword should be written by an eminent researcher in the field (apart from the author/editor). Include the writer's name and affiliation at the end. Note: A foreword is usually written by eminent researcher who has grip on the subject, and serves as a recommendation of the e-Book.
  5. Preface - One page preface written by the author / editor of the e-Book, briefly explaining the aims and scope of the e-Book.
  6. List of Contributors – Special appreciation should be given to the contributors. Contains names of all contributors for the e-Book, in alphabetical order, along with their affiliations and addresses. The format of the list of contributors should be as follows:

    Format: Author's last name, Author's initial(s) Name of University/Organization City Name, State code (in case of USA only) Country Name

Body Text

Body Text/ Main text is essentially made up of chapters, which may be grouped into Parts / Sections which are typically numbered with roman capitals (Part I, II, III,...). Part-title pages may contain text to introduce the reader to the chapters in the part. In multi-authored contributed titles, each chapter includes: abstract, references / bibliography list, as the chapters should be self-contained.

Back Pages

Back Pages includes the following:

  1. Appendices - An appendix is the reference section, mentioned at the end of an e-Book. To present lengthy, essential methodological details, appendices can be used, which can be a part of the chapter. An appendix must not exceed 3 pages (Times New Roman, font size 12 pt, 900 max. words per page). A single appendix should be titled APPENDIX, while more than one can be titled APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, and so on.
  2. Glossaries - Glossaries are a list of terms in a particular domain wherein definitions are provided for those terms. Glossary usually appears at the end of a book and includes terms within which are either newly introduced or at least uncommon.
  3. Bibliographies - Bibliographies range from "works cited" lists, which are mentioned at the end of books and articles.
  4. Index - A detailed list of the specific information in the e-Book should be arranged alphabetically.
    Note: Author index and subject index should be prepared well before submission of the e-Book.
  5. Back Cover Page - A brief description/write-up of 100-150 words on the major contributions and current affiliation of the author/editor will be required. They will be printed on the back cover of the print version along with his/her photograph (600 dpi).

e-Book/ Chapter Length

The minimum page limit of the e-Books is 150 - 250 pages. Each e-Book may contain 10-15 chapters, with each page having an average word count of 500-600 words.
No restriction on the number of figures, tables or additional files e.g. video clips - animation and datasets (which also can be included). Authors should include all relevant supporting data with each chapter.

Chapter Preparation

Certain guidelines are to be followed while preparing the chapter. The chapter should be written in English (American/Britain) - clear, direct and active style. All pages must be numbered sequentially.

Chapter Organization

Chapter of an e-Book may be differentiated as below:

• Copyright letter
• Title and Title page
• Authors and Institutional Affiliations
• Chapter Abstract and Keywords
• Headings
• Text Organization
• Special Characters and Greek Symbols
• Equations and Mathematical Expressions
• Footnotes
• Patient Consent
• List of Abbreviations
• Acknowledgements
• Conflict of Interest
• References
• Figure/Illustrations/Chemical structures
• Tables
• Supportive/Supplementary Material

a. Copyright Letter - A mandatory requirement that a signed Copyright letter should be submitted along with:

i. Each chapter by the author whose correspondence is to be addressed
ii. Describing the scope of the submitted e-Book/chapter
iii. Declaring the potential competing interests
iv. Acknowledging contributions from authors and funding agencies and
v. Certifying that the e-Book/chapter is prepared according to the 'Submission guidelines and Publication process'.

The e-Book/chapter should not contain any such material or information that may be fabricated, plagiarized, unlawful, defamatory and the editors/authors should acknowledge that the publishers have the legal right to take appropriate action against the editors/authors for any violation against the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement.

b. Title and Title page- The title of the chapter should be precise, brief and must not be more than 120 characters. The title must be written in title case with a font size of 14 pt bold except for articles, conjunctions and prepositions. Authors should also provide a short running title, which might be useful.

Title, running title, byline, correspondent footnote and keywords should be written as presented in the chapter.

Title page should include:Chapter title, author(s) full name and affiliation, corresponding author(s) names complete affiliation/address, along with phone, fax and email.

c. Authors And Institutional Affiliations - The authors are required to provide their full and complete name, institutional affiliation and the location, with an asterisk in front of the name of the detailing whether they are the principal/corresponding author.

The corresponding author(s) should be designated and complete information regarding their complete address, business telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address must be stated for correspondence.

d. Chapter Abstract and Keywords- The abstract should be written with a font size of 10 pt and should not exceed more than 250 words.
Note: It is recommended not to include reference citations or amorphous abbreviations in the abstract.

