Magnetism & Nuclear Science (IJMN)
International Journal of Magnetism & Nuclear Science (IJMN) ISSN: 2577-4387 is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that covers the whole spectrum of topics, from basic magnetism to the technology and its applications in the field of Nuclear Science and also included are the topics of nuclear science and the various technologies implemented. IJMN publishes high quality papers, rapid communications, original papers, research letters, case reports, technical papers, technical notes, critical reviews, book reviews pertaining to the broad studies explored in the field of Magnetism and its application in the field of Nuclear Science.
IJMN is to provide a purpose of bringing scientific research, newer techniques, opinions about the magnetism and the nuclear science research, to a wider audience of scientists, physicists, research investigators, educators, and information specialists around the globe in order to improve the scope of nuclear science and technology.
IJMN publishes original research, latest developments, review papers, technical papers, scientific data, editorials from leading scientists and scholars around the world including but, not limited to the following fields:
Radiation Measurement in the University of Sharjah - Research Article
Zubair M*, Kassar AA, Hamouda Ishag AM, Ansari AA, Hussain Aljassmi AA
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