Finance, Economics and Trade (IJFET)
International Journal of Finance, Economics and Trade (IJFET) ISSN 2643-038X is a comprehensive, peer reviewed publication that helps dissemination of original work, contributing to greater understanding and awareness of research and studies on global finance, economics and trade.
IJFET addresses the challenges faced by global economy and creates greater awareness about finance and trade relationship between countries. The articles published help businesses and government, policy-makers and analysts to have a deeper understanding on the micro and macro level implementation of policies and their impact on economies.
IJFET published by SciDoc, is an open access journal that covers original research, latest developments, review papers, scientific data, editorials from leading analysts and scholars around the world including but, not limited to the following fields:
The Impact of Cross-border M&A Deals on Firm-level Profitability- Research Article
Yupu Lin1*
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The Impact of Cross-Border M&A on Firm Productivity - Exploitation vs. Exploration- Research Article
Yupu Lin1*
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editor.ijfet@scidoc.org / editor.ijfet@scidoc.net