Keywords – A maximum of 18-20 keywords can be provided in alphabetical order. Each keyword should be delimited with a comma.
Note: When preparing the keywords, select those terms that support traceability of your chapter at the search engine.

e. Headings - The headings should follow a logical hierarchy. Five is considered as the maximum number of levels of heading as explained below:

Level 1: HEADING (The first heading should be in CAPITALS, font size 12 pt and bold)
Level 2: Heading (second heading should be Title case, font size 12 pt and bold)
Level 3: Heading (Third heading should be Title case, font size 12 pt bold, italics and bold)
Level 4: Heading (Fourth heading should be Title case, font size 12 pt bold, italics and underlined)
Level 5: Heading (Fifth heading should be Title case, font size 12 pt unbold, italics and underlined)

f. Text Organization – Text organization as follows:

1. Style of the chapter must be uniform throughout the text with a font size of 12 pt Times New Roman.
2. Full term for an abbreviation.
3. Reference numbers should be given in square brackets in the text.
4. Italics should be used for Binomial names of organisms (Genus and Species).
5. Non-assimilated words from Latin or other languages should also be italicized e.g. in vivo, in vitro, per se, via, viz, viz-a-viz, de novo, vs etc.,

g. Special Characters and Greek Symbols - Greek symbols and special characters often undergo formatting changes. They get corrupted or lost during preparation of chapter for publication. In order to ensure that all special characters used are inserted in the text, these special characters should be inserted as a symbol, but should not be a result of any other format styling (Symbol font face) otherwise they will be lost during conversion to PDF/XML.

Chemical equations, chemical names, mathematical usage, unit of measurements, chemical and physical quantity and units must be represented in SI and Chemical Abstracts or IUPAC.

h. Equations and Mathematical Expressions

  1. Fractions - Built-up fractions in the text should be avoided, or else the built-up fraction gets converted into equivalent expressions, which gets copyedited on the line itself. In display matter, however, built-up fraction are preferred for clarity. Fractions can be “built up” bar i.e., d+e/f, “slashed” with a solidus, (d + e)/f, or written with a negative exponent, (d + e)f-1.
  2. Equations Breaking (multi linear equations) - The use of small-type mathematical expressions – centered, above, below arrows must be avoided. If possible alternative format must be adopted.
  3. Exponents in the exponential functions, having more than one or two characters must be avoided.
  4. Authors must expect that, when e-Books/chapters are accepted, copyedited, "excess" equation reference numbers will be deleted but short equations will anyways run in with the text. Special marking for symbols (e.g., italics, boldface) must be indicated and any unusual symbols should be clearly defined. Underscored symbols ‘_’ should be avoided.
  5. Vector notations such as letters or notations, if set in boldface type should be indicated.
  6. Asterisks are to be set in superscript position or centered on the line should be mentioned.
  7. Mathematical symbols must be defined. Punctuation should not be used at the end of an equation.

i. Character Fonts - The italic font should be used for mathematical symbols, variables and constants, symbols of quantum states, chapter symbols and group-theoretic designations.

j. Equation Numbering - All equations should maintain an order and numbered as follows:

(1) A principal equation and subordinate equations must be numbered as (1), (1a), (1b), etc.
(2) Particular care should be taken to distinguish between the number zero (0) and the letter ‘O’
(3) The number one (1) and the letter ‘l’
(4) The Roman letter ‘v’ and the Greek letter nu (n), makes a large difference.
(5) The decimal logarithm should be written "log" and the natural log should be indicated as "ln".
(6) The abbreviation of the exponential function is a roman e (for example, ex) or exp (for example, exp (u² + n))
(7) Expressions such as the type dxdt, the letter ‘d’ (derivative function) are always written in roman, whereas the physical parameter (x or t) is always written in italics
(8) Numbers are written in numerals, when they are followed by units such as SI symbols (10 % but a few percent).
(9) In numerals, each group of three letters should be separated by a space (except for dates and postal codes).

k. Subscripts and Superscripts - All available characters can be used as subscripts or superscripts. Position of a subscript or superscript is imposed by standard notation.

l. Abbreviations designating mathematical functions - Roman multi - letter abbreviations should be closed up to the argument following and separated from any preceding symbol by a thin space, that is

m. ‘e’ and ‘exp’ (for exponent) notation - The ‘e’ form is appropriate when the argument is short and simple, whereas ‘exp’ should be used if the argument is more complicated.

n. Bracketing and Group(ing) Sequence - For the purpose of grouping, the sequence of bracketing preferred is {[()]}.

o. Footnotes - Footnotes should be numbered throughout the e-Book/chapter, using superscript. The position of footnotes should be indicated in the text and at the end of the chapter, but not in the Reference section.

p. Patient Consent - Authors must priorly obtain permission and declare the same in chapters, once they obtain permission from the patient or patient’s relatives for submission of the case report of the patient for potential publication.

q. Acknowledgements - All the individuals listed as authors, are considered that they must have contributed substantially to the design, performance, analysis, or reporting of the work and are required to indicate their specific contribution.

r. Conflicts of Interest - Authors at the time of submission are required to disclose any potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships that could influence their work. The corresponding author will be solely responsible for collecting the list of potential conflicts of interest from all co-authors and it is also required to include it during the manuscript submission.

s. References - The reference style used is APA.

Reference Style In text citations References listing in the references section
APA Last name and year within parentheses e.g. (last name et al., year) are to be mentioned. References to more than one publication by an author in the same year should also be distinguished with lower-case letters, e.g. (Smith 2003a, 2003b). The abbreviated author and date reference should be placed in parentheses unless the name forms part of the text, e.g. “Williams (2007) has established for….” If no person is named as author, the name of the appropriate organization should be used, e.g. (Australsian Society for Gene Therapy 2006). All authors’ and their names should be listed in the references. The complete list of references including names of all authors should be presented in alphabetical order.

Please find below references in APA style:

Reference Styles Journal Reference Book References Book Chapter Reference
APA Mellers, B.A. (2006). Choice and the relative pleasure of consequences. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 910-924. Bernstein, D. K., & Tiegerman, E. (1990). Language and communication disorders in children (3nd ed.). Columbus, OH: Merill Phillips, S.J., & Whisnant, J. (1998). Hypertension and Stroke. In: Laragh, J.H., & Brenner, B. (Eds.), Hypertension: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management (pp. 465-478). New York: Raven Press.

Points to Remember

• All references must be complete and accurate.
• Date of access should be included in online citations.
• Special care should be taken of the punctuation convention.
• Journal abbreviations should follow the PUBMED.
• Use of superscript in the in-text citations and reference section should be avoided.
• Abstracts, unpublished data and personal communications should not be mentioned in the reference section but can be mentioned in the text and the details can also be provided as footnotes.

t. Figure/Illustrations - Authors should submit figures/ illustrations as separate files, or can be embedded in the text file, numbered consecutively in the order of their appearance.

Photographs should be provided with a scale bar (if appropriate), as well as high-resolution component files can also be useful.

u. Format & Resolution - The following file formats are acceptable (preference is provided, in order of its appearance):

• Source file (Original drawn in software)
• PDF (In vector graphics)
• IA (In vector graphics)
• EPS (In vector graphics)
• CDR (In vector graphics)
• FREEHAND (In vector graphics)
• PPT (In vector graphics)
• DOC (In vector graphics)
• EXCEL (In vector graphics)
• TIFF (Minimum dpi 300)
• JPEG (Minimum dpi 300)

Resolution - The best resolution available (hardcopy submission requirement) should be used. For online submission the minimum resolution is 300 dpi.

Vector Designing - Vector-based images are not made up of a specific number of dots; they can be scaled to a larger size and of higher retaining image quality. Common types of vector graphics include Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Freehand, and EPS files. Many Flash animations also use vector graphics, since they scale better and typically take up less space than bitmap images. Instead, vector graphics are comprised of paths, which are defined by a starting and ending point, along with other points, curves, and angles along the way. File extensions may be .AI, .EPS, .SVG, .DRW.

Image Conversion Tools - Good general tools for image conversion include GraphicConverter on the Macintosh, PaintShop Pro, for Windows and UNIX platforms, ImageMagick, which is available on Macintosh.

Color Figure/Illustrations - Color figures should be supplied in CMYK not RGB colors. Each figure must be provided with appropriate legend. All figures must be cited sequentially in round brackets ‘()‘ in the text and figured number should be in bold i.e. Fig. (1) or (Fig. 1).

v. Chemical Structures - Chemical structures must be prepared in ChemDraw/CDX and provided as separate file. All schemes should be cited sequentially in round brackets and scheme number should be in bold i.e. Scheme (1) or (Scheme 1). Each Scheme should be provided with appropriate legend.

Drawing Settings: Chain angle 120°
Bond spacing 18% of width
Fixed length 14.4 pt (0.500cm, 0.2in)
Bold width 2.0 pt (0.071cm, 0.0278in)
Line width 0.6 pt (0.021cm, 0.0084in)
Margin width 1.6 pt (0.096cm)
Hash spacing 2.5 pt (0.088cm, 0.0347in)

w. Tables
• Data Tables should be submitted in Microsoft Word table format and each table should include a title/caption. Detailed legends may then follow.
• Table number should be in bold font i.e. Table 1, and follow a title (in small case) with the first letter in caps.
• Columns and rows of data should be made visible.
• All tables must be cited sequentially in the text and table number should be in bold i.e. Table 1 or (Table 1)
• Tabular data provided as additional files can be submitted as an Excel spreadsheet.
• Table Footnotes which indicates the footnote in a table with a superscript lowercase letter.

x. Supportive/Supplementary Material - Supportive/Supplementary material is meant for publication must be numbered and referred to in the e-Book/chapter but it should not be a part of the submitted e-Book/chapter. In-text citations as well as a section with the heading "Supportive/Supplementary Material" before the "References" section should be provided. Here, all Supportive/Supplementary Material should be listed, and a brief caption line for each file describing its contents can be included. Any additional files will be linked to the final published e-Book/chapter in the form supplied by the editor/author, but will not be displayed within the e-Book/chapter. Supportive/ Supplementary material must be provided in a single zipped file not larger than 4 MB.

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